Be me

>be me
>go on Sup Forums every other day
>decide to be edgy and post some jihadi images
>a few days go by
>get an email from HR saying I've been reprimanded for exposing employees to extremely insensitive and offensive images
>get a panic attack
>go through git commit logs
>I've been downloading all the images in the work project folder and I committed them by mistake
>getting fired

I fucked up Sup Forums. Is there any way for me to get out of this?

How does that even happen?

I hope this is real

I call bullshit

Post screenshot of email or fuck off


Please let this be real. This is autism in action.

It didn't.

I downloaded the files to the ./static/ directory (where we store images, css and js). I was legit downloading work stuff to that directory (.min.js files from CDNs) and I didn't pay attention to the directory later.

You can fuck right off.

Tell the truth, say you accept a pay cut deal.

>Using company equipment or company time to shitpost
You deserve it.

Lol enjoy being fired faggot. Next time don't be so stupid

what, tell them I actually did this on purpose? I don't think they'll even stop with firing me if I do that. The cunts will fucking report me or something.

Tell them you'll attend sensitivity training and volunteer at your local mosque. They can use you for target practice or to model suicide vests or something.

seems believable

Tell them you were trolling on Sup Forums and got the images in that folder by mistake.
You were trying to be funny with the kiddies on Sup Forums and you shouldn't've done it during work hours.

>go on Sup Forums every other day

>get paid the wage of a year+ at once
>find another job within the same year
>free money

This is why you don't open up anything not work related on your work machine. Should've phoneposted or something while at work.

>The cunts will fucking report me or something.
Shitposting is not illegal.

Also tell them that you did nothing wrong and that these pictures won't kill them.

Tell them you are a reddit commie shill and used those images to fight nazism by trolling the evul white supremists

>browsing Sup Forums on a work computer
>being stupid enough to save recreational browsing images to a work computer
>having all of your downloads go directly into a git folder instead of the general download dump and sorting later, or having a Sup Forums extension which handles placing downloads from this place into a special folder
This isn't real, but if it was, you deserved it.

But that's your average internet "neo-nazi"

if you live in a Freeā„¢ country, getting fired is the least of your problems right now.

10 to 20 years is more like it.

>You can fuck right off.
Great. Provide some proof. You won't, will you?

You should play a song for HR. I would recommend and moon man song

Say that your brother came over and thought it would be funny

play that isis song

>browsing Sup Forums at work
enjoy being a NEET fag

>be me

You look like a massive faggot

You just called yourself a faggot

>You can fuck right off.
Then give proof you weren't just looking for some le epic thread to post on /r/Sup Forums. You've already been fired you've got nothing to lose.

>even visiting Sup Forums on a work computer

this is how fucking stupid Sup Forums actually is

posting in epic thread

put me in the screencrap xDD
Edit: thansk for the gold kind stronger

Look redid i did it again, xDDDDD


so you downloaded some isis propaganda pics, downloaded them into a public, workplace repository, and posted them on Sup Forums in an attempt to be le epig troll?

fucking kek. i hope you get reported to FBI on suspected terrorism too, faggot.

except for the minor inconsistency that he's a rabid leftist.

>Shitposting is not illegal.
It should be, tbqh senpai

Is this the power of Sup Forumstards?

>tell them that you did nothing wrong and that these pictures won't kill them.
lmao imagine this guy walking into his bosses office and telling him that he should "go back to tumblr, they're just picture snowflake"

>go on Sup Forums every other day
The only solution is suicide my man.

Please God the almighty let this be real. I also hope you get arrested for spreading terrorism propaganda. Sup Forums faggots need to be gassed.

maybe losing your job will give you the motivation you need to rid the world of your existence

We're all awkward spergs here it seems.
>already finished my work for the day
>decide to browse Sup Forums while waiting for my shift to end
>boss walks by my cubicle and looks at my screen
>she says: why are you always browsing that site, it's like a social media right?
>I try to not be too much autistic and give her an explanation about imageboards.
Her response: looks kinda boring.
And being the autistic sperg that I am, I tell her: It is.
She stares at me like for 3 seconds and then walks away.

God fucking dammit

he was trying to "troll" Sup Forums. you must be a day 0 reddit transplant if you think Sup Forums likes sand niggers in any capacity.

>>go on Sup Forums every other day
If it was possible, I'd fire everyone who browses Sup Forums at my job.

>not carefully checking your commit summary before pushing

you brought it upon yourself. how the fuck can you not realize you're committing and pushing a bunch of new files?

Stop trying to force this into an epic new meme

Good thing you don't have a job.

I do. Nobody browses Sup Forums, though, but my country's imageboard.

she wants the dick, faglord.

can't say you don't deserve it for being a fucking idiot.

>default download to work folder

you must be larping,no way this is real

Oh my god what is that thing in the pic its scary

how do you even commit all untracked paths at once

Sup Forums uses HTTPS. you're a liar.

typical antifa member.