Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums from a T420?

Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums from a T420?

But I am. Not sure why you posted a T61 though, aside from it being sexy.

>posts a T61

Why can I barely run OSRS on my T420

Because im on a T42
fucking lenovo slut

>owning a chinkpad in the current year

ssd, battery, wifi card, and cpu came in today

I want to know what she was meant to be studying.

because I'm on a T420s

It got drenched in milk. I've got a T430s now.

My new Surface Pro is pretty dope idk

because the librem 15 was released

I upgraded from a Surface Pro 4 to a T420.

'Cause I'm browsing on a X220;

Just today I got the one that I bought from auction. I7 2.7ghz 4gb ram 500 gb hdd windows7 pro. $128+13 shipping. Did I do good? Was my first time winning an auction. Also my first thinkpad.

because its old and not power efficient

the screen hurts to look at it

I'm 2poor4thinkpad

Could say the same about you desu.

Sounds like you did pretty damn good. Give the thing a once-over with your choice of alcohol solution, reinstall windows/install gentoo/etc and you should be good to go.

I got given a stack of premo Dell lattitude D830 in 2014 that are my slackware machines and between them and my Macbook Air i just could not be fucked

Because im browsing from my T520.

because my main thinkpad is a x200. retired a t410 because that was too big for what i got from it.

Encouraging non-white economics and destroying the patriarchy: KUC-K 407

Because I'm browsing from a W500 with an 1920x1200 screen

>having a screenlet thinkpad

Because I have an R52

Because I'm on a T450s

I have one, i just wish that an original 9 cell battery didn't cost the same as the fucking laptop.

Women's studies are containment classes. This is why we don't let women go into STEM.

But I am, and from an x61 tablet and a 8460p.

>don't let women go into STEM.
i don't know who the we is in your statement. and no they just don't sign up for it as much as men do.


because i own the superior t430 faggot

Because I have one of these

unless you've put in the T420 keyboard, the T420 is still better than a T430 desu.

because I'm using my t410


the 1440x900 screens are briddy good imo

Excellent computer. First laptop and I miss it so very much.

the OEM batteries cost even more than the laptop sans hard drive. makes me want to gamble on a chinkshit housefire

i am, with mac os x

because I replaced mine with a 2015 X1C from some nigger on craigslist that sold it for $250

Because I'm browsing from a T60.

:O give it back

It's too big

but user i am

Best buy is accepting any computer that will boot into windows for $75 store credit

no battery life
fake chink batteries prevent good replacements
terrible screen

Because Thinkpad is dead, and Lenovo just brands their shit with the logo now.

same here, fell in love with it the day I got it

The only brand loyalty that matters is unwavering devotion to windows.

i cannot afford it

Because I am, did you just assume my gen....I mean my social status?

why would i want that shit keyboard?

There is no 'we' you closeted fag. Let women do whatever the fuck they want, apparently raising a family and being happy, aren't priorities anymore.


the death of the 'progressive' west is imminent.

not true, Best Buy reserves the right to reject any piece of shit they want to. you can't just bring anything in and expect $75 for it

>1st Gen Sandy bridge



But I am?

Because I have a 7567 Inspiron gaming.

get on my level.

Car crash broke my 410 in the trunk. I have been too poor to buy anything since...

It served me well at my job a few years back.
But you cant beat the superior PowerPC.

Because I am browsing from a t430 pleb

>gayming laptop
That's more like it. Thinkpad is a thinkpad when it has IBM on it.

>1366 x 768

I don't think so, Tim.


>thinkpad t60
>cord keeps breaking/wont charge
>soon to be on 3rd replacement

I'm planning on buying one this week as a budget laptop. Anything I should know?

Stop being such a animal to your power cord.

I literally am.

Get T20 and install gentoo.

because I'm browsing from a x270

because I'm so poor that I had to sell it and get a shitty x120e

life sucks

Because I have a T410s

Because I'm a faggot who needs a better igpu
t. T430

>not knowing about eGPU
Typical baby.

computer "science" is a containment dept. for autistic nerds who were TOO STUPID for math or engineering

>using a screen smaller than 1920x1080

>having to carry around a egpu
Typical delusional in denial toddler who acts like he belongs on Sup Forums

>some retard suggests I hook up a Macgyver tier setup to a laptop just to watch YouTube videos smoothly

He said iGPU faggot, 'i'GPU.

because laptops are overpriced garbage and I post from my desktop.

>not having Dell DA-2 power supply
consider suicide. It costs like $5

Can't find it pooristan
Also what about the rest? You expect me to lug around an exposed gpu? Don't tell me you're one of those tards that buy sff cases for this shit

>sff cases
SFF? Really? That's pretty retarded
USFF can house both eGPU and PSU. And it's desktop-tier GPU with ability to drive 5 more monitors.
Also why would you want to carry it around? Are you a mobile gaymur manchild? For mobile gaming you got the iGPU

>using a shitty chink workaround with shitty components that super prone to breaking
>literally not being able to use the latest drivers on 10 series cards because of shitty workaround
Rope yourself

Because I fucking leave my house you basement dweller
And I don't come back for days sometimes

>using a shitty chink workaround with shitty components that super prone to breaking
What are you talking about, retard? How is newest revision of EXP boards shitty? Have you even seen one, idiot?
>literally not being able to use the latest drivers on 10 series cards because of shitty workaround
this only applies to 10xx cards connected via minipcie port. This has nothing to do with expresscard connectivity which is used in 90% cases.

then stream gaymes from your home server, dumbass.

The boards aren't shitty cables are fucking shitty

Because the T420 is a fucking retarded machine.
t. T520 owner

user do you really think I'd use a fucking egpu if I had another computer?

I sold mine for a mac

It's a sidegrade, not an upgrade or a downgrade, unless you like to play pretend retrocumputing businessman and actually use all those ports like you actually leave your house and can't be bothered with adapters, in which case it is definitely a downgrade.

Because I am not poor and I have a modern dell latitude

why is this a meme? Almost every professor in my university uses a TP. And I am not even studying CS, I am in natural sciences.

Ugly nerds bought macs to try and make up for being ugly nerds, since the sublgiminal media hype told them macs made you sexier (...if you're a girl, but that shit flies right over the head of an autist)
Ugly nerds still didn't get laid with their girl laptops and felt sad
Ugly nerds saw handsome adult male professionals with 7/10+ wives using thinkpads
Ugly nerds decided to go on the internet and call tihnkpad users ugly nerds to feel good about themselves

Mine works fine. Maybe you shouldn't treat it like shit, savage?
Do you have another computer? You know it's pretty useful to have only one dockable laptop for everything.

It really is but you can't do this with only one computer

Because I am browsing Sup Forums with my T400

Then get yourself access to one of these online gaym streaming services.