/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Niggets please help,reposting from last thread.

Well I'm back, I got xorg to work only under root, reinstalling does nothing. This is in arch BTW.

My problem appears when launching xorg.
Instead of launching it would show this.
Waiting for x server to begin accepting connections.
(Does that for a while)
Xinit:giving up
Xinit: unable to connect to x server:connection refused.
Waiting for x server to shut down.....
Xinit: X server is slow to shut down sending KILL signal
Waiting for server to die...
Xinit: x server refuses to die

Install GuixSD

What file manager do you use. I'm using nemo but it's shit so looking for a change.

What are some cool terminal commands?

Threadly reminder that NO ARGUING ABOUT SYSTEMD

Thank you.

gui: thunar
terminal: mc

its shite

can anyone make this transparent

sudo echo `python -c "print('.'.join(['127','0','0','1']))"` >> /etc/hosts


it was transparent originally

ty babe

gnu should be wojak

I want to disable touch on my wacom tablet. everywhere I look tells me running
xsetwacom --set Touch touch off or variants, should turn it off. but when I run
xsetwacom --list devices
It doesn't even list any touch input.
Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen stylus id: 15 type: STYLUS
Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pen eraser id: 16 type: ERASER
Wacom Bamboo 16FG 4x5 Pad pad id: 17 type: PAD
even though touching the pad makes the cursor move around which is really frustrating when trying to use the pen.

Has anyone encountered this? CTH-470 model btw

I remember, that's what command-not-found is annoying me into when I accidently not mv.

cowsay Meanwhile, in Australia | tac

>fat fingers

Please post transparent nigger Tux he looks nice

flip() {
sed '

Bump please help

mh, some characters weren't posted.
Is this some new cloudflare faggotry or am I stupid?


Install Fedora

stop shilling

Fuck u boi I told you no.

+1 rupee

ɹǝddılɟ ǝɹ'noʎ 'uılɐǝʇs ɯ'I

*** 10 minute break from posting while everyone plays with flip() ***

Need to swap apostrophes with commas

Need 7th degree sed black belt to flip cow head.

Is it possible to use firefox with KDE file dialog/picker in GNOME?

at this point just echo the cow, less code

Because why not.
vapor() {
sed '


how did you get into this situation?

toilet can do this too
>toilet -f wideterm 'ur a fag'
there's also more like
>toilet -f binary hello
>toilet -f rot13 hello

Neat && Saved.

First off you need to get a black belt into cowception.

how to automate this instead of spamming | cowsay -n ?

Looking for a way to pick a section of a video and then "stabilize" that selection(keep focus on that section ignoring the rest of the movement)_.I tried using ffmpeg but it seems the "deshake" option isnt intended for this use.
Is there another similar program?


Read the logs. And running it as root is just going to fuck your shit up more.

here again. So now I've reinstalled and fixed a few dumb things I did the first time. Now xorg is working, but it's not reading the config files so my keyboard layout is defaulting to QWERTY. I checked for a xorg.conf overriding my files in xorg.conf.d and didn't find anything. Strangely, it will crash if I have an invalid setting in any of the config files, but it appears to ignore everything as long as it all checks out.

Go to a tty and run the following.
pacman -Rsc xorg-server

then reboot and come back

What is the most american distro?


I need help. I'm running Debian 9 stretch and I wanted to remove libreoffice from my system, so I did sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice* in the terminal, and now when I type sudo apt-get autoremove, it wants to remove like, the entire operating system.

I tried sudo apt-get install libreoffice to fix it, but it still wants to autoremove the entire OS. What the fuck?

I don't use Arch, but a quick Google search suggests I'm getting memed.

Pacman is the file manager for arch linux.

that's canadian.
RHEL and by extension, fedora

I would never joke about America or Archlinux user.

I'm aware of that. But why would I uninstall X now that I've finally got it mostly working?

>mostly working
Then you wouldnt be in this thread saying it itsnt working :^)

Start from scratch,you've done something wrong

Same user, looks like I'm actually fucked. I've been googling everything I can think of for a solution and there appears to be no solution other than just reinstalling my entire OS, so fuck me I guess.

To anyone reading this, if you are on Debian 9, don't fucking uninstall libreoffice or it will break your entire OS.

Just to prove what I'm saying is true, here's the log file showing that removing libreoffice fucked up my OS.

Start-Date: 2017-07-04 15:50:49
Commandline: apt-get remove --purge libreoffice
Requested-By: straylight (1000)
Purge: libreoffice:amd64 ()
End-Date: 2017-07-04 15:50:50

Start-Date: 2017-07-04 15:56:03
Commandline: packagekit role='remove-packages'
Requested-By: straylight (1000)
Remove: task-kde-desktop:amd64 (3.39), kde-standard:amd64 (5:92), kwrite:amd64 (4:16.08.3-1), kde-plasma-desktop:amd64 (5:92), kde-baseapps:amd64 (4:16.08.3-1)
End-Date: 2017-07-04 15:56:09

did you reinstall libreoffice?

Yes, but removing it removed KDE plasma for some reason so I'm not sure what to do. Do I just sudo apt-get install KDE now or what?

Do I just sudo apt-get install KDE?
sounds reasonable.

you coulld look up the proper command

Someone dosent know about deps

The wiki shows a few. I'll try kde-full and see if that unfucks it. I'll report back soon.

yeah laugh it up, I fucked up trying to uninstall libreoffice, I guess I deserve it

Why aren't you using openSUSE?

Anyone know how to set all text in vim to a single color?

I got as far as turning syntax highlighting off, which makes everything gray. There should be some way to specify the default text color to something other than gray though, right?

a lot of crap comes with the desktop.
games ect.

It looks like task-kde-desktop depends on libreoffice. Maybe manually Intel all the other stuff that it depends on. Dunno why they don't use recommends.

Yeah but at this point I just don't want to have to reinstall the whole damn OS to fix it. I can remove bloat one by one later if it just saves my ass for now. Lesson learned, not to fuck with libreoffice.

i am on a server, feels worse than i am a used to. sticking to it, but not liking it

That shouldn't be your takeaway dude. Rather it should be not to panic like your ass is on fire just because you don't understand what is going on.

What are some american terminal commands?

ssh stuxnet?

Well, reinstalling task-kde-desktop didn't work. Not even installing kde-full worked. And now I have to reinstall the OS anyway. So it seems like a fair takeaway.

"When you look up how to uninstall libreoffice official guides tell you to do sudo apt-get remove ---purge libreoffice* Don't fucking do it because it will gut your DE."


Yes I did that right away, sorry I thought I already mentioned that.

apt-get install f

Unless you get massive filesystem corruption the is never a good reason to do this.
Do you even know what you want to keep?
Have you tried aptitudes alternate suggestions to resolve the issue?

arch install gnome

sudo impeach Trump

For some reason Debian 9 stable doesn't come with aptitude installed. I guess I could try installing that, what exactly are you referring to? I want to keep my entire system. I just wanted libreoffice gone and followed the wiki guide that says do this:

sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice*
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get autoremove

Now it wants to remove over a thousand packages. I don't want that, I want to keep all of them, but I also would like to be able to use the autoremove command in the future and not have it always threaten to remove my entire OS.

No, I don't like the GTKFileChooser, nor do I prefer to run Arch.

I thought you were using arch for some reason.
yeah but you have something to work with until you figure out how yoy fucked up kde

It's weird because I even reinstalled everything listed in my vars history.log file that had anything to do with kde and it still is giving me this bullshit asking me if I want to remove half the system every time I autoremove. I really don't know what else to do at this point. I wish there was some way I could just -know- what all these dependencies are requesting that isn't already there so I could just install it.

And I swear to god, google is fucking useless. No matter how I can conceive to ask the question, all I get are a bunch of stupid normies asking how to remove shit with autoremove. Nothing having to do with how to find what meta-package is being called by dependencies flagged for autoremove.

did you give yourself permission to use xorg?
user name permission?

When to open aptitude it says the is pending removals but has a bunch of other options including reinstalling shit to keep pending auto removals.

The real solution is to look at what top level metapackage depends on some libreoffice- package, mark all the stuff it depends on as manually installed and the let it remove itself.

Running Ubuntu on three machines.
I'm new which is why I'm not running Gentoo yet, but is it possible to uninstall systemd?

4 questions I'd like help with, if you'd be so kind.

Running mint cinnamon 18.2, fully updated. i3-5010u, 12GB ram, 120GB 850 Evo, kernel 4.10.

1) How do I lessen the time taken by grub on boot? Currently takes 4 seconds.

2) How do I lessen the time taken to load the kernel on boot? Currently takes 3.5 seconds.

3) After entering my password, the screen blanks (can still see the mouse cursor) for 5-7 seconds then my desktop loads. Once loaded everything is snappy. Why does this happen? Is it because I have an encrypted home directory?

4) I created an arch VM and installed cinnamon. I got the mint-x theme from aur. When I change the 'control' portion of the theme to anything but adawaita, menu and context spacing goes funky. Anybody have a fix?

5) Anybody have a way to automatically change the desktop background in MATE after a set time period?

prolly same commands as apt
aptitude auto remove/ clean
wtf are you trying to do anyway? raspberry ?


Thank you, is it just the usual terminal command?
sudo apt-get remove systemd?

sounds reasonable.

Yes, but you're better off using a distro not designed to be tightly coupled to systemd.
Since you're a new user, I wouldn't worry about it until you're more experienced.

And this won't screw with anything?
As I understand it systemd is built to sort of be a center spoke on the wheel for the whole system (completely unnecessary, which is I want it gone)
But if I remove something like that will it just fuck up my install or will Ubuntu continue on as normal?

Helpful AND posts qt3.14s? Mah nigga.

Eventually I wanna build my way to Gentoo then source mage. But when I first tried Gentoo (live USB) it wouldn't mount any of my hard drives. Ubuntu had an install app ready to go, though.

>And this won't screw with anything?

maybe you should wait until you fix kde.

that's not me dude

oh well go ahead then

What's kde desu?

You might want to install sysvinit-core and systemd-shim too. And add to /etc/apt/preferencesPackage: systemd
Pin: release o=Ubuntu
Pin-Priority: -1

Package: systemd-sysv
Pin: release o=Ubuntu
Pin-Priority: -1
So that bad thing don't come back.

>prolly same commands as apt
No it isn't you retard. It is in the ncurses view and sets dpkg selections.

delete systemd

wew lad