what makes mac os so comfy?
What makes mac os so comfy?
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i agree. i just got my first macbook pro a couple weeks back :)
>t. Jealous Poorfag
>t. mactoddler poorfag
So, a functional piece of technology is shit in this analogy?
So what kind of shit is a ThinkPad in that world?
Call back when your computer is unusable with non Apple hardware.
>using macOS on a resolution below 2k
Literally why
>using macOS
Literally why
Not using it.
Max comfyness
>watching twitch bcause you can't play a game on mac
Dark chocolate
looks like crap
So how does it feel to watch someone enjoy and play a video game who can't play well on ur shit distro?
reddit actually fell for this
Lemme know when you actually use macOS.
>has to skin his shitty desktop because the default UI isn't already perfect
just loonix things
I'm reading David Icke too
>your window management behavior
>your file cloning/folder merging behavior
>your lack of ability to deal with file conflicts
>your lack of customizability
>your default system hotkeys
becuz its looks good oh yeah
But it's not, it's just gay. Literally.
because my thinkpad t420 only goes to 1080p
lol your dumb
oi gimme your illyas
>alt tabbing
>file conflicts still don't trigger a context menu with
>have to use a shortcut for pretty much everything
>system shortcuts with 3 keys most of them in inconvenient places throughout the keyboard
rly made my shiny teeth sparkle
don't ever reply to my posts again
Mac is way better than Lincuck for gaming anyways
typical mac user --- using 2 adblocks.
do you also use two anti-viruses and 2 condoms?
its fucking linux XFCE with a Mac os X theme!!
Open terminal
Can not fork process
At thread limit set by the apple for a better "experience"
That updater icon gave you away...
pardon my newfaggotry but is this picture real?
define "real".
really gets the neutrinos on fire amirite f a m
is there a real movement encouraging pedophilia? or it is just another iWave-tier troll thing?
it's made by Sup Forums so it's real
The fact of being gay.
Mac OS is honestly my favorite operating system, even though I haven't used it since 2012. It would take like 5 hours or more of ricing any linux distro to get it looking half as good as Mac OS looks right out of the box.
>It would take like 5 hours or more of ricing any linux distro to get it looking half as good as Mac OS looks right out of the box.
and then you can use it for 5 years. 5 hours is nothing
I remember using it on iMacs in school and it was gay as fuck and I didn't get to use it because people hogged it but its awesome now
Nice try, OP. Good job though, had to look for a few seconds.
>900 total vertical pixels
>80 of them are wasted on a dock
>with 6 things on it
>it's not auto-hidden
The homosexual craves a piece of "preimum fashion" over a tool that gets work done.
If you were so inclined as to buy a firearm, you'd probably choose based on aesthetics and how "premium" the packaging felt
Good design makes it good.
Most people don't understand it's good because it's good.
This is why Winshit is still whack.
You just got blown by a dude and it's a weight lifted off of your shoulders. It's what you always secretly wanted.
>gives money to a company that goes out of their way to keep inventing proprietary screw heads to keep customers out of their devices.
Yeah cause they like to make being gay and being a pedo, one in the same.
Both. There actually is a legitimate child love movement, but that image is Sup Forums memery.
In a nutshell, the main arguments in favor of legalizing child love are:
>There is no scientific basis for the idea that sex is harmful to minors (see the Rind, et al. controversy)
>Mentally disabled adults with a developmental age of 8 are considered sufficiently competent to have sex (this actually is based on scientific input)
>Sexual attraction to children is quite common, with 1-5% of the population exclusively attracted to prepubescents, 15-20% preferentially attracted to prepubescents, and upwards of 80% exhibiting measurable arousal to prepubescents when measured with a phallometer (although less than 1% of people admit to any amount of attraction to children).
>Studies of people convicted of sex offenses against children actually tend to find a slightly lower percentage of pedophiles compared to studies conducted on nonclinical demographics
>The greatest empires in history (Greece, Rome, Persia, Egypt, Babylon, China, etc) have all strongly encouraged boylove in particular
Pretty much all the arguments against child love are artifacts of feminism (first wave feminists were responsible for raising the age of consent in England from its traditional but not legally defined age of 10 to 16, second wave feminists brought with them the power politics that position men as always being the empowered party that must seek consent and women always being the weaker party that offers consent rather than the traditional framework where consent is ongoing between both parties, third wave feminists applied "muh Patriarchy" to pedophilia to come up with their "muh babyraping satanic cults rule the world" bullshit, etc) or the LGBT movement (who originally campaigned alongside NAMbLA, but jettisoned them when they realized that "between consenting adults" was their strongest line, and is undermined by arguments for child love).
Fucking degenerate, please kill yourself.
No I won't explain why, because it's obvious to anyone with empathy.
Note that no one is advocating legalizing rape, just getting rid of laws that deny minors their right to offer or refuse consent as they see fit, laws which are often used to persecute minors. See the high schooler that killed himself recently after being threatened to be prosecuted as a producer and distributor of child porn for sexting with his girlfriend, the large number of children on the sex offenders list (which is impossible to get off of under any circumstances and has some pretty insane restrictions attached to it), etc.
Microsoft doesn't understand why the design decisions they made work, which is why they only copy the superficial elements and end up missing the point entirely, even though they've been trying since 1987
Should I seriously buy a Mac book?
>1440x900 2011 Macbook pro dual core garbage
>not adjusting icon size to the smallest or autohide
>not using the dark theme
>not using firefox
>WALLPAPER.COM logo on background
Just stop posting
I use macOS because:
-It has better font rendering
-It has more of -that- kind of software than Linux
-It has somehow better hardware support in my case than linux, and I'm not kidding
-It has been quite stable
-Defaults look actually good, no time spent ricing
-Plenty comfortable to use after learning how and not being a little ducky
Things I don't like about it:
-Not natively supported on non Apple hardware
-Inferior performance, no lie
-Use of workarounds for NTFS drives and such
-Gimped firewall
-Many of the good things are hidden away
-Full system updates not that substantial (Sierra being El Capitan with Siri, folders on top and PiP and that's about it, now High Sierra being Sierra with APFS and... what the fuck else?)
-With how easy it is to adapt to a few aspects of it, it makes it also harder to switch to different OSes
-Primitive shit (file merging behavior, pages not having multi text selection, file compressors are a shit, thank god HFS+ is being replaced, finder not being able to rearrange icons when resizing windows...)
>It has better font rendering
Plenty of Programs fix that, even in Windows, like MacOSFonts or Gdipp
>It has more of -that- kind of software than Linux
Not really.
>It has somehow better hardware support in my case than linux, and I'm not kidding
Depends on what you want to run.
>It has been quite stable
If You've ever worked in a Mac Support Helpdesk, it's not, every update fucks up everything internally. I've worked for a Year and I can tell you that it's fucking hell every Dev conference or Annual update. I remember in El Capitan we had internal bulletins regarding the protocol/guideline for addressing this/that issue, don't get me started on Sierra.
>Defaults look actually good, no time spent ricing
Depends on the preference of the users, Ubuntu to me looks fine without gimping it.
>Plenty comfortable to use after learning how and not being a little ducky
So are other operating systems.
I've used Gesture which is nice, but honestly counter-productive after being familiar with shortcuts and the keyboard.
I have 2 Desktops and 3 Laptops, 1 of the is a MBPro and I honestly just use it if I want to finish Monthly reports or need to go to a meeting since everyone in work uses a fucking mac or iPhone.
>Plenty of Programs fix that, even in Windows, like MacOSFonts or Gdipp
gdipp is primitive and has compatibility problems. mactype has kerning issues. It's not just font smoothing that matters.
>Not really.
Yes really. WINE isn't as good as native, there's no contest.
>Depends on what you want to run.
Ok, some examples?
>If You've ever worked in a Mac Support Helpdesk, it's not, every update fucks up everything internally. I've worked for a Year and I can tell you that it's fucking hell every Dev conference or Annual update. I remember in El Capitan we had internal bulletins regarding the protocol/guideline for addressing this/that issue, don't get me started on Sierra.
>I've worked for a year
>Every Annual update
Yes, early Sierra fucked up quite a bit. From that point onwards, september until today, I had less and less issues. That's how updates are supposed to work. I'd probably hate working for Apple too, but I don't see how that makes my experience different. Maybe under the hood it's a complete mess, I cannot tell you that. What I can tell you is that it has brought that feeling of "tomorrow this will work" like Windows almost never had in +15 years.
>Depends on the preference of the users, Ubuntu to me looks fine without gimping it.
Fair point, I just like this more.
>So are other operating systems.
Depends on which ones, that's for sure.
>I've used Gesture which is nice, but honestly counter-productive after being familiar with shortcuts and the keyboard.
I disagree, I think it can be productive to use both.
her butt is smelly
>cp -R
>cp -R
>enough customizability for everyone
>hotkeys are bloat
also die weeb. anime is trash and cancer
a small brain and big wallet