/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Sabily Linux!

How long would a linux from scratch beard be?

Let's make this the best thread ever.

What are some cool terminal commands?

nice job ruining it.

Why don't any GNU/Linux distros have a "Switch User" function? It's the one thing I miss from windows.

How can I use wget to download all images in a thread, on a website that uses a directory structure like : blahblah.website/g/src

You mean switch user when logging in or switch user when already logged in?

post site

I can't post the URL without getting banned.

su = switch user
But seriously, lock your screen then switch to another vty.

I posted this just before the other thread was abandoned.
Is there any hardware+distro combo with which everything just works?

I've got a MacBook Pro retina, running Fedora 25, and
- hybernation just does not work (laptop shuts down instead, and then reboots)
- shuttdown takes forever
- keyboard doesn't match the ones available at install
- webcam obviously doesn't work

How smooth does it get?

echo -e '\n\033[1;31;1mhi\u0020f\u0061g\u0067ot\033[0m\n'

The latter.

hispa *Sup Forumsres/238784.html

Using my command, wget creates the directory structure but downloads no images.

Compared to UFW how hard is to learn iptables? I want to learn them but ufw can do everything i want so i don't want to learn them if they are like insane hard

I don't think hibernation is really supported in Linux.
My eeepc 701 4G works flawlessly with Debian.

Have you checked the man page? Try recursive options or required resources. Might have to turn off robots too.

My general command for imageboards is:
wget -e robots=off -rHD -nc -nd -nv -ERhtml,s.jpg

Domain is where the media is sitting around

Sup Forums scraper example:
wget -e robots=off -rHDi.4cdn.org -nc -nd -nv -ERhtml,s.jpg

Hope it helps.

>Might have to turn off robots too.
I'll try that as well, using recursive made blank directories

Will try

What is objectively the desktop environment if I don't want to use my mouse too much
Asking for a friend

This works for Sup Forums and infinichan but I'm downloading from a website that seems to host all of their files without a CDN.

My site : example.org/src/image.link for all images on example.org/a/9001.html

bspwm or i3wm

>I don't think hibernation is really supported in Linux.
It totally is. nativly or with Tux on ice

Then maybe (actually) scrape the links and feed them to wget like this (another example for Sup Forums, replace):
wget -qO- | grep -o 'i.4cdn.[^ ]*/[0-9]\+\.[0-9a-z]\{3,4\}' | uniq | xargs wget -nc -nv

Edit the grep part to catch the src links.

What's the best behaviour I can set up for when my laptop runs out of battery?

tl;dr - linux is more secure not because of some of its intrinsic qualities, but because of its advantage over commercial business model of windows

btw, this method has also the average of using xargs' -P option for parallel processing
wget -qO- | grep -o 'i.4cdn.[^ ]*/[0-9]\+\.[0-9a-z]\{3,4\}' | uniq | xargs -P 0 -n 1 wget -nc -nv


Udev rule to read the state of the battery and then execute a hibernation script

why does nobody mention this? stallman uses it.

Will look into that, thanks. Hopefully I can finally get some sane workflow out of my laptop.

Because 99% of laptops have cucked wifi so nobody uses it.

I see it mentioned fairly often, what do you mean?

>stallman uses it.
A good reason not to use it.Thanks!

On Sup Forums maybe. Because some people actually got a wifi stick.

What the hell, kid.

I use musl c,busybox,and clang aswell!

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you proprietary slave? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Harvard, and I’ve been involved in numerous free software projects, and I have contributed to over 300 core-utils for GNU. I am skilled in Lisp and I’m St. IGNU-cius, saint of the Church of Emacs. You are nothing to me but just another unethical non-free software advocate. I will distribute the fuck out of your source code with freedom the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me and the GPL on the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my colleagues at FSF and your binaries are being reversed engineered right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your copyright. You're fucking dead, kid. Free software can be anywhere, anytime, and it can ensure your freedom in over four ways, and that’s just with the GPLv2. Not only am I extensively skilled at hacking, but I have access to the source of the entire GNU userland and core-utils and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable proprietary code off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what ethical retribution your little “clever” program was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have ensured your users' freedom. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit free as in freedom all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Download all media from given thread () into the current directory:
wget -nc -nd -nv -e robots=off -ER html,s.jpg -rHD i.4cdn.org
wget -nc -nd -nv -e robots=off -ER html,s.jpg -rHD img.4plebs.org
wget -nc -nd -nv -e robots=off -ER html -rHD media.8[the character 'c']h.net
wget -nc -nd -nv -e robots=off -ER html,s.jpg -rHD archive-media-0.nyafuu.org
# bonus
wget -nc -nd -nv -e robots=off -r -Ajpg,JPG -ERhtml rms.sexy/img

Any more sites/archives suggestions?

Install foobillardplus
>the billard part isn't a typo

My keyboard is listed in xinput as "keykoard".
>coding drunk

Post eastereggs.

It isn't "fake news", you are just misreading me. Yes the feature is there but it hardly works properly.
>we’ve received quite many bug reports against this feature, some of these bugs were solved gracefully but some of them haven’t not been root caused yet, and for the rest, we already found the cause of these bugs, but can not provide a graceful solution to them
And from 2007
>As you have certainly realized, there are some known problems and limitations
related to the suspend and hibernation code, so I do not consider these
subsystems as finished work.

Neato, I wasn't aware of this.

Survey question for all of you.

What features would you put into a modern day terminal?

>hardly works properly
My two laptops are telling me you're wrong.

posting from gnome 3

apt get moo
aptitude moo

HP probook 470 g1 + ubuntu 16.04 and upwards has been really good for me.

i made my antergos (what a stupid name lol) gnu/linux taskbar behave like windows one but kind of better

are you proud of me \g\

grep LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC /usr/include/linux/reboot.h
Linus dropped some birthdays here, convertable via
printf '%x\n' 672274793
or more comfy:
perl -e 'print localtime(672274793)."\n"'

I think the author mentions a bunch of marginal points that don't do much to support the claim. He mostly compares Linux on the server to Windows everywhere, the largest attack vector for windows is desktop users, and that is a problem that linux just doesn't have. Yes IIS and the SMB server and other server things on windows have had vulns but so has apache and ssh and whatnot on windows. Yes windows has been pretty shit about having a convention of security updates, but lots of linux servers go un-updated for decades too.

So basically on server they are about the same and on desktop they aren't really comparable.

>I’m also an economist by training, so I see the invisible hand working nearly everywhere
[muffled laughter]

Bash4retards help menu that gives very clear definitions and examples of commands. Also include a "most common problems" page detailing shit like "black screen on boot? try nomodeset" or "broadcom chipset? go buy a USB dongle."

date -d 'tomorrow 1 day ago'

I recently removed systemd and installed openrc on debian, after the initial feeling of having done a big mistake since I couldn't boot, I finally managed to get on my system. However when I boot it takes decades because of this thing:
[ 2.655970] clocksource: Switched to clocksource tsc
[ 24.775427] random: crng init done
I'm assuming this is related to the /dev/random device? If yes can I do something about it (like feed less entropy or something, I'm not an expert).

In vim, when you type :help! instead of :help you get a good suggestion.

lel, what did I even expect

Are you using crypttab on boot?
Are you using swap,if yes partition or swapfile?

is manjaro good?

use kde

>Are you using crypttab on boot?
I can't find anything like this when using crypttab.
I use a swap partition, here's my fstab
UUID=003e46c5-5f6f-4bde-8fbb-9e5f5146e23d / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=acd6877c-634b-457f-8ef2-7aab9b726aa5 none swap sw 0 0
/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
When I run htop it actually tells I have 0K of swap, this is weird.

Can anyone tell me how to see what packages are in these options?

Majaro is a good Linux OS, not as good as Arch Linux, but it just works and since I want to use my systems instead of petting it, I recommend Manjaro Linux as my favorite Linux OS for your Linux computer.

Thank you

>echo -e '\n\033[1;31;1mhi\u0020f\u0061g\u0067ot\033[0m\n'
why does this work?

I made one too.

No. It's a NEET distro with a tattered blue trilby to tip instead of a bald head. The developers can't even maintain SSL certs for fuck's sake.

So I ran gparted and could initiate my swap here with swapon, I'm assuming I should make it do that at boot time?

>removed systemd and installed openrc on debian
consider migrating to devuan. Packages with systemd dependency were patched to circumvent that. Works right of the bat too.

Stop using echo. Use printf.

is it better than arch for linux beginners?

That was the endgame plan but I wanted to see what OpenRC does before switching since I have quite a few packages I would need to reinstall.

Dont use DOWNSTREAM distros,they are full of problems and arent supported on the main distro's forums should you ever need help

[spoiler] Don't panic [/spoiler]

Linux beginners should use Ubuntu Linux. It's literally Debian actually made usable. But well, I didn't got Ubuntu work on my macbook so I'm using Fedora.

Beginners should use Solus. It's Ubuntu easy but not Ubuntu shite.

>Debian actually made usable
How is Debian not usable?


I'd wait then.
Devuan is still on 1.0 and there are rumors (mind you only rumors) that 2.0 will run OpenRC instead of just barebones sysV init like it does now.

help echo

on gnu we use \e

Literally noone ever bothered to explain the difference

I've been looking for a good script for this bud
P.s. you're my bud

No one? Why is Fedora's documentation so piss poor?

echo is inconsitent as fuck among systems, on solaris for ex. its even just a symlink to printf -- '%b\n' "$*"
printf supports proper formatting which results in cleaner (and at some corners more secure) code

there are some things that you cant do with echo, like printing '-n' (printf -- '-n\n'), printf supports on some ends lots of shit like converting hex to dec and vice versa, it supports date hackery like printf -- '%(%F %T)T\n' -1 and you can format the output further by adding dynamic spacing: printf -- '%*s\n' 80 "$(uname -o)"

tl;dr its more portable and cooler

It changes every 6 months, noone wants to keep up with this shit.
Even debian struggles sometimes to have it's wiki up to date. Some articles still mention sysvinit despite the fact that it's been two years (and two releases) since they switched to systembotnet.

What music player does Sup Forums reccomend?

Also, any experiences with fedora?

Good to know. I got forced to use printf because dash doesn't play well with echo -e, and if it wasn't for that I'd probably still use it.

noob: moc
noob++: cmus
suckless: mpv
integrated: mpd
terminal interface: mpd+ncmpcpp
gui: ask someone else


mpd with any client you like. It does shit just right


Name one (1) legit excuse for the existence of Fedora.

A testbed for upcoming RHEL releases.

it isn't that bad tbqh
it provides a babbies first linux without botnet programs, but with enough firmware botnet to run it without problems

meanwhile on ubuntu you get trolled like a retard (looking at you, software center)

testbed for rhel

Fedora should be an opt in where the user gets paid based on what they do to their system

Thank you Sup Forumsentlemen

up2date software without breakage
fight me

what is the best distro/de for customization?