Why are techfags so concerned about a few framerates all the time and not worried about getting the best value for the price?
Why are techfags so concerned about a few framerates all the time and not worried about getting the best value for the...
Because fuck you
because the "techfags" you're talking about are 14 year olds that don't care about bang-for-buck because it's their parent's money.
or 20 somethings with neetbux
Because anything under 60fps is unplayable.
t. Gaymen
I think you mean retarded gaymer manchildren from
what are you talking about? Sup Forums is collectively obsessed with maximizing their mindless consumption in all possible ways even if their definition of "value" is usually garbage numbers worship
60 is unplayable once you go 144+
They're manchild gamers.
this desu
thanks for using a trip btw
he's right tho
Its the small things that makes the computer usage very amusing. Seamless animations coupled with high framerates is truly mesmerizing. You would understand if you ever used an iOS device.
>high framerate
Does working full time but minimum wage while living at home count as neetbux? Asking for a friend.
Who the fuck even looks at the name field anymore
Bang for buck is the biggest meme of all time. Raw performance matters as well. Just because something is a good deal doesn't make it good.
long as your pulling 60 fps with everything jacked to the max with aa/af enabled at high res in your games who gives a fuck what everyone else buys. I play older titles (1996-04 era mostly) so I don't need a card with 5GB of ram that cost $1000 to get 60+ fps. Sit back and laugh at the fools who blow $500 when they don't got to and feel good knowing that your $500 richer than they are now.
New iPad
Le videogames xDD
Sup Forumsermin fuck off
no it's reserved for people collecting government benefits while remaining unemployed and living with their parents and spending it on irresponsible things
Diagf tripfag
Why do you care how other people spend their money?
burned xD
this is true to a point. If I desire 1440p, 100+ fps in my favorite games, sure a gtx 1060 is s shitload cheaper than a 1080, but I'm going to have to compromise a lot to even come close to my performance goals.
Conversely however, When your performance goals are much more "average joe", I think spending past the point of diminishing returns is also not a great idea.