Tracking device

Hi Sup Forums EUROfag here

I need a small tracking device with it's own power supply or without any. Something that can send me it's location at any given time and I can monitor it on my phone or computer. And of course it must be small enough to be hidden in a car or in my case in a van.

I need it 'cause I suspect one of my workers is using firm's van and time for his own personnal activities.

Do you know of any good items or even suppliers in Europe with this kind of gagets?


Other urls found in this thread: tracking device for cars tracker for vehicles

Just let him
If he damages the vehicle fire him

time is money in our buisness.
and it's not about getting rid of him, he is a very capable it's just I need proof that he's abusing it, so I can take further action

Just chill out. You shouldn't be invading his privacy. Let him do what he wants

christ. I came here for a help finding a device not for moral instructions. It's not his privacy when he's doing it in my van on his shift

Doing what exactly?
This sounds like a total non issue.

cheapiest shit is to make your own.

many little MCU on the market such as mbed
you will need a i2c gps module and a gsm module to upload data to the net.

If you're stupid, it's easier to buy a prebuilt one with included software that works out of the box ...

>My van
>His shift

The next red terror can't come soon enough

Right, well I'm not doing that fucking nerd shit

I'll ask my question again,
what is the best tracker I can fucking BUY!?

seems like you're too much of a fagget to do a google research

let me do that for you :

Tell him that van has GPS tracker. Cost 0 gold and it is effective, you don't have to fire him and he will stop doing that


Fucking grow up

Can't you count km/miles the van has done?

This is the correct solution. Even better to make an announcement to everyone that you have installed this to keep track of milage, routes or whatever. Doing it behind their backs is a prick move.

Just get some cheapass android phone and a battery pank.

i'm 19 years old and I can manage to succesfully create a prototype of this kind of a product.

You on the other hand can't do a simple google research.

The company should fire you for beeing inconpetent

Just buy arduino and 3g usim, gps model and DIY it.

did that already, I guess I have to do it for real now


I built the fuckin company and I confess I'm bad with computers. and I can afford being bad at it

Why the fuck do you guys get so trigered that he just want's to buy one of those $10 cheapo devices to do it's one job once, instead of buying shit, wasting time and making his own that always will be a bigger mess? This isn't /diy/.

OP is a stupid fag who considers this "nerd shit" but posts on Sup Forums anyway


if you fucking built the company and can afford to be stupid, just buy a prebuilt jew device you motherfucker

Loonix/freetard fags

it's autism and it's sad

OP here.

is not OP

Get a pet tracker

>just buy a prebuilt jew device you motherfucker
>that's what OP asked
no idea if bait or actual retardation tracking device for cars

Is he using firm's phone as well?

Okie dokie fuck boy. Just keep giving dem juice freebies and see what happens

Shit nigga, if you have no idea about a correct solution then you're clearly in the wrong position. And even if he uses it for his own activities, who wouldn't do the same? It's happening everywhere but nobody gives a fuck because it makes it worth for the worker to stay

here you go OP tracker for vehicles
it really was a simple google search

OP here.
I'm neither of these people.

This sounds interesting, but sadly extremely hard to do

if you're OP, i would recommend building your own.

Start with a nucleo l432kc, you can get one for under 10$, I found some gps modules for 10$-20$, i never used one though so i can't recommend a specific one.
Then it depends how you want to use it:
you can buy another gsm module to connect and upload/access your data on the internet.

or you can store it on a microSd card and get the position information once you get your hands on your home made gps tracker.

The nucleo board is powered through a 3.3v micro usb cable, you will need some basic soldering skills to connect it to a battery

And finnally assemble your product into a piece of shit of plastic and voilĂ 

The only cost you'll get is your time learning to program that shit

>>just buy a prebuilt jew device you motherfucker
>>that's what OP asked
>no idea if bait or actual retardation
Well, it is Sup Forums, so probably both.

its an actual retard. he started shouting about how good he was,

(also, under age desu)

The raspberry pi is built for kids to play with ...
so if you're not using a keyboard with your feet you can do it

OP is absolute ballsack.

Who gives a shit if he uses the van.

>being a cunt to your workers

no wonder europe is failing and everyone is going bankrupt.

If you treat your workers like shit, you're gonna have a shitty company.

Let him use the van you miserable cunt.


Get a prepaid sim for a month and you;re good.

just drop a spare phone with a tracking app installed under the seats.

Fire yourself and let your employee be the boss. You seem to incompetent to be one.

On top of that, build a cuck shed beside your house, live there and let him fuck your wife.

Doesn't your van have a kilometers counter? You said he is a good worker so make an estimate of the route he has to do and check if there is some irregularities. And don't be an asshole tell him you are doing investigation, your job is to make people works not firing them. That's just a suggestion, a relaxed and slightly free workplace make workers more productive

This is a good ideia, just install some tracking app and leave it on, or use the google tracker thing.

It's obvious OP is a boss who keeps firing people for bullshit reasons so he doesn't need to increase wages.

OP I actually bought the one in your picture and it works its cheap chinese shit basically put in a sim card in it with a text message package and you send a text to query location to the number on the sim and it spits out a google maps link back at you, pretty good but the battery is small and would have to be replaced regularly

there are trackers you can have installed and hardwired to the battery

in the end I went with one from pic related which is basically the Apple of solutions, I pay for "credits" to access what is a pretty comprehensive UI on the company website and it comes with its own app, considering how infrequently I would use such a device, it costs more than rigging your own but was too easy to sort out and I was short on time.

if you go with the phone solution just be sure to use rly strong magnets and weatherproof it


Sup Forums has one dedicated consumerism thread, and that's /csg/. (/bst/, /wt/ and /mkg/ count but aren't as general as /csg/)

He could at least look at the board catalogue and at the very least, the sticky.
Yes, the sticky is there for a reason.

Lmao. Another cuck can't do shit about his employees. Why don't you try growing your balls?