
Alright, pic related is a first gen iPad Air, it's almost 4 years old, will receive iOS 11, and can multitask even though it has only 1GB of RAM.

This thing still gets a solid 10 hour battery life, doesn't lag at all (A7 chip) and has a high resolution 4:3 panel that looks fucking great.

ITT: Try finding a 3-4 year old Android Tablet that is runnin Android 7, can multitask and doesn't lag.

Hard mode: find a android tablet that can multitask while having only 1GB of RAM

pro tip: you can't

not even android fans will defend android tablets

>Nightmare mode: find a android tablet that doesn't lag

Hey thats wrong, First gen owner here. The Air cannot multitask with side by side thanks to apple's buy the Air 2 campaign
>10 Hour battery life
>Doesn't lag at all
wrong. iOS 10.2 is a stutterfest with animations turned off even.
>Can multitask
my ass nigga. Its a fucking shit iPad that gets cucked by the Air 2 because Apple wants it to be.

woops I forgot to fill in the first answer
Hour battery life
It's not 10 hours, its 5 at best when used under load. Standby is fucking ace.

I dropped it face first and the glass shattered. It wasn't a bad tablet but its nowhere as good as you're making it out to be. I'm using my sister's iPad 3 with iOS 8.4 and it feels just as fast. You better stop shilling this.

>not realizing that tablets are for poorfags who can't get cheap laptops
>not realizing that apple products are a scam
>not knowing that apple slows down old iphones to prompt their owners to buy newer ones

Try finding an Mac desktop that competes with a gaming rig from 2013.

>gaming rig you get out as well.

> wrong
Then maybe your battery is shitting itself, for Safari shitposting + Music + Manga reading + Notes it last even longer than 10 hours, if you play gaymen it will drop to 6-7 hours obviously.
> iOS 10.2 is a stutterfest
wrong. Animations on here, no lags at all.
> The Air cannot multitask with side by side thanks to apple's buy the Air 2
The Air 2 has 2GB of RAM, maybe that's the reason it can run side by side apps. OP pic is not side by side, it's slideover + Video over (Yes, that's multitasking as well)

> cucked by the Air 2
That's true tho


Are you a literal shill

>> wrong
>Then maybe your battery is shitting itself, for Safari shitposting + Music + Manga reading + Notes it last even longer than 10 hours, if you play gaymen it will drop to 6-7 hours obviously.
I meant video playback. The battery life is surprisingly for an old iPad like this but honestly you're making it look too good.
>> iOS 10.2 is a stutterfest
>wrong. Animations on here, no lags at all. Lottery I guess? Mine is slow as shit on 10+
>> The Air cannot multitask with side by side thanks to apple's buy the Air 2
>The Air 2 has 2GB of RAM, maybe that's the reason it can run side by side apps. OP pic is not side by side, it's slideover + Video over (Yes, that's multitasking as well)
Now, you can't claim it multi tasks if you can't have side by side can you?

thats an iPad 3, it shouldn't lag this bad if you stick on iOS 8.4 but its pretty trash that they claim updates for ever are good things. This webm shows a new OS choking old hardware in a vista-like scenario.

>Lottery I guess? Mine is slow as shit on 10+
Idk man, try a clean iOS install. I swear it performs great on me.
> Now, you can't claim it multi tasks if you can't have side by side can you?
I don't agree. Slide-over is fast enough to be categorized as multitasking in my opinion. Video over is definitely multitasking too.

Android tablets were always shit m9. They also got killed off by chromebooks.

> defective 6 year old iPad 3
It's literally the slowest iPad ever, A5 chip + Retina screen didn't go so well.

The iPad 4 is really fast tho, the iPad 2 is still performing fine because no retina screen from what I hear.

Literally Netbook 2.0, I'd rather get a real laptop + tablet.

>15 replies

Poojeet poo in loo virgins are too fucking easy.

I can laugh in your shit eating faces and tell you I'm trolling and you'll still virgin rage 300 replies at me.

>15 quality, non shitposting replies
then this one. Applefags can't have a discussion appropiately can they?

All have my original iPad Air and using it to shitpost from the toilet right now. Amazed this thing still gets updated and still works so well. Best piece of tech I have ever owned and thinking about getting the new Pro with the 120hz screen.

iPad mini 2 is better.
I feel iOS doesn't suit the larger 10 and 12 inch iPads.
Too bad they're axing the Mini series.

As a person who fixes Apple devices for side income.

That Air lags and you know it, chump. Just because you are blinded by Apple doesn't mean it isn't far slower than at launch.

Also even the Note 4 is that old and doesn't lag (unless an Apple user is using it) or a Nexus 6 (again unless an Apple user is using it). Far smoother than the equal iphones of the time. With modification both of those devices, and several more, have yet to need replacing. Still higher resolution than iOS phones with more of everything.

Also. The Shield is 3 years old now. Still as fast as the day it came out and more capable than even the Air 2 by a large margin.

One last thing poorfags. Surface Pro 1/2 are from 2012/2013. They can still emulate Cube/Wii at 60fps at 720p or higher depending on the game. Again proving iOS is dead last.

>knocking down apple then shilling a surface product

Wonder who's behind this post?

>block anti-adblock
>icon is a fuck you
Unexpected kek

Not to mention Windows is king when it comes to updates. An 2006 laptop with a Core Duo will continue to get updates for everything, and it will run just as smoothly as most laptops on the market now with an SSD installed.

Nexus 7 2013 has 2GB of RAM but it can run Lineage OS and all sorts of custom ROMs. Tablets are still retarded though.

>Note 4 is that old and doesn't lag
Even the S8 lags m8, what the fuck are you talking about?
> Nexus 6
That came 1 year later. Also, not a tablet.
> Shield is 3 years old now. Still as fast as the day it came out and more capable than even the Air 2
You're saying the Nvidia shield is more capable than the Air 2? How? That was a huge failure and everyone on Sup Forums agrees
> Surface Pro 1/2 are from 2012/2013
Those are not normal tablets, they're Intel core laptop abortions that get less than 4 hours of battery life while throttling even with the loud fan kicking in 100% of the time. Today the surface is much better, but too expensive compared to the iPad.

> Nexus 7
Too small tho, build quality a shit too.
Can it even multitask?

You only think tablets are retarded because you're stuck with an Android one. Apps are literal dog shit on Android tablets because they're all designed for phones so you get a whole bunch on wasted screen space, and onscreen buttons really don't make sense on tablet.

shill. iPad 1 is dead in the water.
started out strong then died off mid argument.
tablet discussion

>tablet discussion
Windows tablets.

> Windows tablet
> core 2 duo
how many of those even exist?

I still own and use the actual first generation ipad. It still works perfectly except it gets no updates and no apps support it anymore. I honestly can't believe how long it's lasted. Battery life still lasts more than a day and it barely lags at all except on some awful websites like gfycat homepage.

>It still works perfectly
>gets no updates and no apps support it anymore
pick one.
Ya fokin liar, timestamp it. webm it.

> first generation ipad
> tfw that's 7 year old already
the feels. That battery is probably fucked tho.

>34 replies

Poojeet poo in loo virgins are too fucking easy.

I can laugh in your shit eating faces and tell you I'm trolling and you'll still virgin rage 300 replies at me.

pathetic, you're probably the only virgin here

It's still on the OG 5.1.1 OS. Can't upgrade any further. The only annoying thing is if any video is over 29 fps the ipad won't play it. Gotta use an ancient video converting program for it.

Ah, then dont go spreading bullshit. The only thing iOS 5 can do is lurk imageboards and read mango.


I vastly prefer Android to iOS but it's pretty much impossible for me to defend Android tablets. They're trash.


Does he just buy new glasses when he feels like it?



i have one as well

Idk if its good idea to get the ios 11 update for it, i think it will gimp it

We get it. You like your thing. I really wish people wouldn't respond to this stuff. It's verbal masturbation.

People are saying it runs fine, you can test the Public Beta when it's out, if you don't like it just downgrade

Can you downgrade tho? I think not

>Update iPhone
>Now my screen is unresponsive
What do Sup Forums? I already tried installing Gentoo.


>50 replies

Poojeet poo in loo virgins are too fucking easy.

I can laugh in your shit eating faces and tell you I'm trolling and you'll still virgin rage 300 replies at me.

OP here, I've made a simple speed/RAM test on my first ge Air

Loaded apps:
> 4 safari tabs on Sup Forums
> 1Blocker
> Google Translator
> Manga Reader
> Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
> Codea project
Honetly, pretty impressive for 1GB of RAM, I would like to see how Android tablets performs on similar situations.

I'm pretty sure it could handle a few more tabs if I tried

> sorry for shitty webm


>animations turned off even
This is how we know you're lying.

Android BTFO

i have an ipad mini but it kills me that
>no webm support
and before you ask...no, its on 9.3.5, cant jailbreak

What game was that?

Just get VLC from the app store

Monster Hunter FU (Remastered PSP game)

Because, why would we be defending tablet? Those things are useless...

We don't trust you, Satan

Any convertible Chromebook that runs Android apps will destroy an iPad in productivity. Nothing beats a real desktop browser.

> chromebooks
> beating ipads

i can play MHFU on a crappy old laptop from 2000 era so your point?

>create 50 iShit shilling thread and call other people shills
I wonder who's behind this post?

Old iPads are trash. Unbearably slow and nothing worth doing on them.

No one sane argues against Lagdroid sucking.

But what's the fucking point of multitasking on a fucking tablet and getting a keyboard for it if you got a fucking laptop? If it's too heavy, just get a the new one. Way more functional.

Doesn't it just offload the Safari tabs from ram either way?

>Today the surface is much better, but too expensive compared to the iPad
What? Surface Pro is the exact same price as iPad Pro, back then Surface 3 is the same price as iPad air 2 too

Kek yourself. Desktop browser. End of story. The Android apps are just the cherry on top. I can build Android apps on my Chromebook. Can you build iPad apps on your iPad? Thought not.

Surface Pro starts at 1.3k (Winshit is barely usable with 4GB RAM)

Then if you add the pen and keyboard, it's 160 + 100, aka. $1560

FagPad is 900 with 256GB, + 100 for pencil and 170 for keyboard aka. $1170

Your shit is trash. Here's my Nexus 9 playing your video and Youtube side by side.
>Real multitasking(TM)

Doesn't it have Swift stuff?


>Surface Pro starts at 1.3k
Stopped reading right there

Well, feel free to check the MS store.


Rolling for slut. The others sound horrible


Fuck Apple


Own a six year old Android tablet. Can confirm, runs like shit and only has one gig of ram



>CPU is unironically slower
>4gb on Windows
>SSD is twice as small and raped by the size of Windows
Are you even trying, Rajees?

>$799 is $1300
>128GB is smaller than 64GB
Apoo shills are fucking retarded

that set up show in your pic -- it looks like a piece of shit

why are you wasting your time with tech that was gimped from the get-go

The 799 version is unusable for anything but browsing. Besides, it's not like you'd get a much bigger harddrive with Winshit chugging a huge piece away.

>85 replies

Poojeet poo in loo virgins are too fucking easy.

I can laugh in your shit eating faces and tell you I'm trolling and you'll still virgin rage 300 replies at me.

>The 799 version is unusable for anything but browsing
Nice meme, unless you're pushing heavy task with shits like Adobe suite, 4GB is fine. And it's not like the iPad can do anything other than web browsing.
>Besides, it's not like you'd get a much bigger harddrive with Winshit chugging a huge piece away
Stop moving goal post apoo shill. And it's still much more than 50GB on the iPad

>4GB is fine

>it's not like the iPad can do anything other than web browsing
It has quite a bit pro software (which is often inferior to desktop stuff but at least optimised for tablets), besides it's viable for drawing due a non shit pen. At best you can do notes with SP.

>And it's still much more than 50GB on the iPad
With larger programs to take care of that. Come on, be real. No one besides the turbo-poorfags would bother with crappy 4GB/128GB version.


No desktop or laptop in history has ever had as many problems as this piece of literal shit shat out by Applel.

Rajeesh mode: Find an Android tablet that is made of sleek aluminum instead of cheap plastic piece of shit.

>shill. iPad 1 is dead in the water.
I said original iPad AIR not the iPad 1 you fucking retard. Learn to read.

I would like an iPad Pro, but its a hefty premium just to want to play with a pen.



Pretty nice user, what OS? Test the RAM like I did as well!


The whole point is to test iOS's RAM management

Shield Tablet.

That's brilliant. Fucking 1GB of RAM too, wow. How does Apple do it?

By creating a lean OS, optimised for the hardware instead of going full Frankenstein like Google or being slowed down by legacy bloat like MS.

They just mostly used OS X with a lot of tweaks and optimizations. They didn't even start from scratch and its still ridiculously efficient.

>people actually talking well about an apple product

What has this board become
>apple shills are still here probably

I didnt want to fall for the bait, but
>iOS is pure cancer as the closed source software that it is
>the iPad's are highly overpriced tablets. You can easly find one with the same specs or better at a cheaper price.
>no os suport for old devices