I might be the reason GPUs are so expensive these days... Not sorry at all


>No other sizes of this image found

You won't get your money back.

Call me in 3 months when the mining return is so low it barely covers the cost of electricity. I'll buy one of those for $50.

Give them back, Jamal.

Nice white speakers, what are they? That horn tweeter looks cool.

>wasting all that money on a coin that's nearing the edge

>he bought thousands worth of GPUs with real money to mine fake money that nobody will give a shit about a month or two from now

I bought a 1060gb windforce a month ago for $250 and already tossed the box. any chance I can still sell it for $500+?

lmao you're late to the party

Are you mining or are you just arbitraging, selling them with profit?

>"fake money that nobody will give a shit about a month or two from now"

You're so wrong i don't even know where to start

we, people from poor countries are using eth and bitcoin to buy stuff and send money around the world without getting raped by local taxes. lol

Clean your fucking basement it looks loke some god damn niggerhole


>in b4 govt. crackdown on cryptocucks

>im using pirate currency to bypass taxes and laws.And you wonder why your politics are so corrupty

But.. nobody cares about this shit on a stick card.

>tossed the box
You dumb nigger

>apartment I live in switched to solar panels
>haven't paid electricity to the utility company in three months


>not AMD cards

You brought at the tail end of the trend and have more to make up for in terms of mining the value of all those cards back. Good luck (not) trying to do that before PoS hits.

Wrongly using the quoting function on Sup Forums doesn't make you any more superior as opposed to the anime posters.

>mining with nvidia

i guess you did not get the better AMDs also

>obvious warehouse/shop storage room
>20 replies
Fuck me, that's one hot summer.

I can't believe idiots spend so much on GPUs, when they can make more money purchasing the coins and reselling. Why do they like to mine instead?

Why the random 1080ti in there?

Personal use I'd assume.

>Mining with nvidia
Congrats, you played yourself

overstock shipped from dc to clear

You're literally serving as the test dummies for a new banking system.
When you clowns have proofed the technology enough and stabilized it, all of these coin systems are going to go to zero once they bring it in-house. At which point and along the way, I can't wait for floods of this hardware to hit resale channels in which you discover the law of supply/demand in which no one wants 2-3 year old vidya cards when the latest cost just as much but perform 2x better. Those pile of 1060s, 480s, 580s are literally heading towards a 60-80% price cut once they head towards resale. Given the way you guys treat the cards and how much is known about miners, I wouldn't be surprised if the bulk of used hardware hits no-bid. So, I hope you're calculating literal write-offs for that shit because its obvious dumbass miners have never heard of the insane depreciation technological equipment faces....

Furthermore, looking out those power outlets, you're in europe? What extra kind of retard is running such an operation in a location with power rates $/kwH dam near double/triple what they are in the U.S? LMFAO. $.35 kw/H europe vs. $0.12 kw/H U.S. Running that shit in dirty ass environments with poverty tier cooling. Obviously not understanding why a modern data center is setup the way it is.

> Muh revolution
> Muh anonymous transfers of money w/o taxation
> Muh impenetrable distributed ledger that runs over public network infrastructure that is controlled and tapped

KEK. You're obviously new here. Enjoy being a proof of concept stooge and enjoy the ponzi scheme while it lasts. No one is going anywhere near that hardware once 7nm dies get printed next year except third world countries at 3rd world prices.

you know Doge is the way

Is mining still profitable? Got a guide for Nvidia GPUs?

thank you, g..sir for supporting our company.

He just mined out that dude's anus

RIP Minercuck

>Buys over a dozen GTX 1060s
Poor as in middle class maybe

Kinda like all those "poor" refugees that somehow paid human traffickers tens of thousands of dollars each in cash to smuggle them into Europe

poverty in a lot of "poor" nations isn't what it used to be.

>implying you wouldn't store a mining rig in a storage room

Enough man. The cryptocucks already crying when they shillspam their shit all over the forums and imageboard. Now you wanna burn their ego ? That's harsh.

its funny because i've made 200k off of crypto

but you're a broke bitch LOL

I hope those are for powering your time machine to get back to when mining bitcoins was worth it.

is the 1050 a good choice for someone who
>is actually poor
>doesnt think of mining eth or bitcoin but whatever new meme coins emerge, hoping one picks up
ive seen them in my country for as little as 110$, not hoping to regain anything in the short term btw

or should i get a 1060, is the difference in performance that big?

btw cheapest 1060 i can find costs 2x that, or is the rx560 a better pick?

You know you would have made a lot more money if you had invested all of that into bitcoin/whatever instead of graphics cards?

In fact, you'll probably end up losing money when you factor in electricity cost. You'd be lucky just to break even before the mining crashes.

Retard, you are only going to lose a load of money. And know what? You deserve that. No mercy for idiots who are proud of their stupidity.

it's been done before

>Kinda like all those "poor" refugees that somehow paid human traffickers tens of thousands of dollars each in cash to smuggle them into Europe
You do realise the "tens of thousands of dollars in cash" is actually the sale of their son or daughter. People smugglers are the biggest source of child trafficking and sexual exploitation.

proof pic or it didnt happen

I don't think you want a picture of his ass

just go for the 1050, not Ti since it's fucking useless with extra 2 GB memory. 1060's price is too float right now.

RX560 will give you better performance than a 1050 for similar price, assuming there's any left.

How about 900 series nvidia cards?
I have a 960 and I want to mine some trash coin are they really so much behind the new lineup of amd and nvidia?

>Falling for the ETH scam

Have fun watching eth slowly return to where it belongs, single digits

It's illegal to own niggers now user stop

Though seriously, pretty sure Bitcoin is mined as fuck now, I remember an user selling his $80 which is now $2000+ now in currency

>mfw when these are on ebay for a quarter of MSRP in 3 months

>not remembering the last btc bubbke pop

Hey, I have that same GPU