Microsoft, please

Microsoft, please...

Other urls found in this thread:

>software increases your dpi

>pixeled vs blurried

shit, i forgot to rasterize the mactype layer before resizing

Is there any fucking single way of having font rendering on Linux that doesn't look like absolute shit? Look at the fucking tab header. In 'Tokyo' the 'T' is like 3 inches away from the rest of the god damn word.

Why can't freetards do anything properly? Why can't you just literally copy something from Windows or better yet Apple's newer custom San Fran font?


i dont get what the point of this picture is.
what im seeing from it is that windows font rendering is better, which is the opposite of the point youre trying to make.

from your picture, windows:
sharper, blacker, and more legible
& has support for ligatures (fi, tt)

fuck your blurry text meme

linuxes fontrendering ( freetype2 ) is good, it's the freeturd fonts that suck ass, using applel's and ms fonts in linux fixes it
but it's illegal, and in case of applel you aren't even allowed to post screenshots if you use applel fonts outside of applel OS

that has nothing to do with font rendering you fucking mong

it was a mistake on my part when processing the right side.
can you still say the same about this

Google has some good libre fonts available

i would rather use terminus everywhere than deal with this blurry shit.
how was i able to install apple fonts from AUR then?

its a non-issue if you're monitor's gud

You aren't allowed to run macOS on non-Apple hardware either, doesn't mean they've ever gone after anyone. They honestly don't care, they see it as a gateway into eventually buying a Mac, besides, Hackintosh is way too small for them to care about. They've never even went after all the websites and such that cater to the community like Tonymacx86. I doubt Apple has a division set up for scouring the web for someone posting 6 images a year of what appears to be their font in a Linux screenshot on some forum.

because nothing stops random dickhead users from uploading something illegal into user repository?

yea, but that's fucking obvious
at high enough dpi you just don't care about antialiasing, filtering, hinting and whatnot
but the future isn't here yet
4k is still an expensive meme

all good here

Just because you cant buy it with ebt doesnt mean its a meme

looks like shit

mac-type is the biggest meme dude

get out of here with your ugly blurry shit

but actually looks better than shit
honestly though, all you need is a bolder font, not different font rendering.

Not him but how do you bolden the font?

looks like shit

looks even worse, what's the point of using dpi scaling?

so i can sit further away from my monitor
i also have more than one and they are all of different sizes and resolutions

Mactype breaks a decent chunk of Windows apps, having shit fonts is just one of the many perks associated with being a Wincuck

windows dpi scaling is bad

>people sperging out about fonts
>wow yours looks great!
>wow yours looks shit!
>change my own font settings
>it all looks the same to me

how so?

>how so?
It doesn't work, at all.
It's hilariously bad if you're using multiple screen resolutions and just awful otherwise.


wtf are you talking about
im using multiple monitors with various resolutions and it works just fine

Are you running at 100% scaling?
Change that number and tell me it works just fine.

Microsoft just can't into good typography. Fonts on Windows always look like pajeet-tier shit.

fails so bad at small text size. look at this one ... see the top font drop down menu? that text is 9pt. yet it's perfect.

one is 150%, the other is 125%

both work just fine

what is the problem you are talking about?

macfags so gay they got lgbt flag in their fonts

bottom one looks like shit.

blur my shit up, senpai?
windows fonts are good, they're clear and easy to look at, every time i try to read something on macos I keep scratching my eyes thinking that my eyes got bad but it's just them blurry fonts

This is how it used to be:

I use OS X as my daily driver now but running two separate resolutions used to give you some seriously sketchy scaling, one 4K monitor another 1080 was just horrendous as it would default to 4K DPI for both monitors.

kek, upper is cleartype


no it's the 600% crop of

then mac has their own implementation of cleartype

no they dont, what you're seeing is called subpixel rendering, it's used universally nowadays but apple was the first to implement it.