Rate my url shortener

Rate my url shortener

any UI ideas?

Other urls found in this thread:


wtf i just clicked that IP address and now my files are encrypted

All it did was try and download a file

biggest bait

Honestly, useless/10

Here's a free idea, take user input from the address, aka opisfag//

And then redirect to the shortened link, so it's displayed In the address bar.

but it works, how is that bait?


No, it's perfect user.

How would you separate the URL and the domain with a / ?
Just do a GET request, faggot/?url=&options=
And the shortened link wouldn't be displayed since it will immediately be redirected to the target URL

Here i shortened ur url.


Or use something like flask with uwsgi, it's pretty easy

>URL shortener with a reverse proxy

how in tarnation


It demonstrates how you can take information from a request url and pass it into a return url. Between that you could use the exec directive to call a program to get the complete url to return


wtf! I'll never use this service again.
Developing a technology for evil purpose is morally wrong!

Can you upload this project on GitHub(or GitGud)?

reinventing the wheel/10


not really, check it out

what's wrong about that?

useful tool for scams n shit

All URL shorteneners are non-free botnets and must be destroyed

impressive, very nice

Kek, fantastic

Internal CNN URLs can be used for phishing.

>mfw url shorteners exist only because of fucking twitter

why didnt they just let you attach a link

so what, it just redirects to a different url through anons 'server'. kek, why not.

>able to create "frommobile.cnn.com/..." links
>so what

look into bootstrap css, its really easy and looks nice.

Link shorteners are actually good things, regardless of anything to do with Twitter, if you must attach several links in say, an online guide it looks a lot better to have a few short links rather than several 60 character strings or god forbid, some Google search link like this, or the ones that are like 5x as long as it.


You're showing your age, back when screens were 640x480/800x600 a long link would often be broken because it wrapped.

>any UI ideas?

It's perfect, don't change it.


>or GitGud
I srsly hope you're joking


You're not funny.

You're not gods chosen people.

I did the stupid thing and clicked on this one NSM link

Oh well it's been fun

>any UI ideas?

How about making one?

don't be shy, feel free to suggest a wireframe layout.