Neovim or Vim?

Neovim or Vim?

neomale -> neovim
male -> vim
female (male) -> vim with a pink theme


neovim. because it doesn't have a message about feeding little niggers in Africa every time you start it.

Microshaft Sword.

neomake is better than syntastic and deoplete is better than every other completion extension available on vim.

So yes


Gvim on Windows cos Neovim still has a couple holes in.

Neovim elsewhere because Bram is a twat.


>starting vim without a file(name)

Why use neovim when vim exists

set shortmess+=Iat


I know a trick how to make vim even better

$~ sudo apt-get remove vim
$~ sudo apt-get install emacs

Its the ultimate vim upgrade

neovim because it doesn't crash when you autocomplete

This is very true.

>Vim is for obese greybeards
Makes sense

The one that doesn't block the UI by design.




I know a trick how to make emacs even better
$~ sudo pacman -R emacs
$~ sudo pacman -S vim


neovim has noticeably better performance with muh plugins and redrawing the screen.

I actually compile from git because Debian is still distributing .17 (though I saw .20 coming through on experimental)

Neither does vim, you must have fucked up your .vimrc or some plugins

i am using atom, it's truly great.

>help poor children in Uganda

time to
pacman -R vim && pacman -S neovim


from the thumbnail in catalog I though it was a picture of buddhists


Hands of the average heavy emacs user.

emacs. not even once.

The only serious emacs users I've ever met have RSI. I haven't met that many Vim users but none of them have issues like that. I think there's a distinct personality difference which causes this. Emacs users just want their editor to do everything, even if they have to do extreme hand contortions to perform a few extra macros. Vim users take a pragmatic and comfort driven approach, we try to make things as easy as possible, less keystrokes and less complex shortcuts etc. We optimise and pride ourselves in efficiency and minimal effort. For example, see Vim Golf.