Am I fucked? Should I replace this drive? I've only been using it for a year and a half

Am I fucked? Should I replace this drive? I've only been using it for a year and a half.

get it replaced it is obviously defectve

Speccy says it's all good though.

Who do I trust?

it's not about the condition perse
it's about the fact that it already, after such a short time, has any reallocated sectors at all

Well that doesn't sound good.

It's a bare drive I got as a Christmas gift. I take it there's no warranty?

it's not "that" bad
are you using it for things that are important?
if so get a new drive, if not and you are fine with the risk of it dying earlier than average then keep it
mind hdds don't tend to "die" from one day to the other so you usually would have some time to react if it were to start to die

Lucky boi

It just holds my media and games. Nothing crucial but it'd be a pain in the ass if it went down.

Where'd you get that?

I ran Seagate's testing thing and it says it's all good. Does that mean they wouldn't replace it?

I checked their website and it's under warranty until December. So I've got some breathing room at least.

Did you ever think to check the warranty before you came here?

you should replace the operating system

I didn't even think there was a warranty.

>a true meme on Sup Forums

I don't feel sorry for you user. Go fuck yourself.

I didn't buy it, it was a Christmas gift.

Well you are going to learn a lesson today user.

You drive *WAS* in warranty, until you posted the serial number on your favourite chinese cartoon website.

Now I get to replace my OOW drive, thank you user.



Well that sucks. Oh well.

What kind of shitty company won't even verify that the SN on the drive doesn't match the SN the report was filed under?

This image gave me eye cancer.

Well since I can't get a free replacement on drive anymore (whoops) what should I buy to replace it? I'd like to upgrade to 4TB but I'm not sure what brand is Sup Forums approved.

i dont think they'll accept this return, on that basis. but you never know.

to answer the question you posed in the OP, the fact that you have 8 reallocated sectors doesn't necessarily mean that your hard drive is fucked, it just means that you should now (just as you always should) back up all your files regularly and monitor the drive closely to detect any further changes in the SMART values. be ready to replace it if it goes, but don't go purchasing a new drive yet.

if and when you decide to replace the drive, go HGST or bust. look for the models that were in that data center hard drive statistics article that got published some months ago.

contact support and tell them you need to change the details on your rma.

Please user, use the stupid people thread next time Also use the option in the menus to hide your s/n

Mine started doing the same after a year or so.
Still works 3 years later.

>i dont think they'll accept this return, on that basis. but you never know.

I don't think they will either but as a precaution I emailed Seagate. If that user was just trolling me I hope he's laughing his ass off, I know I would.

>it just means that you should now (just as you always should) back up all your files regularly and monitor the drive closely to detect any further changes in the SMART values

As a matter of fact, the reason I checked the drive status in the first place is because I just installed a new drive. So I'm gonna back up my most crucial media on that.

>if and when you decide to replace the drive, go HGST or bust.

I just looked them up and oh my God are they expensive.

>contact support and tell them you need to change the details on your rma.

You're a strange man, but thanks (?) regardless.

>Please user, use the stupid people thread next time I normally do, not sure why I didn't this time.

>Also use the option in the menus to hide your s/n

I didn't know that existed until this thread. So lesson learned.

Being this proud of being an autistic poor faggot. KYS

get a replacement

the cost is worth it my friend. you can get 2TB drives for about $85 if you shop around.

reliability is not cheap
there's a reason seagate is the cheapest and the least reliable

It's fine as long as they don't increase. With only 8 you're obviously not currently undergoing a progressive failure, so you should be fine.