Oc Sup Forums wall papers?

oc Sup Forums wall papers?

Pajeet General?

I guess not then

yeah, a solid black background on every device is my go to wallpaper.

I'm never looking at it.

Composition > Inheritance.

expand and explain

What is that, an Evangelist's depliant?
Use the built-in wallpaper so you don't waste RAM

>Waste ram
are you running on a potato

This is probably the most retarded logic that I've ever seen on this board.
You want to waste RAM to have some inspirational oc wallpaper? Then go on, but I've bought that piece of plastic and silicon for fucking running programs

DESU i rarely use all 16GB, i have a few mb spare for a wall paper










inheritance is shit
no one serious actually uses it
you can pretty much ignore OCP and LSP




lol, had to do a double take


I've not heard of this before but sounds line n-level services?
if you use interfaces with them it makes for some easily maintainable/extendable code. could be that there's a nice middle ground?