/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Is this the Arch vs Debian thread?


Install Source Mage GNU/Linux.

Literally a shit version of gentoo.

re-posting my cry for help from the old thread:

So I've got a bad journal on one ext4 encrypted disk. I want to dd the data to another disk to recover it. It's capable of unlocking, but not mounting. Should I run sudo dd if=/dev/mapper/luks-eac7b048-2581-4d92-a7c9-8803c2542bdc of=/dev/sdc conv=noerror,sync ? minus the question mark, or write the disk unencrypted?

I think the next step for recovering whines about it or something, idk

or write the disk encrypted* fuck me running.

I want my 170gb of pewdiepie videos back

Sound the trumpets and the gongs, it worked! Grub doesn't detect the windows 10 hdd I never used which I literally don't care about.

Let's see if it dies again soon, if it does, I'll replace the mobo and/or disk. Hopefully this doesn't happen again though.

smgl package manager is pure bash
the base system is smaller and packages are compiled directly from the upstream
fuck your python katamari

Had a working vga passthrough system. Until a few seconds ago, no problem whatsoever. Worked for about half a year perfectly.
About 10 minutes ago I started the VM as usual. I then went to the host's screen and did a bunch of stuff. Then went back to the guest screen: no output. Tried disabling vga passthrough: still no output. Tried reinstalling qemu: no effect.
What can I do at this point? A system restart didn't help.

Sorry, I don't speak retardese.

Install windows

>I'm too dumb to comprehend what he wrote
>I'll just call him a retard
>works every tiem :D

Your chromosome test result came back.
Above average.


It is installed.
In the VM that is.

using ddrescue instead because lol@crawling through bad sectors 512bytes/3 seconds

could it be nvidia breaking compatibility with vms? try to run it on a different gpu

Stick around. You'll pick it up.

As I mentioned, I tried disabling vga passthrough and that didn't appear to help, suggesting that's not it. Beside, I haven't updated my GPU in the past hour.

Should I choose arch, debian, fedora or gentoo?

>python katamari

Jesus the burn

smgl = [s]ource [m]age [g]nu/[l]inux

You know what? I would actually love to install sourcemage, the only problem is that there's no installer nor livecd

Solus, Sourcemage, Manjaro, Antergos, debian9, fedora25 are my recommendations

>is pure trash

Holy shit, someone made a video review of Aloonix.

nice retort :)

pretty depressing distro

thanks :-D

Now that the dust has settled and it's clear lunix, homOSeX and wangblows are all trash, which OS should we move to? BSDs are not viable since they don't support even decade-old hardware, let alone modern one. Haiku is underdeveloped. Is a solaris still being worked on?


outdated, need emoji version


ReactOS, obviously.


it's horrible.

>doesn't realize that those files are just the website resources for the Wikipedia pages on suicide
>thinks Sup Forums is something bad and obscure and not the most popular english speaking imageboard
>mentions creepypasta for no reason


>a calculator
>it's a calendar

In transmission it says the port is closed. Does that mean that if i don't allow it in my firewall, i will be able to enjoy all of the delicious downloading benefits with the only, not even downside, but a simple wasteful side effect of not uploading any data back? seems like a pretty sweet deal, why would anyone open that port?

A calendar calculates the time, which makes it a calculator.

>fat neckbeard manchild with 0 subscribers wants to make it big by reviewing shit on the internet like thousands before him
it's the same every time

Is he an idiot? He complains about not being able to do root shit and write and shit when the distro is clearly meant as a joke and he tries to actually legit review it
Plus he also uses words like creepypasta when he clearly doesn't know what they mean

>the deep web

I don't know what that is

Daily reminder to keep your iptables nice and tidy. You don't want to open your ports to all random clients like a some cheap slut

Meh, redoxos is where it's at.

When is that new firewall with a PF-style syntax going to be usable?


how can I tell if amdgpu is working? I installed the package but Idk if I did it right

check /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Where should I be looking in that file


weed lmao?

seriously tho I need help pls

What's the best cli password manager?

I figured it out. Turns out the dp cable that connected the GPU and monitor just magically stopped working without any warning. I manually switch the source between system and GPU now. Memetic, but works.

What's the best resource for learning servers? I literally have no idea why Linux servers are so popular and what makes them special.

Is it possible to get image preview without needing a file manager like ranger?



tl;dr yes
i3m() {
[[ "${#}" -eq 0 ]] && return 1


columns="$(tput cols)"
lines="$(tput lines)"

width_max="$((fontsize * columns))"
height_max="$((fontsize * lines))"


width="$(printf '5;%s' "${file}" | "${w3mimgdisplay}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
height="$(printf '5;%s' "${file}" | "${w3mimgdisplay}" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)"

if [[ "${width}" -gt "${width_max}" ]]; then
height="$((height * width_max / width))"

if [[ "${height}" -gt "${height_max}" ]]; then
width="$((width * height_max / height))"

tput smcup
tput civis
tput clear

while printf '0;1;0;0;%s;%s;;;;;%s\n4;\n3;' \
"${width}" "${height}" "${file}" \
| $w3mimgdisplay; do
read -n 1 -t 1 && {
tput clear
tput rmcup
tput cvvis
return 0

And this will work with any terminal? Because ranger with image preview only works for a few and out of those only 1 works without issues.

Ranger uses the same backend (w3m's w3mimgdisplay), so if ranger works, this function works too.

>it even refreshes the image after I change workspaces
how do I make my cursor not blink after I exit?
also, is it possible to decrease the refresh time?

>how do I make my cursor not blink after I exit?
Remove both, tput cvvis and tput civis (used to hide and unhide the cursor)
>also, is it possible to decrease the refresh time?
Change the -t option of "read".

That is a bash script, correct?

>Remove both, tput cvvis and tput civis
but I need the cursor hidden while the image is displayed
apparently using cnorm instead of civis will give me a non blinking cursor

>using cnorm instead of civis
meant to say cvvis

Sidenote: The refreshing is just a side effect.
Maybe should keep the loop time like it is because I used it so you can "quit" the viewer by pressing any key, but have fun hacking around.

A bash function for your ~/.bashrc, yeah, but You could aswell just add
#!/usr/bin/env bash to the top and remove i3m() { } for a script file.

thanks user

Hey guys.
I'm in desperate need of a distro to put on my new computer, and I'm really frustrated.
I've extensively used ubuntu mate (liked but mate fucks up every once in a while), linux mint (don't like), manjaro (broke a bunch of times), arch (same), elementary os (meh) and briefly tried fedora and opensuse.
It is a powerful pc so it doesn't need to be lightweight, but it needs to be stable as fuck and ergonomic, basically a workstation.
I'll be doing a lot of programming and in-browser work, and as for gaming it's going to be little to none.
So far I'm leaning towards fedora, opensuse and ubuntu because of how stable and easy to use they are (I don't need extra steps getting in the way, which is why I ditched arch). I LOVE the aur but I don't really need it in the end.
As for DE kde, gnome, xfce are fine, my favorite is mate but it broke a bunch of times so not sure any more.
What do you guys suggest?

>can only return from function or sourced script
should I use exit instead?

Oh, yes, you need exit instead of return.

Forgot the most important part!
# GPLv3+


stop distro hopping
stick to a distro; any
lern to use it (which also means, learn the cli)
problem? don't switch; fix it
after a while you will realize all distros are the same

>printf '0;1;0;0;%s;%s;;;;;%s\n4;\n3;' "${width}" "${height}" "${file}" | $w3mimgdisplay
where do you find this stuff?
I've looked at man w3m and /usr/share/doc/w3m and haven't found any documentation that explains the input that w3mimgdisplay takes

Sometimes in Ubuntu when I click with middle mouse button it adds 1~ 0~ to the text. What the fuck is that and how to stop it?

I want to stop distro hopping. I know how to use them and I know how to use the command line. The thing you don't understand is that although I've fixed a 1000 problems on every distro, the thing is that I don't want to waste my time fixing stuff that should not have broken, and just use something stable and useful.
All distros are not the same, although they can be made almost the same. I just want something to install once and never have it break, freeze and need troubleshooting 2-3 times a fucking week.

>the thing is that I don't want to waste my time fixing stuff that should not have broken, and just use something stable and useful.
Then you are using the wrong OS. Windows is for things like that. GNU/Linux is intended for hobbists only who have no issue with investing lots of time into fixing it

for example, I had both manjaro and ubuntu mate installed. I used manjaro exclusively for a very long time, then one day logged in ubuntu, ran an update, and manjaro stopped booting because it has it's own fucking version of grub. Why would I want to deal with this shit if there's some flavor (maybe ubuntu or fedora or opensuse) that doesn't do this retarded shit?

You are wrong. Maybe it used to be that way when you needed to write your own drivers and shit but now that is not the case. A lot of working people use Linux now. It's not a special club any more. Don't feel like a snowflake because you installed something and then followed instructions on the internet when you broke it.

How the w3mimg protocol works is hidden in the source code of w3mimgdisplay.c.
I stole the idea from "z3bra". Here you go:


Whenever I try to play a Flash video I get this error message. How do I install "libpepflashplayer.so"? OS is stable Debian.

>stopped booting because it has it's own fucking version of grub.
Because your'e a retard who has two same operating systems installed on one computer.

>look up why Slackware isn't featured on FSF's site
>there's an unofficial site dedicated to "freeing" Slack
>it has the Gnu smoking a pipe instead of Tux
Is it wrong that the Gnu smoking the pipe pisses me off? I know they want to "liberate" Slackware but for God's sake leave the mascot alone.

The point is really not why I have 2 linux based distros installed. Also, that was just a simple example. This is a friendly thread and you're an asshole. Bring something constructive or gtfo.

I installed debian on a off line machine, in the live enviroment bcmwl-kernel-source worked to get wifi, once in stalled though, when i try I get missing dependencies, I cant figure out how to install the wifi driver because of this

Yes, that's the point. No sane person (non-pretentious, person who actually uses it) has two distributions installed.
The same would happen with Windows after an update when it overwrites your bootloader. I don't see you complaining about Windows, you hypocrite idiot.

What are some cool terminal commands?

I am not in a Windows thread. I don;t even have windows any more. The reason I had both was very simple; I had used Ubuntu Mate for a long time. I had tried Arch, Manjaro, opensuse and Fedora in either VMs or my shitty spare laptop. Manjaro seemed like it worked perfectly for my needs, but I can't know if I only use it once a week for browsing the web on a laptop, can I? So I installed it side to side with Ubuntu (which had all the software I needed installed, like Altera Quartus which is a bitch to get working properly) so that I could use it, but still have my working Ubuntu to fall back on since I actually had work to do. Manjaro ended up working pretty good in the beginning so I kept it, and in the period when I was considering formatting the Ubuntu partition, I saw 2-3 things break (but still took time to fix them since I really liked manjaro and was still about to keep it). Then I booted Ubuntu for some reason that I don't remember, I think I needed to run something I only had in there? and manjaro grub broke. I fixed it, and then a bunch of random things started breaking also. That is why I'm ditching manjaro. I don't know why I'm explaining needing to have a fallback ready to go environment to a person on Sup Forums, all I asked for is a recommendation.

Is there a way to set a minimum time to register a double click?
The mouse is stupid and registers a single click sometimes as a double click sometimes, and I figure a minimum time as a treshold would work against it.

Dont have shit hardware

neofetch (bash script) can display a logo pic as well using w3m-img as a backend.
Also has functions for finding the w3m_image_path, size of terminal, x y and size ..more.
I guess you could glean whatever bits you wanted from that.
>Or just neofetch -L --w3m yourpic.jpg #kek

or just w3m pic.png

sudo pacman -Syuu is pretty great

Why do you add 2 Us?

firefox pic.png

oh woops mistyped. it should be -Syyu