There goes every argument you could possibly have as to why you aren't already using Linux.
Does anybody else feel like Red Hat browses Sup Forums as well?
There goes every argument you could possibly have as to why you aren't already using Linux.
Does anybody else feel like Red Hat browses Sup Forums as well?
Lennart definitely does. Every systemd shill thread is him.
His rant about reddit really made me think.
Well systemd is perfectly fine. So I dont see the point why every thread should be by him.
>t. Lennart
But its called fedora
>Well systemd is perfectly fine
Except you have zero (0) valid arguments to defend this statement besides it being easier for devs (a non argument).
>It Just Works
Redhatr just LOVES ripping off Apple. GNOME ripped off so many things from Apple incluing Expose, the way desktop tiling works, Calendar, Dock, top bar, etc etc. Now they're also ripping off Apple's phrase.
It's easier for devs
>ripped off
Except they wrote it themselves, and it's open source. "Inspiration" is not ripping-off - there's only so many ways you can implement a software solution, just like there's a finite ways to add 2 and 2 (what are you going to do, reinvent math yourself?). Apple is the one who ripped off Unix, and they wouldn't even exist without it.
>wrote it themselves
it's easy to write code when someone has already solved all the hard usability problems.
I bet youre an ideas guy who thinks he's actually worth something.
>there's a finite ways to add 2 and 2
I can easily tell you an infinite amount of ways to add 2 and 2.
I'm using Fedora 25 right now
Be honest Sup Forums, is there any flaws with Fedora?
Well it's a test bed for red hat and lennartware but if you don't mind that it's fine. I'm not a fan of lennarts work but I'm planning on using Fedora on my ryzen desktop so I can use GPU pass through. Sure other distros can do it but as the OP states with Fedora it just works.
>Red Hat browses Sup Forums
Most likely NSAs meme department gave a tip to Red Hat
systemv -> system 5, very old version
systemd -> system 500, very new
so user tell me, would you use firefox 5 or firefox 500?
Off you go then.
Or will I be waiting an infinite amount of time to hear it?
>fedora in nutshell
"it just works" isn't a Sup Forums thing, you know.
There is an infinite amount of different series converging to 2. (trivial to prove)
Take 2 of them and add them.
This gives you one of an infinite amount of ways to add 2 and 2.
You can also have a constructive proof if you want...
b-but muh gaymes
who is that cute boy?
> paying for an os
> 2017
Even osx is free
Its Lain, Sup Forumss officially waifu, you anime illiterate retard.
>Except you have zero (0) valid arguments to defend this statement besides it being easier for devs (a non argument).
Anyone who claims systemd the init system is bad is retarded or an autist trying to act as if he knows anything about systems. Anything that shifts very common needlessly duplicated complexity written in bash to performant, reviewed C is a win.
systemd does a lot of wrong, but the init system is the best option out there. It could be improved, but no one has done so.
It's free, retard. You only pay for support contracts, which you only even want if you're a big company.
The font rendering doesn't just work though.
> solved all the hard usability problems
Redhat's implementations are usually far worse though.
It takes a lot longer to boot up than the only other Linux distro I have used (Mageia).
But then you're not adding 2 and 2, are you? You're adding 3 and 1, or 4 and 0, or 11 and -7.
oh cute thanks!
don't be mean
>you can install and configure anything you need even with compiling on 4+ y.o. PC in a day
>you're installing some miscarriage bloat useless shit like ubuntu\fedora\arch for no reasons and recommend this
I prefer Debian but Fedora is good too.
Ugly women have to work just as hard as men to get anywhere in life. Why does that image surprise anyone?