Best Text Editor


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lol did u pirate that editor?

fucking reported lel

>he doesn’t know about Text
have fun with a text editor that ignores returns with utf-8 txt files.

Why is the "undo" feature so shit? Is the whole thing an intern project?

>what is linux line endings




For simple edits I have notepad2-mod installed, for everything else I use VSCode.

ED(1) is the standard text editor.

emacs is rly bad.

I'm a big vi/vim guy, but I specifcally encourage people NOT to use vi/vim. I live alone with a cat and work graveyard, I am moridly obese and a severe alcoholic. I am always out of money and my life is awful. But goddam if if I don't use the best fucking editor there is: VIM.


>not spacemacs

You're not even trying.

>not using windows sticky notes for editing text

There's legitimately a guy in my department that writes all his VHDL using notepad. I asked him about it and he just said that he doesn't like syntax highlighting or something.

God tier:

Great tier:

OK tier:

Bad tier:
MS-DOS Editor

Shit tier:
Visual Studio

Comedy gold tier:

>God tier:
Bait detected.

Emacsimum butthurt detected.


You can't possibly unironically use ed.
t. Neovim user

He's right, syntax highlighting is juvenile. But every editor allows you to turn it off, you don't need notepad for that.

"I'm an adult now, no more fun!"


Pike is right on this one. Syntax coloring is only for base types, so it becomes useless as soon as you use a non-standard library anyways. It should be enough to highlight invalid tokens and bad parentheses in red.

Though I have to admit automatic indenting is even worse. It always imposes a horrendous convention that makes you want to puke like GNU.

>not using Brackets

>My brain is so abnormal that my vision processing facilities do not respond to color contrast.
>All adults are brain damaged like me

>>linux line endings
found the "microwave time" guy

The reading region of your brain sure is damaged.


Kate is neat. I use it on my windows 8.1.

Sublime :^)

>Syntax coloring is only for base types
What IDE have you used that doesn't highlight library classes and your own classes?

>not tabmacs

Vi + Emacs = Vile


I've wondered that for years.

vim got :terminal
vim is dead

It's from an age where memory was expensive and very limited, and undo history was too much of a burden to have more than one thing in it.

But why not make it work better now that we all have multiple kilobytes of ram?

Who knows?

Here, have another.

>Not using punchcards

>Not wiring your own transistors

>Not using stone tablets

A greyscale theme with bold and italics is enough.

Buggy pile of shit.
Gedit is better.

that's more of a lisp virtual machine than an actual editor

Delete a full line of text without using the mouse and post the amount of keys you need to press
Vim: 2
Notepad: ?

because pajeets run M$

literally can't use any other editors after watching Saint IGNUcius' sermon in person.


>tfw doesn't work on 64-bit Windoze

CTRL + Shift + left arrow

I just use notepad++. It gets the job done.

Notepad: 1
I press backspace and don't let go.

But it was slow af haha

4: End, Shift+Home, Del

>not storing all code in memory and compiling in your brain

>not programming with a magnetized needle and a steady hand

I'm stuck with it because I can't find an equivalent to its DSpellCheck plugin in any other editor. It has
>Hunspell dictionaries including OED English
>Multi-language spellchecking support
>Fairly good customisation
>Knows where comments are in just about every single kind of language
I've found nothing that even comes close.

False. It does proper highlighting, not just base types


I like MIcrosoft Word for editing text because it can also edit documents.

.doc and .docx M A S T E R R A C E reporting in!

>die you degenerate colourfags

4: Home, Shift+End, Del.

What is the best text editor in terms of speed/IDE capabilities?
I want to do some web dev things but still be able to open any text file fast.