/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread


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I hate programming, can I get a better job than that with a comp sci degree?

how come in england the water goes left around the plug hole but in ant articta it just goes down themidle?

Im playing with some kernel patches and i need to change the name.What files in the kernel tree do i need to modify? I found the makefile variable but i cant seem to find the headers that change the name and other relevant info

Sure, computer science isn't really about programming. You should end up as a project supervisor or something with a degree like that.

The name of what?


How hard would it be to program a Sup Forums web extension that would copy the contents the OP when you open a thread, search it exactly on google, and if there are any results it would know it is a copy pasta and inform you in big red letters next to the post?

But I do have one of those adapters around, there are 2 white plastic things on one end and they both lead to a GPU connector though.

What do you like, user?

what's the best computer related degree for becoming a professional NEET

Going to school is the literal opposite of being a professional NEET.

Basically everything that is printed from u n a m e - a.I found the makefile versions and the name,but some of the outputted text was not in that version file

I mean this shit

That's like getting an engineering degree and working as a janitor.

If you fully trust the ratings of the PSU, it's borderline. I wouldn't recommend it.

housefire tier, do not use those

You mean the version string? It's generated from the main Makefile, to add a bit on the end add it to the EXTRAVERSION = line

What about the os name and kernel name.

Yeah I just calculated online an it says its 300W total under load with a 6850, I think a Cyclone r6850 draws even more, doesn't sound safe. Is there any benefit of using a dedicated GPU for this Celeron 450 setup for browsing and watching videos and etc, anyway?

Also I just checked the mobo and it says it supports DDR3 1066, can I put some old 2x2GB 1600 RAM sticks on it? Or will it run slower due to socket limitations? I think there's already 2x2GB RAM sticks in it, I bet you can't put all those together and get 8GB right

Also mine is different because there are only 6 connectors on the black end and not 8

Ah, I did look into that at one point regarding the OS being reported as GNU/Linux, that is set in glibc (or uname I don't remember). There is a big switch case but for anything running Linux kernel and not musl libc it falls back to returning the g/l string which is set at compile time based on the hosts libc.

Using a more modern GPU that more widely supports video decode could be useful, a 6850 not really.

Faster rated RAM will work fine so long as it's the same type, but you usually won't get the higher speed. You probably can use the two old + two new sticks to get 8GB.

It comes from uname function in kernel, not in libc. You can change it in the generated file source/include/linux/uts.h

Can a bitcon miner/virus/malware that is using resources on my Pc stay hidden from task manager usage? I.e if I'm currently using %20 of gpu and cpu and a bitcoin miner is using %50 of both, can it hide showing %50 and only show %20?

Uname doesn't just echo that, it uses it to decide what to say.

That has UTS_SYSNAME " Linux"
Where would the OS name be set?

To elaborate if I'm using a resource monitoring program to check pc usage, can a bitcoin miner hide itself from showing it's using resources on my Pc?

Best way to advertise small business? Got a website.

What exactly do you mean by OS name?

uname(1) just echos what it gets from uname(2), which has it's responses from the #defines in uts.h

I have a server rack I got for free, can't think of anything to do with it. Pls help, no mining or minecraft server bs pls

>mine is different because there are only 6 connectors on the black end and not 8
it might work, but I'd still recommend keeping a fire extinguisher near your PC just in case.

>not being able to spot copypasta when you see it

hoard data and make it your personal media portal

Can't download anything from the Playstation Store lately. Can't figure out why. Could it be because I have NAT type 3?

What would be a better GPU to go with a Xeon E5450 at 3.0ghz and 8gb of 800mhz DDR2? A 1050 or a 1050TI? I know the CPU is almost a decade old, but it holds surprisingly well in most games, however more CPU intensive games like Battlefield 1 will take its toll.

it's this one, looking for a pic of a r6850 I accidentally found it, it's exactly this

But I'm not wanting to risk it, there's no benefit of putting a dedicated GPU for a PC for browsing, I guess

Currently running a super minimal Arch i3 install, I have so far automated netctl and riced ranger, zsh and ofcourse, i3
what should I do next?
Got 1 more free day before I start working again

IT consultant, or some similar position where it's more about social and economic/business skills than technical skills.
I hope you took a minor in business or economy, instead of taking a meme minor like Mathematics!

Can I pull a secondary HDD out of my PC without turning the desktop off? Just formatted it and want to use it somewhere else

Lol not too sure the idle wattage would be worth paying for that.

nope, you'll fry it

What's the point of internally saving image data on 32 bit RGBA with floating point precision if it gets displayed on 8 bit anyway?

>firefox acting up and bugging out with windows turning black
>end the process in task manager
>go to start firefox back up
>pitch black screen
>continue to try to kill process and start back up, keeps on having a pitch black screen or gives me an error telling me firefox can't start up and to try in safe mode
>say fuck this,been meaning to switch to a fork of firefox for a while anyways
>download palemoon via MS edge
>go to start palemoon up
>palemoon crashes the moment it starts up too every time I try it


chrome bruh, it's so fucking good they built an os around it

random thought, not really helping you but, could new ff be broken on the shitfest win10 is? They'd probably test most of the situations but could it possibly be broken by default depending on a combination of stuff youve altered there?

If it's SATA, yes, it's hot swappable. Make sure you ejected/unmounted it first.

Even if I were to switch to chrome I still want to know what the fuck is going on here

I haven't updated firefox in months though, so it wouldn't be that.

The output of
uname --operating-system

I'm trying to mass-convert png files to webp, but cwebp doesn't seem to let me use wildcards at all. Since I don't want to put up with doing each file individually, does anyone know the proper way of doing this? I tried Googling it, but had no luck.

Ideally it should be something I can do with a batch file so that I can quickly add it to the context menu for PNG files

Turn on your spell-check, you fuckin' need it.

also I'm retarded, the board is a micro ATX and it only has 2 RAM slots, so no 2+2+2+2 deal

Paste the command line you're using

That's in uts.h

What's the benefit of an external hard drive that's powered separately from the usb port?
Also, what's the most reliable hard drive?

This is all i have in uts
#ifndef _LINUX_UTS_H
#define _LINUX_UTS_H

* Defines for what uname() should return
#define UTS_SYSNAME "Linux"

#define UTS_NODENAME CONFIG_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME /* set by sethostname() */

#define UTS_DOMAINNAME "(none)" /* set by setdomainname() */


Whenever I try to run pcsx2 it always crashes if I plug my ds3 into the computer before I start emulating, e.g if I left my ds3 connected by usb whilst turning my comp on or plugged it in before starting pcsx2 it will crash immediately.
Any idea what this could be?
I remember my driver install being pretty sketchy using SCP but it works if I plug the controller in after emulation starts.

>What's the benefit of an external hard drive that's powered separately from the usb port?
Nothing, it has entirely to do with how much power the drive itself needs. Typically drives that are 3.5" and not 2.5" will require seperate power supplies.
Although I guess a secondary advantage of this is the drive won't suddenly power off in the event of power surges/system shutdown?

>Also, what's the most reliable hard drive?
WD and Hitatchi have the best reliability rates, although Seagate is making a recovery in that.

That's it, UTS_SYSNAME

They go in the same direction, but people in articta are upside down watching the water go up the drain.


HOST_OPERATING_SYSTEM is set from gnulib (which is pulled down in the ./bootstrap script in coretulis src) and is defined here:
As you can see GNU uname doesn't care what libc you are running, it just automatically reports anything on a linux kernel as running GNU/Linux.

Alright, here's what I put in and what I get out. I also need to keep the original filename as well, although I didn't put it in the command line since it makes its own error

cwebp.exe -lossless -z 9 *.png -o test.webp
SHCreateStreamOnFileA(filename, STGM_READ, stream) failed 8007007b
Error opening input file *.png (8007007b)
OpenInputStream(filename, &stream) failed 8007007b
cannot open input file '*.png'
Error! Could not process file *.png
Error! Cannot read input picture file '*.png'

Thats the kernel name( -s),the operating system(-o) would be reported as GNU/Linux.

how good is phone VR nowadays

is a 20 dollar headset worth a few faps?

I actually do have a meme minor in Marketing and Project Management but I am ugly as fuck and have autism

for file in *.png
cwebp.exe -lossless -z 9 "$file" -o "$file".webp

What is the font used at templeos

So i need to make a new entry in that file and then change the uts_sysname to that entry so it calls it what i want?

for after graduation

Can you use Ryzen CPUs without a GPU for web browsing and shit since there aren't integrated graphics?

Whats that video effect where they focus on a certain point,usually a rectangle and then the video moves around it and the video has a black box moving around that motion?
I tried video stablization but that wasnt it(i used blender).What other effect can this be called?

I guess. You could try hex editing it but idk if there are crc checks on elfs these days.
Ideally people would stop using this opinionated hard-coded string that doesn't even check the libc to prove some point.

No. Just buy a really cheap GPU.



it is a separate instance of giving wings from the original subject of the lawsuit

Even busybox just hardcodes -o=GNU/Linux.

Now I get
>'Error opening input file $file (80070002)
OpenInputStream(filename, &stream) failed 80070002
cannot open input file '$file'
Error! Could not process file $file
Error! Cannot read input picture file '$file'

No,busybox just references the kernel,which was built as GNU/Linux.You can do it with awk and with busybox awk and get the same thing because its the same kernel being used

a few older amd-fx series motherboards have a cheapo gpu built in, idk about ryzen ones tho tho

Oh,you're on windows.
Load up cygwin and the try again

Shouldn't a DDR3 1066 slot work with DDR3 1600 RAM?

I took the old RAM out, checked and it says 1333 on the stick, and the PC wouldn't even start

I'll give that a shot, thanks

It should work. Could be ECC ram or maybe a short or something weird like that though.

great, now the computer won't even boot with its old memory nor beep

why do they have to be so anal with RAM, I hate computers

make sure the ram is pushed fully into the slot
if it was actually a ddr2 slot and you can't make the difference between numbers then ids hobleds

It says DD3 1066, I read it on the mobo. I don't know exactly the brand, it's a mATX Ami- something. Amicomputer? It's for a Celeron

also before I had the audacity of messing with its RAM, it said on the boot screen that it was running at 800mhz or whatever. I was trying to do a clean install, forgot to plug the HDD and had the wonderful idea of messing with its memory.

Now the piece of shit won't even boot

on windows, I can connect to one wifi network and create a separate ad-hoc network and share the internet connection. how do I do that on Debian stretch gnu/linux

Check the source you idiot and stop spouting bullshit without checking your facts:
typedef struct {
struct utsname name;
char processor[sizeof(((struct utsname*)NULL)->machine)];
char platform[sizeof(((struct utsname*)NULL)->machine)];
char os[sizeof("GNU/Linux")];
} uname_info_t;
That is what is on debian testing at the moment but the get repo seems to have it as a kbuild option who's default is GNU/Linux, so still hardcoded.

With the same wireless device? I don't think you, unless you can map one device to two interfaces and ... eh idk

Does Sup Forums have any recommend mouse lists?

why does it seem that the Switch is vaporware?
walmart, best buy, kmart, target, gamestop, rent-a-center, aarons, etc...
so many retailers in my own that SHOULD have the Switch, and every time i go, they are all "sold out". but i don't know anyone who has one yet. how can they keep selling out and yet no one has them? i think these stores NEVER had any, or if they did, the employees bought them.

they mean the same thing
32bit RGBA = 8bit per channel, for four channels (r, g, b, a). 8*4=32

Hmmm, are you sure about that?

My assignment specifically says "the drawing happens internally on a float texture (RGBA, 32bit per channel) which is displayed in a window bitmap (RGBA, 8 bit per channel)".

Sweet fucking Christ, Honeyview can convert files to WebP, making this whole exercise pointless. Fuck me.

Clear CMOS, try again.

32 bit per channel is different to saying 32 bit.

For graphics you'd often want a higher precision and/or floating point internally so you can apply lighting effects or similar without causing banding.

you should have said 32bit per channel if that's what you meant
that's incredibly high precision, what's it for?

anyway, there is a benefit to higher-than-output pricision when editing.
for example, lets say you want to increase the brightness of the image, this involves 'stretching' the darker values over a larger range, having only exactly as much as the output (editing at 8bpc) means you're lowering the potential quality of the output

I see, that makes sense.

The point is the image you are drawing might not be the only thing being drawn. If you draw two things that are overlapping then there will be blending happening.
If you are just drawing things that are not overlapping (and plan to keep doing that for the remainder of development) there isn't a point to render in RGBA.

I'm not going to say why this happened, but lets just say that I deleted a large Windows partition in Gparted and now my computer won't even start. I try to go into the boot menu, and nothing happens. I try to go into BIOS menu, and nothing happens. I even tried to boot directly from a Linux Mint USB, and nothing happens.
I can't remove the hard drive from the laptop, so I don't know what to do. Please help!

Pic related is similar to what it looks like when the boot freezes.

why is there such a strong correlation between using a mechanical keyboard and having aspergers?

I had asperger's all my life but I only bought a mechanical keyboard last year