Friend gets on computer

>Friend gets on computer
>Downloads Spotify
>Already triggered. I've been carefully avoiding Jewish programs like Spotify for years. I really hate the programs that don't fully close.
>Tell friend to delete it
>Noooooo dude it's fine lol haha
>Tell him I'll delete it later
>Next day
>Close Spotify, which opened up without me telling it to of course
>Go to control panel to uninstall it
>"Spotify has stopped working"
>Won't uninstall
>Find Spotify folder in Appdata/Roaming
>Shift+delete folder
>"Spotify webhelper is still running"
>Scream with autistic rage as I open up process tab in task manager and delete the Jew process
>"spwebinst0.exe could not be found in the folder"
>All of my fears are coming true
>Search my computer for the file
>Can't find it
>Run cmd
>type in: cd /d C:/Users/user/..../Spotify
>dir /x
>del /q /s spwebinst0
>File not found
>Literally scream at friend in autistic fury about Zuckerberg and the Jewish Menace for all my neighbors to hear

Where were you when you realized Spotify is a Trojan?

Other urls found in this thread:

install gentoo you little shit

Why would you delete an app from your friend's computer?

He got on MY computer

I thought the same thing too, then I noticed it was a friend got on HIS computer and installed spotify.

it was ops computer, probably

>complaining about botnets
>using windows
It was a lost cause anyways.

Don't see the harm of letting him install his malware on your Windows 10 partition. Y-you do have multiple partitions right?

I'm calling bullshit on this story OP

>being this autistic about jew software but using a jew operating system

install gentoo

>not installing risc-v and openbsd on your computer and putting it in an anechoic faraday cage room that only unlocks with your fingerprint and 128 character password
Get on my level, pleb.

Does Spotify even have an application for Linux? I'm guessing no. So most likely you had windows installed which was your first problem. Wipe everything and install Gentoo

Just right click on the icon in the tray and click quit. Then kill the webhelper in task manager. Then uninstall.

Did you fuck him?

>complaining about the botnet while using windows

Why would you let him install shitware onto your PC? This wouldn't happen if you used Linux, btw.

>Does Spotify even have an application for Linux?
Spotify does have a Linux version. Even before they started releasing Linux versions, they intentionally made the Windows version compatible with wine. That makes them one of very few mainstream programmes with about a decade of Linux support.

Huh interesting. if OP wasn't running windows how did his friend manage to install Spotify? And why did OP cuck himself into letting his friend install Spotify?

non admin user for everyday use. 'run as' admin only when needed.

Just uninstall it in Windows 7 or 10

You think this a technology board?

>not 4096 physical pgp keys
How does it feel getting fucked by the NSA?

>need Skype for work
>tell it not to start automatically
>it starts up automatically anyway for updates
I fucking hate Skype. If I wanted something that spies on my computer activity and does the opposite of what I tell it to, I'd get a girlfriend.

>having friends so shitty that they download crap on your machine without even asking for permission first
seriously every time i read some faggot's story here their friends are total mongoloids and assholes, where the fuck you even living to have such shitty friends

>doesn't want to get Jewed by Zuck/CIA/NSA
>willingly offers up his cornhole to Redmond/CIA/NSA instead
Good work.

how to spot a shit program
>installs into appdata

wait so, is "spwebinst0.exe" actually a trojan? what is it? i googled it and there's no information on it besides:

---- an Installation problem on Spotify's forums that some normies got.
---- obscure file information websites saying it's a trojan but with no further information. also they appear to be calling everything a trojan in order to sell the fix.
---- some spanish guy who seems to be saying the same thing. My spanish is pretty bad tho.

Basically, what actually is that file?

>i am le free software user
>i avoid evil jew tricks
>yet I use WINDOWS

All you fucking freetards are posers.

>if OP wasn't running windows how did his friend manage to install Spotify?
Didn't I just tell you in my post? There's a Linux version, so the same way you'd install any Linux software. Do you want a step by step guide on how to add repos and use package managers?

I'm assuming OP's friend is a normie and wouldn't know how to install it.

>Right click process
>Open File Location
Your friend is a normalfag, but so are you.

Do yourself a favor OP get IObit uninstaller to brute force that shit out of your pc

you're retarded. the file burrowed itself after I deleted the folder. i never saw it as a process. if the .exe showed up in processes, i would do that.

I guess that opens up another question, is there a way to set up something that will alert me when a certain process runs? or is there a way to see a history of where files have moved?

>I'm assuming
Good for you. So, you're making an assumption and want someone else to speculate based on that?

>Too stupid to uninstall some software
>blame the jews

Yes, after all your just a being made by (((them)) in my simulated reality.


It's the Spotify web installer.

Oh, so what you mean happened was that spotify updated while windows was scanning the files to delete.
And after it finished updating it deleted the installer which made windows throw an error for being able to delete it again.

Really makes me think.

Ok? Why the fuck is it moving itself out of the folder it's in when I try to delete it?

It's always the Jews! Was on /fit/ the other day and some dude was arguing that the desire to move out of your parents' place as an adult was really just a Jewish conspiracy.

all those calorie powders and the ketamine must've fried the 2 neurons he had left, Sup Forums and Sup Forums aren't any better either

that's funny

The solution is to use Linux. Windows users should be banned from Sup Forums.

you fucking jew I installed pandora from the windows store get on my level faggot