Can girls love girls?

Can girls love girls?

Can girls NTR with girls?

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anime website

Fuck off retarded frogposter

no, that's sin.

why are you on Sup Forums
does this make you happy or something lol
nobody wants you here

It's just some autist having a public tantrum because some janny triggered him.

At least Sup Forums has better content now.

the sin is they aren't on my dick

this is nice thread

I hope Europe bans this.

Are girls technology?

No. It's just lust and it's mostly for attention. Couldn't find decent divorce statistics but it's very high also.

yes they can.

most of the times its just attention seeking tho. like depression.
99% is fake, only 1% is real

(source: my ass)


Gay frogposter

>couldn't find information
>it's very high, I SAY SO IT'S TRUE

Can linux love windows?


absolutely yes



I want to be a lesbian.

>tfw u will never be a qt animu girl with hot girlfriend

why live

Of course, it's the purest form of love