Privacy thread

Is he right, Sup Forums?

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If you are such a faggot, why even live?

(Bill gates)

He's right, but there is some expectation of a certain amount of privacy. In the end we have the internet though and privacy on it is dead. Get over it.


Yes, but it doesn't change your right to privacy

Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don't know why.
Zuck: They "trust me"
Zuck: Dumb fucks

"If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear"

Eric Schmidt never ate ass.

Even if you have nothing to hide, do you want the police walking into your house unannounced for a look around?
Why should it be ok on you're computer?

>whole botnet
>whole botnet with some security features to protect yourself from script kiddies and friends
>full paranoia
These are your only options.

Maybe for rubes like you it is, but for the rest of us, it's far from it. Keep chatting on facebook though, faggot.

No. Why do you have doors on your house? Why do you have shower curtains? Privacy is a human right. Go fuck yourself.

I chose full paranoia. I'm typing this from a ThinkPad T400 with Libreboot installed that runs Debian. Give me liberty or give me death.

You completely missed the point. The rest of the quote is a warning that using Google makes you subject to provisions of the Patriot Act. Law enforcement intelligence agencies can use your information, regardless of it's content, to pursue any federal crime under the sun using these provisions.

I agree privacy is important but your examples are terrible. Doors (I assume you mean locks, because doors have several purposes aside from privacy) are to keep out miscreants. Shower curtains are so your shower doesn't spray water all over the floor. Better examples would be the expectation that people (even authorities, assuming no warrant) must request entry into your home and can't just walk in whenever they want. Or obscurity glass that is installed in bathrooms.

I don't want people to know I support conservative ideas because it can get me fired, beaten or even killed. Yet there is nothing officially wrong with supporting such ideas. Even those that would cause beatings and deaths pretend that this is true.

I want him to burn with the rest of his satanist friends

I want to punch him in his tiny FUPA covered cock.

>NOT writing your own KDF
>NOT reserving signing and encrypting data to a low power SBC with openbsd allowing only a single TCP port on a /30 network for netcat
It's like you WANT to have your data stolen or something lol

Yeah like spying on people.

Your shit doesn't matter since he was doxed via his IP address. You would need a VPN, preferably paid anonymously, to protect yourself.

Nvm wrong thread

>and can't just walk in whenever they want
Only they can walk in whenever they want and get the warrant later. It's called a 'no knock' and a 'sneak and peak'.

>i don't want anyone to spy on me while i play vidya, masturbate and shitpost on 4chin all day long

Everyone who posts here is probably monitored via xkeyscore and so on. How do we protect our privacy?

best privacy tools?


what else?

Choose precisely one.

Yeah, because it is illegal to seek answers to why my dick is itching or to satisfy my foot fetish.

This retarded argument falls apart as soon as anyone even opens their mouth.

I do what I want.


>you don't want anyone to know
>shouldn't be doing it
Yeah, fuck trade secrets.

I doubt it.

Why? I mean the specific monitoring tool isn't that important, just the fact that we are being monitored thanks to visiting certain websites, and searching certain "key words" including Linux and TOR.

Are you retarded?
Of course NO.

I am being monitored in the way Snowden is talking about in that link. I can tell you that it does matter. They can peer right into your house and read the EEG information with an ADR maser and you will be none the wiser. Privacy in the sense you are talking about is within your control. You can choose to not do things to attract their attention. Unfortunately data gathering in that way is a necessary evil in the true sense of national security.

What makes you think you're important enough to use their mind reading machines on you? If you're such a high level target you wouldn't post here. I'm calling bullshit.

what do u recommend? a browser made by an advertising company?

Didn't this shitbird get upset when some reporters managed to get personal information about him a decade or so ago?

I am the first to have acknowledged the title test subject. The thing that makes me important is that I am able to withstand whatever they throw at me and have survived the worst "non-lethal" weaponry they have access to. My knowledge of their tech is the very thing keeping me here for the rest of my life, or at least the rest of the man in charges' life. I do what I can to maintain some level of control, even if it just a matter of perception. I threaten to expose them when things begin to get out of hand. There isn't much I don't know now, and it helps a great deal with my own survival. I know I can help the others and give them hope. Unofficially, there are 65 of us here in the states by my count, which is considerably less than my estimate from my internet (youtube) source.

this is the most retarded thing i have heard in a long while.

I'm not sure if I believe you but do you take measures to protect yourself? As in a literal tinfoil hat. Would it be possible to fully EM-shield a room in your house, say?
Also you say you're trapped, are you on a no-fly list? If so what about hopping the border to canada or mexico? I am intrigued.

>Didn't this shitbird get upset when some reporters managed to get personal information about him a decade or so ago?
Yes. He even emailed Google search team to remove his personal details from Google search.

30 years ago, if people had the information available today, they would have hunted down and murdered the gay community. Who is to say what society will next decide is worthy of public lynching or castration? If that's not an argument for privacy, nothing will convince the mindless bootlicking drones.

ADR penetrates everything. There is currently nothing in existence that will stop it short of transplanting myself to the opposite side of the planet. There is some speculation that a nested (mult-layer) plasma bandpass filter that continuously varies the frequency at each layer will not allow the software to adapt quickly enough, thereby effectively blocking it. I defend myself by not reacting to it. Panic is how these weapons really operate. I tell you this 2 hospital trips later of course.

I doubt I'm on a no-fly list, but I've been told not to leave the country, but it was an idle threat. I had no intention of leaving. If I would skip, I wouldn't go to a 5 eyes country, and I've recently learned that companies like Stratfor have an corporate interest in Mexico. Still, it might truly be my best option.

Now That's What I Call Paranoid Schizophrenia™

>i want anyone to spy on me while i play vidya, masturbate and shitpost on 4chin all day long

There you go.

Chicken Little.

Why is nobody talking about this, if Snowden released info in 2013? The only stuff I can find online is infowars-type blogspam. If this was legit I would expect articles on The Intercept, HN and reddit discussion, etc.

I think google is censoring stuff at the request of somebody involved at a high level. There is a very limited number actually of us aware of it. If things go well on their end, a target will be in his early 20's and ripe for the clinically schizo label. Technically your life is over at that point. Meds, lose their job, and the future is pretty bleak. I think about 20% of those who slip into depression at some point, actually commit suicide. That's probably their best case scenario. When they fail at this stage, they move into a slowing operation mode. That's where I am now for the most part.

We need legislation. It's going to take a really long time to get the word out. It's been on the news and somebody did a show on scifi or some shit. Apparently nobody cares. Not big enough to be their problem I guess.

he has a point but not wanting people to know something doesn't necessarily mean that thing is illegal or immoral

that's functionally true, but if things change and there become more reasons to fear, you probably can't just take away your information

Here's a couple more on youtube to get you started. The doctor is really the only credible source other than Snowden on there. He takes a bit of a religious spin on it, and I think he just says stuff to stir the pot. He shows some classic signs of being pissed off.

why is that guy wearing clothes? shouldnt he just walk around naked?
nothing to hide nothing to fear right?

Are you in the botnet, Sup Forums?

If you're trying to get people to believe you you should really get some proof by measuring the signals and getting other evidence, maybe get some help from an EE or scientist. Otherwise you do sound like a schizo.

Fuck no. Right now all browsers are unusably bad. Palemoon is merely the less-bad option. I still wouldn't recommend it as being a good browser, but at least it has security and privacy measures in place by default, and works reasonably well, while being compatible with almost all firefox addons.


This line of reasoning is the same as the old:
"if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear"
This is pure BS, because you don't have something to hide *now* but in a few years you might.
For example: Image if you live in an ultra right wing country and you share the ultra right wind mentality, if your government decides to kill all commies you agree with that, and then for the government to identify those commies it needs access to encrypted communications and they will store such communications in a database for further examination. You can also agree with that, after all they are hunting those commies.
But a shift in power happens and the commies are now in power and they want blood. Now _you_ have something to hide

He's right. Privacy and security eat productivity
We can't loose security so should give up tha fuckin privacy

Of course I do! I'm not sure my wire is thin enough, all I have is bell wire to make a coil. I guess a TP roll would be effective enough to wrap it on, but if you have suggestions I'd like to hear it. The principle behind it is that it excites the atoms with effectively a set standing waves to penetrate it, so I'm really not sure it will work. It can literally be focused to a sub-millimeter diameter beam. Part of the tech is radar, and I learned yesterday what chirping is. That describes the clicking I hear to a tee. I think they are using it for range finding or something.

I don't know much about EM but good luck user.

hence it being only an expectation.

I don't like this guy.

Sounds like a good trade off tbqhwyfam

Ok, now what if you change the example to hunting down former trump supporters? You really have no idea what future governments will do with mass surveillance powers.

Further reading about the current state of RNM:

This is what a guy who thinks he is above the law looks like:
Drive a white pick-up, CA plates

This is actually one of the good guys, but involved nonetheless:

This guy is a pretty bad dude and angry I threatened to expose him:
Robert John Kleckner, age 39
Kings Beach, CA
Drives a late model green mustang, or a blue and silver Blazer with a full window CENTURIAN decal on the rear.

I discovered some info on this as well. They use a wide diameter electromagnetic beam that interferes with certain functions including the heart and brain. I believe it might be detectable by a magnetic locator used to find iron near the surface of the ground. The magnetic field strengths are very similar. I think such a device could be used to find an approximate position of a satellite. They use very advanced optics, and historically 400 miles is the distance from the earth such satellites are set. The horizontal distance can be determined with the calculated angle.

The kind of people who would entertain the thought of hunting Trump voters are people who required safespaces, hot coco, therapy dogs, and counseling to emotionally deal with their idol candidate not getting the seat. They couldn't hunt a cockroach, let alone live humans.
Such a proposition as you made is unrealistic.

Can a nigger wank in peace?
Another example:
If I take a shit does that mean it should be streamed live on the internet the dilation of my anus as a massive dry one almost breaks my but and I moan in pain?
Here's another one:
I drop a wet fart and I curse as I show my wet underpants in anger, that A grade comedy but why should that be exposed for free?!

this is why nobody likes jews

If you use anykind of googles stuff it was all for nothing


Midget porn isn't wrong but you don't want anyone to know you watch it so no


(((Eric Schmidt)))

I don't want people to know my bank pin, so should I not bank? Or my passwords, so should I not have them? Or where I work or live, so should I not have a home or job? Or my social insurance number, my political affiliation, my income, etc etc etc.

People who say this must not have more than a couple of braincells. The tiniest bit of critical thinking shows how stupid it is.

>Everyone understands climate change is occurring and the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse place. And so we should not be aligned with such people — they're just, they're just literally lying.

>shower curtain

Lmao what is this? 1972?

Its like the snowden movie. You look at a person of interest and who they are associated or related to next thing you know 4 or 5 people deep ends up being thousands of people being monitored. Its a guilty by association with mass monitoring. So even if you don't do anything there's still a very high chance


>Everyone understands climate change is occurring and the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse place. And so we should not be aligned with such people — they're just, they're just literally lying.
There are very few people who deny climate change. The source of climate change is a hot topic in financial circles. A lot of people don't like the evidence of human responsibility.
We're only emerging from an ice age of 11,000 years ago, a blink in cosmic time. There have been warm and cold spells in the [ast, but we have no scientific records of those periods.
There was a Medieval Warming that saw grapes grown in northern England.
The Sun's output varies as does the Earth's orbit.
None of this is proof that the warming is not man-made but it gives some people wiggle room, especially when they have vested interests.

And that's the point that's making the entire debate messier. Those with a vested interest in dismissing the possibility also seem to be most of the loudest voices against it. It muddies the waters and polarizes people.

he's prob some fag who's only lived at home and Uni Approved Housing

I used to believe this was the case and honestly sometimes it is the case (Pedos should be raped in jails). However I realized how badly we need the privacy due to the recent rapefugee craze in Europe. In UK you honestly cannot publicly criticize immigrants without facing potential prosecution. Internet is the only place where you can actually say what you think to stop you from going insane. And people like Jews in OP's pic and Theresa May are all about knowing everything about you on the Internet.

> imo jerking off to teens is bad
> imo hating refugees is ok
The problem here is your subjective justification.

schmidt = evil

Funny you should mention him. Both he and Hillary Clinton are fully aware of RNM. In fact I spent more than one night accidentally connected to both of them. A couple members of the US Secret Service use this supposedly to protect both of them. I was apprised to refer to Trump as "Mr. President". He kept saying he was going to shut down the program, and following my first encounter he briefly succeeded. The whole system went into black out.