Just how klossy are you guys?
Just how klossy are you guys?
Everybody is speechless of how awesome are these girls just how awesome are these girls from the bottom of my heart wish you luck austin TX awesome are these girl I just hope you have a great time I'm speechless of how awesome are these girls
I am 4201337% Klossy
literal stacy coding camp
I only use klossless files
5% programming (garbage level)
95% yay positivity good vibes tumblr female koding kamp shit
WTF is this? Is it a daycare for adults?
im a guy in a hoodie
Why are sjw so hellbent on getting girls coding?
I'm cd..% klossy.
Standard Software Engineering Culture is:
5% programming (garbage level)
95% misogynistic sexual frustration and rape jokes
So that us SJWs can push miserable assholes like you out of the industry and fix all of the problems you created from having a stupid, backwards, and misanthropic worldview.
you wish klossy
SJWs need conflict in order to drive their crowdfunding money. Conflict comes from intersecting their focus with a male-majority profession. Among the choices, coding is very modern and pays well while also appealing to women who would otherwise eschew manual labor and/or uncomfortable working conditions.
Of course it teaches Ruby. What is it about Ruby that makes the community so detestable?
Chill out, Karlie
>tfw there's no hope anymore
I want to kode with Klossy.
>Coding is a very modern profession and pays well while also appealing to barely mediocre brogrammers who would otherwise eschew manual labor and/or uncomfortable working conditions.
FTFY, because that's what already happened to the profession two decades ago.
The actual computer geeks fucking hate you people. We'd rather work with Klossy.
what a badly done bait
People see the technological revolution and decide 'coding' is the new key to life. It's just popular currently so people want to be elite computer/tech geeks. Until they realize what that actually entails, I think actual programming (especially debugging) puts most people off.
So many have told me how awful programming is because when something doesn't work the way you want it to it's IMPOSSIBLE to figure it out and it's extremely annoying/frustrating/boring/repetitive. It takes a certain personality type, I think a lot of people don't ever even fully grasp that the computer just does exactly what you tell it to do.
More insidious is the desire to probably lower wages by flooding the industry with more workers. I doubt it will happen though, I don't think 99% of women are into STEM, it's not discrimination necessarily, I view it as the same reason you don't see a lot of guys going into cosmetics industry.
>I wish to be overpowered by a tall dark stranger
look at the comments of the youtube video. she is clearly buying comments and views for her videos.
Looks pretty fun
no actually it's a daycare for children...
And here we are discussing her and giving her more views, making her more relevant. Good job
but does she teach how to write a kompiler?
No. user.
I am serious.
fratboy brogrammers are the problem with computer programming today, maybe Klossbaes can be part of the final solution.
METHODS HASHES AND ARRAYS ARE HARD GUYS!11!!!111one!!!111eleven!11!!!11
looks legit.
seriously tho, why is OP not banned for spam yet?
Actually they said that Methods, Hashes and Arrays are fun, user.
>and I'm like "Oh my god, I was dying"
I want to code with klossy
So to recap the video...
They teach basic logic through games, they learn ruby at a disturbingly slow rate (assuming the videos were filmed in order, she made a read input, toggle input program on day 3).
Then they got to to watch a model on a screen.
Why are they not teaching them how to "kode"?
I mean if they spend most of their time goofing around anyway, why not teach them how to draw a program.
I am not expecting them to get a CS degree or anything, but the girls seem to be very good at drawing stuff, so why not focus on diagrams?
If they could learn how to make a diagram that can directly be turned into a program their time would be much better spent.
the only thing i hate about it is that im not there to see all that fine puss bro
teach em how it's really done
you should be banned for that font rendering nigger
>They teach basic logic through games, they learn ruby at a disturbingly slow rate (assuming the videos were filmed in order, she made a read input, toggle input program on day 3).
Do you realize that when you are teaching people how to code for the first time, you need to teach them about text editors, command shells, and a bunch of other shit before you actually get to teaching them how to make even a simple program?
Have you ever taught a novice, like a child with no exposure to computer programming, how to code before?
This klossy woman is a genius
she is probably raking in the dough with this cute little coding camp
>Kongratulations! You're 100% Klossy!
Not on your life.
Hello Klossy. How are your Christian camp retreat seminars going?
Nice kuads
Nah. It's a program under a big multinational nonprofit. She's volunteering her time. Rich people have to do so that other rich people will invite them to the drug fueled orgies. You don't want selfish assholes at your orgies, user.
That's where the misogyny, sexual frustration, and rape jokes come from, user.
>Why are they not teaching them how to "kode"?
They only get taught how to do the most basic stuff. The point is so that they tell others what great time they had there, so next year there will be even more girls applying. Ms. Klossy is doing it just to build her own brand.
Why are they doing this?
There's no chance any of them has any real interest in tech or CS.
> computer geeks
Inferior code monkey, mathematics and physics are way superior monkey.
Every time.
I want to kode her klossy if you catch my drift
great handwriting
>yfw you will never be 200% klossy
What's an interger?
Decent notes except for the = and == part which doesn't actually mention what they do just when to use them.
hmm.. seems like i gotta step up my git game so i can continue making fun of them
>git status
>compare local version with the cloud
There is so much wrong going on here.
>rape jokes
Admitting they were jokes, eh? Maybe hope for you yet
That's some vintage 2010 imagery right there.
Check my portfollio losers! ;)
I don't git so I'm curious whats what with it?
While typically used for version control (like, who gives a fuck about that when it's just you and your keyboard?) I use git diff to understand which of the eleventy hundred changes I made actually counted once the bug is fixed
Also I self host
Not him, but when I use status at work it's usually to check what I've changed since I last commited them. i.e. difference between working directory and local repo, not local repo and remote
Why these shit always need to be about meme ruby?
God i hate ruby its cancer. Someone actually use it for real work?
Code artisan
>“Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Rubeh! I’ve never been a fan of any particular programming language until I worked with Ruby. It’s such a pleasure to write code with the Ruby language, as it allows you to write the same way as you think. In the end it helps me think better and write better when I’m writing with Ruby,” he proclaimed in an interview with Vulcan Post. “I’ve written stuff with other languages like Python, Go, JavaScript, etc. Some are faster, some more powerful. Yet one day when I’m old and weary, if I still want to code (or write poetry), I think I would do it in Ruby.”
stay mad
Ruby is un-pajeetable
When someone makes something pajeet-proof, someone else just makes a better pajeet
This is a nice post.
Because it's easy to learn and the syntax makes sense to people who don't know much about programming.
As long as you thumb down.
Pure cringe
Why things like this allowed to exist?
I need to cut off my dick now. Holy fuck that's comfy
I never had food that looked that good
Those are pretty good notes.
There is way more programming and a lot less talking going on.
Back when I was in high school, I was in "tech" club, and offered to teach programming. Just give them a basic IDE and run with it, you can go from nothing to printing, math, user inputs, etc. on their own in 20 minutes. Iiirc, I used python and IDLE because this was back when it was still relevant. If I were doing it today, I'd set them up with PyCharm.
I wouldn't go into using a text editor and manual toolchain until later on, they'll just get in the way for trivial beginner stuff.
Does anyone wish they could do this?
wait. who the fuck is this?
I'm the Klossiest.
How to
A Kompiler
They don't get the antisocial element of programming
they probably get fuck all done as a consequence
this shit will significantly drive down average wages
They can't really kode though
Seems much better than sitting in a dark room and getting collectively yelled at by the teacher because a bunch of people in the back didn't know how to copy and paste a file
Why isn't there a coding for gay guys? Glamputer for C++ock?
She's slutting herself out trying to ""teach people"" visual basic and other entry level crap. She must a least understand that once her looks fade as a model, she doesn't want to sell her body as a cheap whore on the red light district.
I'm klossy enough
Would you lick her klosshole?
tech is dead
I feel this would be a great program if they taught C instead. Ruby is a garbage memelang for hipster web devs.
The one person in the room who actually knows anything.
shes a literal child friend
>text editors, command shells, and a bunch of other shit
why the fuck wouldnt you use a simple to understand IDE designed for teaching like bluejay
So they can harp on unequal pay when the girls who are shit at coding get lower wages. And they can harp on discrimination and mass unemployment when these girls get fired and never hired again. And yes, a social economy and/or full communism is their goal. It has been all along.