Is this worth learning, Sup Forums?

Is this worth learning, Sup Forums?

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i read that it is supposed to have super easy concurrency compared to javascript and then i tried it and it was shit and it was impossible to do simple things that are possible in node

From what a coworker says, it's pretty damn cool.


If you're already familiar with a C-like language it should take you less than a week to git gud. Go for it.


it's meme language made for stupid people

hi where are the generics :DDDDDD

Probably not if you have something better to do. If I have time I might learn Go to deploy some simple restful web service to be used by an embedded device. Might just roll with C++, grpc and protobuf instead though since I use C++ and protobuf daily.

That hamster looks familiar...

The only thing Go has going for it is the go routines. These could have been implemented in C, there's no reason for a new goddamn language

Definitely worth checking out. If you like C++, don't like GUI and have to do network stuff - it'll be perfect. If not - there may be languages better suited for your task.

No. If you just want to learn a language for employment than Java, C# and Javascript are all better choices since they're a million times more popular than Go. If you just want to learn an interesting language then there are far better options.

Such as?

I think it's worth it to try out. You might not like it, but I do.

Absolutely not.

launching a loop inside a goroutine and then doing literally anything else after that goroutine

an infinite loop i mean

I can't see how that's not possible in Go.
What would that look like with node?


Also, if you want to build malware or do anything with security. go is really good.

node is a meme, there's concurrency but not parallel processing.

Indeed. Mirai used Go for the c&c stuff.

The syntax makes me want to hurl. How do I get over that?


coffeego :^)

You learn it in a day, master it in a week. It gives you a handy tool for many tasks. Of course it's worth it. Don't listen to the jealous Rustbabbies.

goroutines and buffered channels

Rust is better.

because JS uses callbacks as model for concurrency and Go uses channels... I can see why this doesn't translate well

Yeah cause promises, async/await and generators totally aren't in JS now?

True, but it's definitely not the same problem space.

I love how node 'programmers' try and hide all their awful ugly nested callback code with syntactic sugar that makes it look like goroutines or some how delays the call back so it doesnt look like what it really is and they some how think this fixes node so its like a real concurrent language

Go pretended for the longest time that it was in the same problem space. Actually there is no problem space where go fits.

Promises may be sugary, but generators are equivalent to proper coroutines.

Can you suggest some JavaScript->exe compilers?

>but generators are equivalent to proper coroutines.
no theyre not, they simulate processes but are not actual concurrent processes

What the fuck are you talking about?

Concurrency is specifically not the same as parallel


Promises are the same thing as futures in rust?


can you just make a fucking argument without socratic questions and restating what someone else already said

I'm asking for clarification to present an argument, I'm not going to blindly shout out random shit only to have the main response be YEAH BUT GENERICS LMAO

why would you do that in the first place

If you have to ask you don't belong anywhere near Sup Forums.

func infinite() {
for {
fmt.Println("Look at this infinite loop!")

func main() {
go infinite()
fmt.Println("Wow I'm doing something after an infinite loop in a goroutine")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
fmt.Println("Still doing stuff! Wow!")

i have to ask, deadlocks are a thing

Then you need to fuck off and never come back. see

>>>/tumblr/ will be more your speed I'm sure.

If you're willing to treat it as new technology then learn more about it. Go can be installed on a VPS and you can use it as a backend language for web, as an example.

>If you're willing to treat it as new technology then learn more about it. Brainfuck can be installed on a VPS and you can use it as a backend language for web, as an example.

The reason people are getting so pissy about it (here and /r/programmingcirclejerk which I'm pretty sure is just Sup Forums), is because people are actually using this language for productive purposes; there really isn't anything in the language that is going to make you feel really smart.

If you don't expect a fully fledged language (generics) like C# or Java, you'll be fine. The tooling it comes with is great - learn about "go test" to see how easy it is to have unit tests (I'm not pro TDD, but some tests are useful), and there are means to performance test your code without requiring some third party.

it's not the best language in the world, but it makes Node looks like a total retard

JS has 5 different 3 ways of doing concurrency, of them only 1 is usable if you care about testing your code.

Go as one and it works.

>it's the worst language in the world, and it makes Node looks like a total genius

Go is an excellent language designed by people with a clear vision and a lot of insight into what has good and bad in programming over the years.

Not being laden with extraneous features and typically only having one 'right way' to do something are virtues that come to be appreciated with experience. Unfortunately this does not garner much attention from the crowd that are looking for the next amazing language construct that Lisp already got bored with 10 years ago.
However, the readability difference between average pieces of Go and Rust code speaks for itself and is absolutely staggering considering that they can trace their roots to the same tradition.

>the next amazing language construct that Lisp already got bored with 10 years ago

True. Go looks like absolute unreadable vomit while rust is clear, straightforward, and complete. It always amazes. interface{}interface{}interface{}.

good one

How is Go not a fully fledged language?

what the fuck is this

lol no generics

>>>If you're willing to treat it as new technology then learn more about it. Brainfuck can be installed on a VPS and you can use it as a backend language for web, as an example.

If you want to be paid to work on large projects and be productive, yes.

If you are in academia and choose programming for bragging rights, no.

people made object oriented frameworks for brainfuck
no lie

>people made object oriented frameworks for brainfuck
>no lie

yes user, that is what the post said

>yes user, that is what the post said

>Go looks like absolute unreadable vomit while rust is clear, straightforward, and complete.

LOL, I like rust for what it aims to achieve (safety while staying performant) but it's probably the ugliest syntax I've seen, it's like they looked at the worst looking C++ code and said 'hey, we can do even worse!'.

Go is repetitive, but atleast it's readable.