Why doesn't Sup Forums have a Code of Conduct? Isn't it time that Sup Forums became an inclusive and accepting place for people of all races, sexes, gender identities, etc, etc, etc?
Why doesn't Sup Forums have a Code of Conduct...
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd like to point out that code of conducts explicitly keep out people who aren't far-left extremists.
Fuck off
"Far-left" is a term created by alt-right racists to demean people who want to live in a better world
"Alt-right" is a term created by far-left degenerates to demean people who want to live in a better world
This is fourth thread on this subject in the last hour.
Fuck off with it already.
your opinion seems problematic I think we're gonna need to have a private "chat".
I refuse to explain or debate my social justice concepts and views.
Your decision to oppress me in this manner will be seen by HR.
Your decision to report me to HR is an oppressive macroaggression, I'm gonna report you to HR.
I'm reporting HR to HR for allowing this recursive act of hostilities to be tolerated.
Please don't group SJWs with real lefties like communists. Alt-left is a good alternative.
Let's write our own
I'll start :
You aren't allowed to post if you :
>Have not installed gentoo
Sup Forums CoC(k)
Be professional
_,-' \//%\
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or get fucked
>Please don't group SJWs with real lefties like communists.
I have no words for how much this sentence pleases me
make a screenfetch with this
Sup Forums is not open source
fuck off red scum
I don't know what this means
Sup Forums does have a code of conduct. It's right here:
Sup Forums.org/rules#global
and here:
Sup Forums.org/rules#g
We also have entities who enforce that code of conduct, they are called moderators. Don't like it and feel it needs to be expanded upon or enforced differently? Well, consider the following:
Sup Forums.org/rules#global8
>Complaining about Sup Forums (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.
TL;DR: Feel free to fuck off and use a different site if you don't feel safe here. This is Sup Forums, not GaiaOnline.
Here is the ONLY acceptable CoC you racist, sexist, genderist piece of shit:
>This project adheres to No Code of Conduct. We are all adults. We accept anyone's contributions. Nothing else matters.
Not everyone of adult age acts like an adult, I don't want to accept everyone's contributions to my project, these things do matter.
Fuck off.
>Not everyone of adult age acts like an adult
I can see it from your post. Just because you are 19 it doesn't mean that mentally you are 12. Don't worry, it's not like ANYONE would contribute to your 1337 meme.js project on github :^)
>In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
>body size
>level of experience
>personal appearance
this is the CoC for Sup Forums
Sup Forums should post a code of conduct with a single word: 'nigger'
It's a retarded term created by SJW-lites like gamergaters who think all lefties are communist scum without whom the world would be a better place
>Refusal to explain [...] social justice concepts
Does this mean you can go into any project with this CoC and ask for further clarifications of the definitions of every existing social justice concept in existence in every PR/proposal/etc., and the maintainers of the project would be in violation of their own CoC if they didn't take the time to explain the same things over and over again, in excruciating detail, every time? And if they tell you that they don't like your tone, you can tell them that you're mentally retarded (taking the word back) and that they're, again, in violation of their own CoC so they can't avoid it?
I think you misread. The pic says they will _not_ act on complaints of refusing to explain concepts.
It does, you can read it all here
Sup Forums.org/rules#g
>We will not act on
Well guess what? I will. Enjoy your block transfaggot. It's so great that I can use the tools SJW cucks added to aid in getting rid of them from my repos. :^]
No need for it, these terms will never come up in a real technical discussion. This is just bloat.
Proposed revision: Installed gentoo without a monitor.
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
Mac users should not be bullied just for being better than everyone else
Or ssh
Basically, 9600 baud serial or GTFO
I also saved your reaction gif
Don't-ask-don't-tell is a fine CoC. However, it gets in the way of trying to create a social network, so not in github's interest.
spotted the attack helicopter
Sup Forums is a radical leftist board
capitalistcucks can go back to Sup Forums
here, have an alternative version.
>Sup Forums is a radical leftist board
>Windows users
It has a code of conduct. You're not supposed to post racism or baiting outside /pop/ and Sup Forums.
However, since mods and janitor positions have been infiltrated by stormfags and gamergaters I guess we have to live with 100 political threads about niggers and bitches per day
/pop/ as in popular racist shitposting
Fucking phone
So do they mean that they won't act unless it's a common form of sexism/racism/whatever or are they saying for you to phrase yourself in a neutral stance towards the precedence of the sexism/racism/whatever?
I don't like when people are so unclear.
Why aren't they saying that if that's what they want?
'we only accept stalinists in this community' is something they could say.
>refusal to explain or debate...
This is what bothers me the most about these people. Any normal political stance regardless of how far left or right, liberal or authoritarian, they all accept that you'd have to be convinced to understand it. Even if they don't believe your opinion matters they accept that.
But here they're explicitly saying that you should not have to explain anything. Their word is law. It's more a religion than a political stance at that point.
You can't fire me, cunt, I'm an Underrepresented Minority™, and if you thought you could hire dozens of Catholic socially conservative people from South America and still get away with telling them to tolerate their demi-sexual lesbian pink-haired 650-pounds coworker #freebleeding all over their kung pao chicken or whatever shitty "ethnic" meal is on the menu this week, well... you better file a complain to your HR department.
Glad I fucking quit
>He believes in far right but not far left
How retarded could you be. Back to your 2016 fantasy you go, idiot
lmao what are you going to about it, nerd?
Get a load of this fucking loser LARPing as the people that cucked him out of his tech website. Alt-right nerds will be pushed out of ever space on this earth. You will not survive, pussy.
not him but literally kill yourself
it's not LARPing if its just textposting, it's just normal RPing.
back to Hacker News with you
Right-tards take that Big Black L in real life and on the internet.
What does this mean? I thought the right was about masculinity and cucking people and shit, what happened?
Whenever I feel down I remember that there is a skinny little neckbearded conservative cracker that can't make his livelihood on the internet without being policed and cucked by a black quadriplegic lesbian tranny with a bigger dick than him.
What did he mean by this?
She's bigger than you isn't she.
>She's bigger than you isn't she.
I'm a girl, user.
Wtf? I though blacks were supposed to have big dicks. And why are they all like 5 foot tall?
This summer is getting way too out of hand.
What the fuck is this garbage? Go away, I want to talk about technology.
why do they insist on having these fucking gay porn stars do straight scenes? these faggot nogs can't even get hard
We do and all people are allowed here. It doesn't mean we like you.
Sure thing subhuman commie mutant
Not that poster but it's correct.
Even fascism is a positively charged ideology.
Very few ideologies aren't. There's some ideologies that are in opposition to something rather than for something. They can often be neutral.
As for where user belongs. Both of them should go to Sup Forums.
read the faq pls
this thread is fucking garbage, and everyone in it needs to fucking kill themselves as soon as humanly possible.
>inb4 only pretending to be retarded
>Communicating in a 'tone' you don't find congenial
Jesus Christ...
So, is there a "marginalized peoples" power ranking? Surely the group at the very bottom must have the run of the place.
>github hired SJWs as "community managers" to thought police their own userbase
Absolutely disgusting. If someone comes with this CoC crap, close & collaborators only