ITT: Pajeet code horror stories
ITT: Pajeet code horror stories
One student tried to bubblesort but forgot one for
>High school Java class
>Guy who sits next to me notices the code he wrote for his string exercise doesn't work
>Proceeds to look up 2 online tutorials on how to do this exercise
>Copies first one halfway
>Finishes it with the second one
>Compiles it
>Returns some abortion version of what it was supposed to
>He proceeds to go back to the designer and make the console always output the same values after each input
>Keeps the broken code for some reason
>Tells the teacher he's done
>Coaches teacher through using it to make it seem like it works
>Gets a better grade than I did
And that's when I stopped putting effort into projects for that class.
Valuable lesson to learn here: bullshit can make you go a long way.
Entire companies have been built on it. And your competition will never refrain from using it. So learn how to bullshit your way through situations and learn how to detect bullshit. Because that's a fucking lifesaving skill.
Not a programmer, I'm a network administrator at an MSSP. I fucking cringe every time a client from India calls, or we're working with another company who outsourced their networking to Indians. They're so fucking stupid, can't understand basic routing and VPN concepts. I don't have anything to add to this thread, just wanted to say I fucking hate Indians.
They don't understand english either.
> Valuable lesson to learn here: bullshit can make you go a long way.
aye indeed. that's probably why we have gone astray. loss of integrity. image over substance. bravado over competence.
What a waste.
>And that's when I stopped putting effort into projects for that class.
He's cheating himself. And you're an idiot for doing the same by worrying about other people. The effort into projects makes you a better programmer.
Never ever buy anything from a vendor who has a pajeet on their sales or technical team. Most vendors will screw you over in some way, but pajeet vendors tend to shamelessly take your money and then make you implement their "product" yourself under the guise of integration.
wew lad. when you pay this much attention to the other guy, how can you possibly concentrate on what YOU'RE doing?
uh... why would this ever be needed? And how would it not just freeze/lock up the compiler?
Fucking faggots, when I was in uni in the UK, all you dumb white faggots would do nothing in group assignments and I had to help every single one of you because you were incompetent retards. It should be more like post dumb whitey code rather than pajeet
>I had to help every single one of you because you were incompetent retards
Even in university, Pajeet is reduced to tech support.
I was only 16 man.
I was already done man. I got like around 95% because I didn't include any comments whatsoever but he got a 100 on that.
B-but I was told capitalism rewarded excellence!
If regulated correctly against monopolies in the long run, sure it does.
But that's not the situation that we are in, is it?
Fuck India.
>still falling for the commie vs capitalist meme
>not going full fash
Nah, fascists are some of the most economically retarded people to ever grace this Earth. They think that social issues are everything and can't fathom that heavy centralization kills your economy in the long run.
Germany could have won the war even on two fronts if Hitler didn't throw all his fucking ressources on pie in the sky wonderweapons that were never cost effective.
>if Hitler didn't throw all his fucking ressources on pie in the sky wonderweapons that were never cost effective.
The economic effectiveness of nazi germany depended greatly on the will of the leader since it was a society with one will. If your leader is insane, the results tend to be suboptimal.
Albert Speer did a lot in de-centralising Nazi Germany's economy and because of that he managed to keep germany in the war for probably 2 more years. Which was probably not for the best.
>not just capitalism with autistic characteristics
pls be bait
Lol pajeet what are you doing now? A waiter perhaps? Would you like some papadams? Blob blob blob
computers don't tend to freeze or lock that easily
(except if you are running a shit kernel)
Like linux
So you also mean OSX?
Nigga OSX uses the actual Unix kernal, not the shitty chink ripoff of Linux.
And you're a complete idiot who had no idea what they're talking about.
How can you cram so much wrong in one sentence?
Teach me.
Fuck off Loonix cund, OSX is the superior OS for any computer. It is universally used by everyone. It is the most used OS in the world cuz of its speed and accuracy. It is compatible with any computer what so ever.
You're trying too hard.
Ah, but see it's not the quantity of bullshit that's impressive, it's the density.
And yours is indeed quite dense.
You're trying too hard.
Fuck you pajeet
Java lesson:
is not the same as
>a == b
Says right there on the label. Wasting space.
The Bell Labs boys were building C right around that time, so it could have been a pathological case to test a compiler's code generation and stack handling.
I don't believe Unix had memory management in 1972.
>have a task to write api calls service and adapter
>go to dev site
>open documentation
>out dated
>Huge SOAP wsdl needs jaxb binding
>email support because of outdated docs
>respond with links to the same doc i linked
>some values return null sometimes on the same request
>naming convention isn't consistent
>plan a call with them
>they don't pick up
>spend 3 days trying to understand the responses
They didn't even have a developer api to test anything. Worst week and a half of my life.
>when I was ... in the UK
Have you returned to the designated shitting streets then? Or are you still fouling up my country?
You mean the predominantly Muslim country of Britistan? Yeah there is no more room for me to foul it.