Post your last commit message

Post your last commit message

Other urls found in this thread:



Add npm stuff


Translation: Cancer goddammit cunt tering DIEEEE

Remove tmp file

initial commit

Minor bugfix and improvement

initial commit

I quit.

new: Added control over sample->sample relationships

Fixes #47

Adding suicide note



Says nothing about what you actually did

Says nothing about what you actually did

Too vague, says nothing about what you actually did


Says nothing about what you actually did

Actually useful commit message

Actually useful commit message

No one asked for your commentary

Complete migration to subversion

Changed email address

Update everything. Known bugs? You tell me ;)


>Im here for summer

Installed gentoo

Fix people pasting weird unicode spaces

>If an elephant never forgets, why don't they play jeopardy?


git undo

"Initial commit"

Remove unnecessary image object creation


I have a website which parses my school's "Teacher substitutions" page, displays it sorted by classes and alerts subscribed students about changes related to them.

Apparently people that update the page probablt write it in Word and paste the content to the Wordpress editor, because I've now seen two kind of non-breaking space used there - " " and "\xc2\xa0", my script didn't recognise the second one as a space.

I don't program

Refactored class errors raport, added missing ;

nbsp in unicode U+00A0
c2 is one of utf8 markers
is probably nbsp in utf8, some users are sending utf8, some unicode, and some ansi, look for some diatrics or special chars to detect which is which

better yet, do it client side, then,
- convert text to the encoding you wish, and replalce the text, keeping the original saved,
- show a dropdown selection for source encoding,
- instruct the user to double check if the text looks right,
- and if it doesnt, try the other 2 options for source encoding until it looks right

Removing comments from yaml file

Update CMakeLists.txt

> massive refactoring

Yeah, I'm shit.

>Add incomplete test persistence in local storage

this could've been worded much better

The site I'm parsing is not mine.

It looks like this:

Inconsistent whitespace everywhere.

All I do is sort that, display on (though it's empty now, because the school's site also is) and send notifications.

#7047 hairy Friday night live prod hack for openssl 1.1.x compat;

TODO: refactor when prod not on fire

//why? Why not!!!

>Fixed json part of share URL
The retarded faggots seriously thought sharing the complete state of the app in the URL as straight up json was a good idea.

altered some syntax so the project is more inclusive to women, minorities, and transgender individuals.

summer meme


Merge feature/IA-1441 in Develop

If you're not using gitflow don't talk to me any more.

Fixed main menu padding


> Updated release.json

Update file to reflect changes previously made on server

Refactored CPM to send chunks to blobService and not exceed request limit


Set up VnRelease for Database

until now, I couldn't imagine anything worse than Karlie Kloss.

Hotfix paths to map links containing spaces

Signed-off-by: If you're not using sign-offs you're a horrible person

fully updated ref links and completed work for 7/7/17

cp -vi main.cpp{,.9}
'main.cpp' -> 'main.cpp.9'

>Added missing file, derp

you have to go back

update readme, trying ssh auth

is it normal to commit every fart, I only commit at the end of the day and only if I feel like my chances are stable enough

task: noreindex option
t.I did once git commit -m "haaaaaaands" in a paying project

yeah pretty much

im fucking triggered m8

git rebase is your friend lads

commit locally all you want and then rebase into a single commit and push that

explain this witchcraft

ah, so basically let's say you're just on master, and make a bunch of commits with different messages and finally you have a working thing you want to push to the remote branch
you can git rebase, where you can edit the commits you've made locally, and it basically allows you to roll all of your locals into a single commit that would be your latest commit
try it some time

Implemented DLL iterator

installed gentoo

gpush() { git add ./* && git commit --message='wip' && git push --set-upstream origin master; }


That's not what rebase does. Rebasing attempts to apply your local commits on top of some other base. So for example if you're doing some local commits but the remote has changed, you will want to rebase your local commits on top of the new tip of the remote before pushing your changes to the remote server.

But it doesn't roll up your local commits into one commit.

while you're right, rebase does give you the ability to consolidate local commits into essentially a single commit against the base.
which gives you the ability to combine a bunch of hack commits (and messages) into a single commit against a base before you push

t. I've done this before

"Removed test jekyll markup"

The messages are stupid

"include fixes"

I'm was actually talking about #include, not the act of including fixes.

"Improved airflow and pressure balancing on internal sphere"

"Vote crap"

"Updated news/announcements. Mobs now use energy. Added 5th, 'mentalist'-style class"

$git commit -am "please work this time"