What upcoming technological advancements are you looking forward to?

What upcoming technological advancements are you looking forward to?

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Neural interfaces

Improved vision

All those fancy Samsung CRTs

>wanting any of that
>not keeping your body pure
Do you hate yourself user?

I have the mid tower version of that beige case. 4 5.25" bays, 4 3.5" bays (2 external, 2 internal).

VR vidya games

Patent-free, license-free standards.

One can dream.

The human body is shit. We've always known this, so we make technology to keep ourselves alive and comfortable. Genemodding and implants are just the next step in a long history if integrating closer and closer with our tech.


The forthcoming internet replacement, based on hard crypto and entirely p2p. The normies and phoneshitters will have their fully commercialized and thought policed www, with separate payment plans for every service, and those that know tech will go find a new frontier.

This as well desu.

Virtual Reality RPGs

Landmines that look like CD players

Blockchains broadcasted with TV signals

3D print hot dogs

Baseline quantum computers. Superintelligences capable of doing monte carlo simulations. Artificial general intelligence capable of imperative intuitions.

in stellaris the game, when you choose the technological ascension evolutionary path with a species you end creating a new species which are robot with organic mind, they normally take over your organic body civilization and commit genocide.

Well that's an alamist prediction that's used because it's interesting. What will actually happen is certain to be far more boring.

>Poor signal
>Miss a few bytes in the right places
>Can't error correct the loss
So you end up grabbing bytes from the internet anyway. What's changed, exactly?

We can't commit genocide against jews or blacks, where does this idea of robots genociding humanity comes from?

You can't perform deep packet inspection on TV signals to censor it.


Useful VR
Self driving electric cars
Mind uploading

Broadcasting stations are extremely expensive hard infrastructure which consume megawatts of power to run. It would be trivial for the government to shut one down.

High efficiency perovskite glass panels. We're finally nearing mass production of 30% efficient solar solutions that actually reach those figures outside of ridiculous lab settings.
Sugar fuel cells would be pretty awesome if they ever hit the consumer market.
Lowcost IR sensors are making night/thermal vision cheaper and more accessible than ever. A few cars on the market have systems for detecting animals at night, deer crashes being a major problem in much of the US, and that is going to eventually filter down to the cheapest economy cars around, just like BLIS is currently doing now.
Nanogenerators could power a lot of things through body heat and movement, enough to power devices like phones.
Phone screens capable of producing 3D holograms have been made, and are maybe a couple years out from the market.

Tons of cool things on the horizon. Industry never stops advancing.

Instant, seamless, and accurate translation between any two languages from any form of media.

>human body

The human body is filled with a metric fuckload of useless shit not erased because it is more energy intense than it is worth.
There is only one known thing on this planet that has erased junk DNA, and it is a plant. We still have no clue why.

So many things left in our DNA over the millions of years, hell, BILLIONs of years life has been evolving, they cause all kinds of illness from cancer to autoimmune when exposed to the right triggers.
The right triggers can be the flu or some harmless bacterial infection.
Case in point, HPV causing cancer infections.

The whole "junk DNA" thing isn't as simple as that, though.
A lot of it is used as memory for past interactions with infection vectors, basic behaviours (the nature part of us vs the nurture part) and such.
Hopefully China doesn't cave to western faggot pressures to stop research.

nice read
which plant?

I want bendable e-ink monitors so I can shitpost in the sun


>going into a transhuman era
>retarded conservatives are already here
Deus Ex is already here...

>falling for the new à jewish trick
Putting botnets hygiène into your body won't make your life better

A software revolution against shitty code quality and stupid managers. I'm fed up with how every single piece of software, every driver, every device, etc is a pile of garbage that could've been made 10x better if only they cared and if the project wasn't bogged down by stupid managers that just pull the developers' productivity down the drain with their bullshit. Especially the fact that in this day and age both windows and linux are still complete and utter junk with bugs left and right, lacking important features and bloat of all kinds is inexcusable and a sure sign the IT sector has failed as a whole.

Can't remember the name for the life of me. Let me find it.
Here it is.
It wasn't no junk, just extremely little.
Fucking weird ass little plant.

The worst part is it ends up costing the company well over double the money it would take to actually test their fucking software properly when shit does hit the fan.
As you said, the issues are at all levels of software from OSes to simple fucking protocols behind common communication systems.
So fucking dumb.

Equally the shitty pay for these people getting even shittier thanks to cunts like India flooding the market with literal summer-course tier developers. FUCK.

Replacement body parts which are at least on par with the real thing. But only if it's completely transparent and thoroughly audited, since it connects to your nervous system and shit.

If it's not another shitty VR headset this could be interesting. With all this talk about the brain as the most powerful computer on their page I'm secretly hoping on some neutral interface, or at least an optical/auditory one

They will be proprietary and locked down.

>going into a transhuman era
No, we're going into the consumerist botnet era. Not even one of these technologies will be non-botnet, yet ignorant consumers will willingly support them.

Robots are alot more capable than human beings and are more likely to follow a single ideology - e.g. kill all humans.



Driverless automobiles and drones.

librebooted x220.
also free as in freedom sexbots.

might need some heat resistant clothing as well

This is why blockchain is a real problem that needs to be put to bed once and for all.

statist scum

can't wait for this site to be taken down and the internet nuked as the FCC just lets goycast do their thing, thus leaving the internet as pretty much just faceberg, twitter, and youtube, while the FBI kicks down the doors of anyone else communicatin in unauthorized ways.

also looking forward to neural implants which are really cool(TM) and so many people get them that they eventually become mandatory to connect into our heads since it would really be a huge inconvenience not to have one, plus you're not allowed to drive on your own anymore so why would you be needing to think on your own either?

can't wait

Full color 3D printing that does not look like ass
8K VR/AR with wide FoV built into a pair of lightweight spectacles.
Direct Brain Interfaces
Matter Transportation
Cheap electric cars that are not Google tier shit
Limitless energy

Doubt I will live long enough for even the basics.

Things I want that probably won't happen.
> decentralized internet
> fixed rate high speed broadband
> 3D printing replacing manufacturers and retailers

Things I don't want that probably will happen.
> the death of anonymous transportation due to self driving cars
> cashless society
> computer vision becoming a part of everyday physical life

Things I want that definitely will happen.
> polished VR (give it 10-20 years)
> free same day delivery for practically all goods and services
> 100% renewable energy

Prophet right here.

DDR5 and 5nm unironically

>prophet right here

not sure if you're being sarcastic but it seriously seems to me that is the way things are headed. it won't even be cool and cyberpunk it will just be 1984 tier where we are just zombies

nerve gear

affordable PC hardware that can handle high end VR

Sadly I was being 100% serious.

DESU I think it will be more like Brave New World, but without the birth science. Most people are fine with being subjugated as long as they can still do the things that make them feel good.

Anyone who disagrees will be completely fucked, the way people without social security numbers are today. They won't be able to get jobs or houses and will probably end up living a bare existence in unserved geographical areas.

China number 1!!!

There are too many people who will never want to do it. Buying a piece of technology or signing up to a website is one thing. Getting surgery to put something in your head that permanently alters the timbre of your existence on this planet is another.

This is probably closer than you would think.

Sure, like that would stop the NEETs that frequent Sup Forums.

I live in a first world country, have a decent paying job, and own a house.
At this point, I have just about all the technology I could want.
All I can possibly see from the future is sex bots, because I'm a lonely faggot living on my own in a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house.

I'm reserving my human body and its relative sovereignty until capitalist-authoritarian motives are far less present &/or dangerous toward mental-physical sovereignty and safety that is potentially allowable with dishonestly handled transhumanism.

>Implying that would be the worst

Mind that there are already groups out there forming to prevent sexbots becoming a thing because of feminism bullshit. We don't even have the technology yet to have a walking robotic pussy and these cunts are already crying fowl.

I also want food to be 3d printable

the only correct answer.


supersonic air travel

Thank you, user. You've made my loneliness slightly more bearable with that free (you). Here, have one in return. Again, thank you.

kek why even buy a house if youre single debtfag

We tried that and we realised it was too expensive and we can't do it over land. Hyperloop is probably the best solution.

If you're lonely can I stay in a room for free. I'll make ya feel good.

wut? hyperloop is a fucking scam m8 sst is coming back

Biological immortality

>extremely expensive
>only available to the top 0.0001%
>tightens the grip that (((they))) have over us

Yeah, that'd be fucking wonderful.

the 90's are calling

Supersonic flight causes Sonic booms that are similar to loud explosions and can break windows( airspacemag.com/flight-today/Search-for-Quiet-SST-180952125/) that's why they were allowed to fly over land back ithe day. However NASA is claiming that they can reduce the effect of the booms over land (cnbc.com/2017/06/21/nasa-and-honeywell-claim-they-can-reduce-sonic-booms-over-land-potentially-bringing-supersonic-flight-to-the-masses.html )but I remain sceptical. Hyperloop works because the boom is contained and requires less energy than supersonic flight.


Better battery technology with energy density closer to or better than fosil fuels

Augumented reality thru contact lenses

3d printing of metal and organical/living compounds

Where will computing go in the short term, after die shrinks, more cores, more tdp, more optimizations, more achitectures doesn't cut it anymore, and considering quantum computing wont be practical for decades.

This and decentralized crypto exchanges

BBC implants.

late 90s early 00s nokia build quality on phones i miss clipping my fat phone into my belt

theyve designed planes that dont cause sonic booms

>Where will computing go in the short term, after die shrinks, more cores, more tdp, more optimizations, more achitectures doesn't cut it anymore, and considering quantum computing wont be practical for decades.

You mention all hardware advancements. Software devs need to catch up and actually utilize the technology to it's full potential. May be a good thing, forcing people to optimize their apps rather then assume that everyone will just have the processing power to deal with it's poor programming.

HCCI engines

I'm sure the Japanese will do it anyway and we can import them.

>Hyperloop works

It doesn't

Because if he's not a retard and pays the mortgage, in a few years he'll own the thing outright, and you'll still be paying (((rent))).


Things I think will happen soon:
Self driving cars (Not for me. For other people who don't know how to drive)
Foreskin regeneration
Brick & Mortar Grocery stores being replaced with Amazon/similar, with the exception of fruits/vegetables that you'd get from the farmer's market if you cared enough to pick out your own. Or if you are a lazy ass you can just roll the dice and get Amazon's pick.
Viable AR/VR

Things I don't think we'll have soon, but will eventually:
Full neural interfacing (I bet we can intercept and prevent the prorogation of neural signals in the real world using neuro-chemicals that are responsible for sleep paralysis)
Gene editing (for a full being, rather than just a single gene)
Medical breakthroughs in anti-rejection drugs
A viable safe fast replacement for c/c++

Things that will never happen:
Consumer "Quantum" buzzword computing
Visiting other stars
Real general AI

>windows sexbot edition

>tfw video is accurate

Ayy lmaos please stop this horrible future.

There's not even really a point to doing it over land, with a flight from LAX to JFK being only 5.5 hours. Flying business class, it's not an unenjoyable experience at all. The problem comes from operating costs being stupid high since supersonic travel is extremely inefficient.

As for travel advances, increasing passenger comfort while keeping prices reasonable would go very far in improving the travel experience. I don't think that will happen, however, since airlines like Frontier are growing rapidly, and their entire business model is based on providing the bare minimum for the lowest price.

It's another symptom of the widening class divide. Since people need to preserve their limited disposable income, they're willing to endure discomfort for a few hours in order to save hundreds. I'm guilty of it myself... $175 round trip from DEN to PIT? Fuck yeah.

So as far as air travel is concerned, I would realistically guess that we're going to see airlines slashing amenities along with prices, in a sort of "race to the bottom", since ultra low cost carriers have shown that people are willing to sacrifice niceties for money saved.

Things I think will happen soon (next 5-10 years):
>Self driving cars
>NSA tier organizations gaining notable quantum computing abilities
>smartphones becoming more integrated into our lives

Things I don't think we'll have soon, but will eventually (10-30 years):
>factory grown meat replacing beef farms that are horrendous for the environment
>automation of the truck driver... very far reaching impacts
>automation of many jobs in general, causing serious issues for the economy
>hopefully some breakthrough in battery technology

Things that may happen some day, but probably beyond our lifetimes:
>Strong AI/Singularity
>Stop ageing process (may get turbo cancer)
>Nanomachines to fight infection and repair damaged tissue
>Self-sustaining mars colony
>Full independence from fossil fuels

Things that will never happen:

self driving cars would require consistency in americas infrastructure. it might work out west where the roads arent the lumpy half assed shit they are in places like the south. self driving cars is more viable in western europe since they actually build quality roads and fund the money to properly maintain them. ever drive on roads in texas? driving along and all of a sudden random dip on one side of the road, add some rain to the mix and all the computer processing power and the best tires arent going to stop it from hydroplaning into a car hauling a family

That's why we need anarcho-transhumanism

To be fair, as long as they do better than humans it's a net win.

Of course when self driving cars take off, every crash caused by the AI is going to make the news.
People will be distrustful because they are obviously above average drivers and they would never make a mistake.

100Ghz cpu

humans are not inferior, only the people who dont invest any money into properly maintaining their cars and the biggest offenders ones not investing in tires or brake maintenance. the problem with americans is that its still ingrained that everyone should be driving which some people cant handle the responsibilities that come with piloting a 2 ton missile on public roads and are better off being bussed around on mass transit if americans would actually invest in it so the quarter of the population that dont see their decisions as affecting all of those around them arent piloting fucking 2 ton hunks of metal

fuck off hippie get a job

did your period button fucking break a quarter into posting? use grammar holy fuck.

and saying its mostly people who dont maintain their cars is bigoted as some people are probably great drivers but dont have the money to throw any into their cars for maintenance, you also have people driving brand new cars who have no regard for the safety of other drivers fucking around on their phones when hands free devices exist and are mandatory by law in places like europe

>thinks its about improper car maintenance

lmao it's fucking becky white bitch snapchatting while driving that's causing the pile-ups.

it's the 80 year olds that have no business on the road, yet somehow we don't have a system that retests drivers every 20 years or something.

it's the tractor trailers thinking highways are ~their~ road and bully people out of the way and causing lane-change accidents

it's also the people with absolutely no regard to their own mortality driving like a fucking maniac and think they always are more important/hurry hurry hurry.

also use your fucking signals holy shit.