We can all agree that this was the peak of MS GUI design, right?
>inb4 generic "i was born in 1995 and think XP looked the best" nostalgia babbies
We can all agree that this was the peak of MS GUI design, right?
>inb4 generic "i was born in 1995 and think XP looked the best" nostalgia babbies
Windows classic looked the best
Material is even better.
Peak was Windows 9x to Windows 2000.
i was born in 83 and Vista was rightfully hated. everybody who was anybody used classic theme to make it look just like windows 95
You're 100% correct OP. Vista was objectively the most beautiful OS. Though of course there were the edgy fucking retards with low end PC's that used "classic theme" for performance or whatever.
Windows 2000 was the peak of "Classic" Windows design.
At the end of the day Microsoft really knocks it out of the park with their UI designs.
People did that because they were running shitboxes that couldn't handle Aero. In general, the look of Vista was very well received. The OS got shit on, but that's not related to the UI, there were like 50 billion different popular aero glass imitation themes for XP after Vista came out and it had a very strong influence on web/GUI design.
last time I've checked their UWP apps looked like shit
No, Windows classic is the best.
>use Vista
>guy says it sucks
>I say it's better than XP all around
>he starts going on about how my laptop was "after the fact" or some shit
Retards who tried to run Vista on their old Windows 95/98/XP computers gave it a bad re****tion.
not just for performance, but it's visually distracting to have shiny clear shit bordering your programs. as for performance, of course when everyone was a ramlet the elite windows users knew to use a solid color background and turn of shitty effects. the OS isn't the star of the show.
Reading old articles, Mr.20_year_old_who_shat_his_pants_when_Vista_came_out?
no windows xp was
You do know if you keep shitposting like that, eventually people who actually think like that will come here and think it's de facto?
Then don't start bitching why this board is shit please.
Windows 2000
Best Windows aesthetic coming through.
XP looked nice, actually. That green theme was very good.
Yes, it was also the peak of MS operating systems.
The integration of taskbar, launchers, file manager and browsers is really polished with Windows. Linux fags still trying to basic things like thumbnails in file selector to work.
>Taimur Asad
my first laptop was top of the line and shipped with vista. I turned off Aero theme almost immediately first i had to fuck around for 40 minutes wondering why nothing worked... then i figured out how to disable "User Account Control" which wouldn't even allow me to connect to a wifi network by default, wouldn't allow you to delete or rename a shortcut without an exclamation point... honestly, fuck you Sup Forums and your revisionist "hey vista was good member" bullshit. you weren't there, vista was quite literally when windows turned to shit
worked on my machine, try not being technologically handicapped next time
Vista was a nightmare of an OS to use but there is no denying it looks sleek as hell, 11 years later and it hasn't aged a bit.
Should've tried using it on a machine that could handle it instead of an ancient shitbox. Vista on Vista-era hardware was great.
i'm not technologically handicapped, I just wasn't used to a windows "feature" like UAC that, by default, disallowed the owner of the computer from
>renaming files
>moving files
>deleting files
>connecting to a network
>running an executable
>seeing or changing anything in the classic control panel
do you really not remember having the whole screen dim and the fucking exclamation point and the loud sound? and of course I figured everything out. turn off all that faggot shit, including the eye cancer Aero theme, and it was ALMOST as good as XP, the Windows 7 of its time
microsoft bob was peak microsoft gui design
>you will never be able to replace cortana with clippy
I didn't have any performance issues (I wasn't one of those tards who used the same PC I upgraded from 98 to XP to try and install Vista on). Many of the core features of the OS were just not mature enough yet such as UAC, and device manufacturers pushed out really shitty buggy drivers that left you unable to go more than 10 minutes without bluescreening.
It never gave me any problems because I do most tasks like that from the command line anyway, I always just had an elevated prompt open.
Am I the only one whose never experienced a BSOD on Vista? I never understood the hate for it. UAC was the only disadvantage I'd ever encountered with it.
-t Gaben
I'd say at least 70% of all my bluescreens were on Vista, it was definitely an outlier in terms of BSoD frequency as far as NT goes.
I'm a bit sad about it. I never had Vista, so it was always sort of on the periphery of my experience during the mid-late 2000s. Like most technological promises of the period, I saw it coming and I saw it gone but I never actually experienced it. Mentally I still have it filed away as something for the future.
Like UMPCs being ubiquitous and GTA SA on a portable console.
I should say, that number isn't including 9x BSoDs which were a totally different animal altogether
I miss Vista, I'm sad it is not supported anymore
Vista is the best one after windows 7
But Windows 7 is just Vista with a shittier GUI
Windows 2000 was the peak
they saw how good aqua looked and tried to imitate it, but flopped awfully
notice the lines in the wallpaper? that's just copied over from apple, but overly done with the colors and lines in vista. no harmony
the the icons on the mac, while not photorealistic, looked like they were done by graphic designers with a background in art theory. there's something... correct about it. the aesthetics. I can't really explain. the windows icons look like they were all made by the same guy. they're very bland and looks like a cheap ripoff / or a conversion of the old XP icons gone wrong.
and the macs of the era were responsive and fast. vista struggled on anything but the best hardware.
that's not bad. I'm surprised they put the crappy fisher prize rounded orange and green edges. at least that looked more professional.
biggest problem with icons in Windows is that they never bothered to update all of them, so there's a fuckton of inconsistencies
that, and the decision to use icons made by a 8 year old in MS Paint for Windows 10
7 is
>those handles on the recycle bin
in the
Windows 7 looks better.
Absolutely. Black Aero best Aero. 7 got nothing on Vista, maybe except the taskbar.
How many flame shirts and cargo shorts do you own? This ui is less aesthetic than crocs.
Your opinion is ass
i bet you used default theme for XP
Agreed, it has a certain professional look to it that 7 (or 8/10) doesn't
>Black Aero
Are you retarded?