/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice:

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>DT 990 Pro is rated better in all usage categories than the HD 600

You dirty from all that Sennheiser mud and poo yet?


Lmao. Sennheiser shills literally BTFO'd by their favourite website!
Kek! Look at what kind of memes they had to fall back on!

Friends don't let friends buy Beyerdynamic treble cannons.

HD 600: 7.5
>The HD 600 have an average build quality. The open ear cups feel dense enough, to not crack or get damaged by a few falls. However, the headband feels fragile. Also, the metal frame that links the ear cups to the headband is connected by a thin joint that looks weak and feels susceptible to breaking under moderate physical stress.

DT 990 Pro: 8.0
>These headphones have a solid, sturdy build. The headband has a rugged metal frame that can handle a decent amount of physical stress. The open-back ear cups are, unfortunately, made of plastic which makes them less durable compared to the rest of their build, but they are dense enough, to not get damaged from a couple of drops.


anyway, sage this shit thread. someone start another one. OP's a mental nutjob who's in this thread 18 hrs a day. Hope he dies soon. just report his posts as trolling and ignore.

anyway, see you in another thread. this thread is shit.

Ahhh, yes! I see you have been working very hard! I will send you new headband for your HD 600s as reward! Signing out, Rajeeshapajeeta.

Kek. What the fuck is this damage control? Not even Beyerdynamic fags damage controlled this hard with the last OP's shitposting thread. Sad!

Is this actual autism? am I the only normal person here to some degree?

Fucking hell, I only come here on weekends and it seems like the same few 600 owners go against the same beyer fags every fucking time. I own 600's myself and this shit is pathetic. I'd much rather read comments that involve chink iems at this point. Jesus christ.

>being anit-funposting

>Is this actual autism?
Gee, with all of this anime posting, what do you expect?

I tried to start a non-shitposting thread, user. I tried.

$200-300 (relatively flexible)
Midwest USA
Computer. I also have a FiiO A3. If this is worth using, I will, but if it's not then that's also fine.
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
As long as it isn't absolutely terrible I don't really care
>Sound signature
Definitely bassy and maybe a bit on the warm side
>Past headphones
I've had V-Moda Crossfade LP2's for about 6 years now. Overall, I've liked them a lot, but I'm starting to notice the ware in the sound a little bit.

Woah...the SHP 9500 is rated the same for critical listening as the HD 600!


Look into HD380 Pro.

Do I smell a shitposting thre-
OwO what's this?

Winner and runner up are both sennheiser.

>headphones with niggerbass scored higher than headphones without niggerbass on a website that uses a niggerbass target curve and gives more weight to bass response than midrange or treble response in their scores
Wow, that's a surprise. Also, their measurement shows a 12 dB treble spike on the DT990, consistent with I think the lesson learned here is the following:

which would be better k702 or hd 598
keeping in mind the k702 costs 185 and hd 598 230~

>HD 600 nowhere to be seen

Huh, so much for Rtings being used in favour of Sennheiser. New website I guess, lads!

or would getting the DT 990 Pro be a good idea that one is only 150

But those are $150. Are they better than the LP2's? I was somewhat considering just getting a new pair of them, and they're the same price. But, I also want to spend more if there's a good option.

>Inb4 m-muh endgames!!

too bad it has such a noticeably grainy sound

k702s are fucking great, really comfy as well. HD 598s are also comfy and sound quality is similar. look up freq response to figure out which one suits your needs more
also, k702 have the superior mini xlr cable, while the 598s have the notoriously shitty sennheiser 2.5mm cable

>HD 600 nowhere to be seen
Scroll down to "all reviews", which are sorted by critical listening.
HD600 is very close to the top. If it was at the top, it'd mean rtings scoring/weighting is awesome. As it's not but close enough, it's just very good.

>asking about a beyerheadphone while the sennshills are out in full force and shitting themselves
not the best time to ask, but if you'd like to save that little extra cash, the DT990 are great for that price.

I don't recall people using rtings to argue for Sennheiser in these threads. That being said,
>they rate HD800 and HD599 over HD600
>they call DT990 and M50x good for "critical listening"
I think anyone who isn't intentionally shitposting can agree rtings is fucking retarded.

That's only for the treble. Other than that, there's no issue. Not that noticeable to be honest.

DT990 is a terrible headphone with niggerbass, ear-rape treble and no midrange.

Quit with the memes, user. user's looking for advice.

>Sennheiser only bests the DT 990 with a $1700 USD headphone
Yeah, that is very good.

>someone start another one.
>see you in another thread
The non-shitposting thread was deleted. We're stuck with the shitposting thread.

>keeping in mind the k702 costs 185 and hd 598 230~
If you want the HD598 that badly, look into HD598se. It's the same but black and with an extra cable in the box. Costs less, because HD598 is discontinued and hard to find by now.
As for k702, it's similar in sound, but not anywhere as comfortable.
Right now, it's worth looking at HD599 and HD579, which succeed HD598. They're both considered an improvement in reviews. The HD579 do look somewhat more appealing because in the reviews that include both, HD579 is preferred for critical listening and HD599 for boomy bass. The HD579 looks like much better value too, considering it is sold way cheaper.

>facts backed up with objective measurement
No, OP is a meme.

>has to resort to racism to try and make an argument

HD599 and HD579 are downgrades compared to the HD598 and HD558 according to Reference Audio Analyzer's measurements. They're more V-shaped, hence less accurate.

Pro tip: Beyerdynamic headband degrades in contact with hair oil. I had to pay $60 to get replacement headband when mine started leaving weird black marks in my hair. It's also a bitch to take the headband off and put the new one on.

rtings values HD599 super high compared to HD598.

Unfortunately, while it's in the "queue", voted for interest in reviewing, they still haven't obtained an HD579.

>Beyerdynamic headband degrades in contact with hair oil. I had to pay $60 to get replacement headband when mine started leaving weird black marks in my hair.
It's true.

Gods work etc.

It's these type of thread starts that take the piss. There's never going to be half decent discussion like this.

Lmao. Greasy fat fucks.



>intentionally posting rtings because you know they're a terrible website with terrible evaluation methodologies just for (You)s
>intentionally spreading misinformation to consumers just for (You)s
Holy hell these threads have deteriorated badly. This is pure sociopathy.

>Inb4 HD 600 shill

>tfw bought headphones with the sound and comfort I like and now comfily shitposting about senns and bayers while listening to music
I hope none of you lads are taking this thing too seriously. It's all just jokes, after all.

>intentionally posting rtings because you know they're a terrible website with terrible evaluation methodologies just for (You)s

Wonder if you'd be saying that if the HD 600 was rated no 1 for critical listening.

Rtings ain't so bad. At least they're trying.
Obviously DT990 is rated too high, but they keep tweaking their algorithms.

I would. They use a niggerbass target curve and give bass "accuracy" more weight in their scores than midrange or treble accuracy. That's cancer.

No, it's correct.


Sounds like a sennshill who's mad because his bass rolls off at 120 Hz lmao


>incorrectly claiming that the Harman target's bass boost is based on added bass from room reflections rather than subjective evaluation, what it's actually based on
They didn't even read the fucking study but feel the need to inaccurately explain the Harman target anyways. That's terrible and completely destroys their credibility.

Maybe the HD 600 and the DT 990 are both good

>there is literally nothing wrong with being a weeb

So I got some money to burn...
what is the next level of headphones I should get /hpg/?

Of course they are, but if we reached an understanding, what would we talk about then?

Some people will find the HD600 subjectively good. Some people will find the DT990 subjectively good. That being said, only one of them is objectively accurate and it sure as fuck isn't the DT990 with its ~10 dB treble spike at ~9 kHz which shows up in numerous measurements.

That would destroy the point of shitposting from both sides.

>ive got some money to burn
Clearly. Get a stax or audeze.


>objectively accurate
According to what? Free field? Diffuse field? Or shirt arbitrary curve from some website? I think we all know which one it is.

headphones are entry level, move to a proper loudspeaker setup. That should keep you occupied.

EQ your HD800s. Save your money or spend it on something else. You won't buy anything more comfortable or better at imaging than your HD800s. Make wise spending purchases if you wish to remain financially comfortable into your old age. Buying more headphones at this point would not be a wise spending purchase.

Not the guy your taking to, and I'm not apart of this argument whatsoever, however I have owned both and the 60 is clearly the better headphone. The 600 doesn't need an EQ, you can add a tiny bit of sub bass id you fel the need but that's it. The 990 need a lot more, and it doesn't sound as natural. This is pretty much a fact at this point. That said the 990 is a good headphone.

You see lads? it's not hard to be honest. Fucking grow up and stop memeing for one second.

Computer (with cheap dac/amp)
>Open or closed
Probably closed, I don't want to disturb others
>Comfort level
Maximum comf
>Sound Signature
>Past headphones
AKG K271s, pretty happy with them

>t. Snapheiser shill
I've never heard the 990s. I'm just pointing out the stupidity in calling something "objectively accurate" when there is no proof that it is.

I need a headphone amp and an active speakers volume controller. So I'm thinking how to do it better. Can you rate my system on pic and maybe recommend something?

Tnx for the advise.
Have some boobs

Sorry user, I don't judge the boobs until I see the face.



I'm not paying attention to the graphs in here. I 'm not a poor fag so I don't need to rely on them to argue with others about their apparent inferior headphones.

>I've never heard the 990

You need to shut the fuck up. Seriously, fuck off you muppet.

>Sennheiser shills can't even get the meme correct

The plastic shards in their skull must be doing some damage.

They're better suited for you. Someone else might prefer the sound of 990s while needing to eq the 600.
That being said, it's great that you had the opportunity to hear both and make your own choice. If everyone did that we wouldn't even need this general.

Just to show Beyer owners getting so triggered as they always do every day

You gotta step up your memeing, Sennheiser shill. This autistic user has the idea .

>you can't talk about how I claimed a pair of headphones were "objectively accurate" because you haven't heard this other pair of headphones
Do you realize how far your head is up your ass?

just stop lol, fucking hell.

>that DT990 treble

Out of arguments? Might want to see your boss to get some more snapshill memes.

snapheiser troll gets married at last

It's always the HD600fags doing the animeposting... Lol

>he says in a thread with an OP anti-HD600 troll anime image

I bet they also call themselves Idol trash ;)

I'm just saying some of your coshills may not appreciate your anime shaming.

the meme strap came in the mail
can finally use lcd-3s for longer than an hour

Accusing everyone who posts opinions you don't like of being shills is shitposting and terrible for the level of thread discourse. Why do you do this?

>Implying this wasn't a headphone shitposting general to begin with

it should be illegal to sell those, they will make you deaf.

Oh I'm sorry Mister shill, perhaps address the person who initiated the shitposting

Based on that logic we should ban all headphones since they can all make you go deaf

Didn't some user a couple of generals ago say he liked the treble? I guess it just depends on how baby-tier your ears are.

Other people shitposting is not an excuse for you to shitpost.

mine are unfortunately very baby tier, i don't enjoy trebles at all in headphones although i don't mind them in my 5.1 system.