Why aren't you using a Core i9?
Why aren't you using a Core i9?
Are you retarded?
>not having 72 cores
It's summer, I don't need a space heater.
>72 Atom cores
I don't do hardware DRM.
Why aren't you using a Pentium 4?
>purchasing a memelake-X processor
Anyone who buys this is surely on the low-functioning end of the spectrum.
Why aren't you using dual-xeons?
>using anything newer than core2
enjoy your literal botnet
Why aren't you using a Pentium 3?
Am I a server?
I am
i dont have a nuclear reactor
I have nothing to use it for.
>not using xeons for all tasks
lmao'ing @ your price for performance ratio
Still waiting for Core i11.
it's illegal to build a nuclear power plant in your home
WHERE THE FUCK IS i4, i6, and i8
Because I'm poor.
Why does it have a tumor
I don't want jew jizz as TIM
My house already has central heat
How is their single core performance compared to 5Ghz i7 7700k?
But I do have an i9, user.
Because I have Ryzen. But fuck Vega.
t. rx580 owner
Recently the asbestos has been removed from my house for the purposes of my own health
I think you meant to refer to the Intel® Core™ i9 X-series "Frylake-X" Processor.
I'm waiting for Threadripper™. I will go full retard if they release a 16cores part for $700.
i[not a prime number]
No thanks.
this desu
>year 3017
>AMD releases 2^50 quantum computer
>Intel releases ultragigganiggamemelake-X i3581, i3583 & i3593, STILL jizz inside
nigger im still on 2500k no need to upgrade for at least 8 more years
Because my custom water-cooling rig can't cool an i9.
>no need to upgrade for at least 8 more years
2600k fag here
Your 2500k is already showing its age
Will last 2-3 more years at best
Not having 8 threads is killing the 2500k
I want to die, but burning to death seems like a horrible way to go.
Can someone please explain to me why the 18 core i9s actually have 19 cores, but the 19th core you can't use and can't deactivate.
i3 is better.
Have fun stuttering doing more than one task at the time faggot.
ummm 9>3
Nice try there, user!
Off by one.
The 19th core is probably faulty in most chips made.
So they just disable it.
>Marketing said not to use non-marketable digits.
fucking retarded isnt it?
So you're running a 386?
From what I've read the 10-core i9 runs cooler than the i7s since Intel is basically forced to bin them from the factory.
>72 cores of low frequency
Yeah sure, they might be good on servers for parallel processing, but I'm not running an imgur uploading node in my house.
Because it doesnt work on my ThinkPad W520 and I find my mobile quadcore sandybridge to be more than powerful enough
I like having a house to live in
thought about buying one (should be ok after delidding, like all intel's rubbish) but it looks like threadripper is going to suit my needs better
Not a fan of having my house burn down
Horse shit of course, my dear shill.
I value my life.
this kid gets it
>non-marketable digits.
what the hell does this even mean?
Waiting for winter so I can use it to heat my house.
>calls his CPU x86
>isn't using an intel 8086
I don't have fire insurance
Because the i9 is a desperate attempt for Intel to play catch-up with AMD
Because I'm content with my Core2 Duo. Even if I did upgrade, it certainly wouldn't be to anything Intel.
>not calling it AMD64
>i9 over i7 broadwell-e
The idea of having my own personal blast furnace does sound rather appealing.
Here's your you (You)...
cus it expensive, i dont need it, and i wont replace my MOBO, RAM, PSU, AND CPU just to please you, YOU MOTHER FUCKER.
>Broadwell-E over the based 5820k
I wouldn't buy it today, but at the time, I thought it was THE CPU to buy.
Because my workloads don't really involve anything needing lots of cores? Don't need it, so I am not going to pay for it.
Funny thing, I am pretty sure I said this exact statement in a carbon copy of this thread, except it was about thread ripper.
And the identical one about Epyc.
Are there templates for these shitty threads that you cucks just bring up and input the meme product of the week? It's always the exact same shit, but with a new meme.
It would be not that bad if I use it at under 3GHz like Xeon. It's still overpriced for a CPU with no ECC, so I wouldn't touch it anyways.
>Radeon hat
>Old Radeon logo
Someone is yet to make a Ryzen/nu-Radeon wojak edit.
No iGPU.
Why the fuck would you want an iGPU?
Because my 1st gen i3 does everything I want it to do.
For not playing games
The i7-7820X is almost as fast and it's much cheaper. Even cheaper than Ryzen 7 1800X if you consider everything.
I fixed it. I'll make a Threadripper one when that comes out.
$849 iirc
> being on Sup Forums
> not hyping the AMD muh 9999 cores strategy
Everyone knows here that muh cores and threads is da future!
I don't live in a fridge and my delidding bench hasn't arrived yet.
he is, the last time intel updated their arch was netburst and they backpedaled hard on that one
LN2 is too expensive to use 24/7
>upgrading cpu just cause there's a newer one
call me when it's at least twice faster than a 6th gen i5 per core
Because the 7740k has better single thread performance.
pretty crazy that they're all in the same ballpark
you have to go back to like Core2 Duo to see a big difference with modern cpu performance
this explains a lot about the software industry and why a GPU maker has returned to the market
Just when you thought it was safe after the 7700k fiasco...
>mfw X299 is a legit, not even fucking kidding fire hazard if you OC it
>mfw Intel probably will come back with the fact that X299 wasn't meant to be OC like they did the 7700k
lul, good luck with that.
One question, but why do they insist on separating Turbo Boost 2.0 and 3.0? Is there some platform limitation with 3.0? Why not just advertise the faster 3.0 speeds if it works with everything?
Because I have a 6700k
Artificial market seperation is Intel's bread and butter ..
>peace of mind
>performance tuning protection plan
K series getting a limited warranty?
Because I'm not a retarded overclocking gamer kiddo. I just bought a 6 core Xeon and I'm done.
Ryzen seems tempting but I don't fully trust the platform yet and that iX gamer shit just seems like a money grabbing scheme.
You can buy one. click.intel.com
>6c xeon
You better bought it used or have a very specific use, or you just jewelry yourself really hard
Winter is coming™
Yes, but is there going to be dragons or just more dick?
WTF is Intel thinking?
Because my i7 920 running at 4.4GHz from 2008 is still fine.