I need weapon schematics!

I need weapon schematics!

Reported to FBI.

why? just measure it by "eye"
the problem making a gun is barrel, pressure adjustment and steel preparation barrel have to be soft-ish, bolt hard but by how much who knows
everything else is simple milling, that is if you want to make a real gun

damn i googled that shit. you grimy as hell!

i meant other schematics in general. yea get a 3d printer and eyeball that shit

didn't know it was illegal to look up weapon schematics. Sup Forums got me noid!

it's not, using them to make a gun without license is illegal

OK so F FBI post you weapon schematics

so what do you guys think best Ar or nah?

best AR is AK

not as accurate at range though

But more durable.

your reporting to MI5

literally reporting from my Mi 6

lol no.


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why are you guys posting school supplies in technology

>tfw no 3d printed gun

Slightly less accurate than an M4, both using military surplus. Won't be life or death. That is to say, you will still hit your target, but not exactly where you were aiming.

This. Why do fags from Sup Forums Sup Forums /vg/ Sup Forums and /k/ come and make pointless off topic posts in Sup Forums?

Here you go op


ATF pls go

>accurate at range
Inherent mechanical dispersion is a function of range. The only time a bullet is more or less accurate at a given longer range is from a higher ballistic coefficient allows less deviation. AK-74's have better BC bullets than most 5.56 loads.
