I dropped my iTouch in the sink for like 1 second, completely submerged. I don't have any rice right now...

I dropped my iTouch in the sink for like 1 second, completely submerged. I don't have any rice right now. What should i do?

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ifixit.com/Teardown/iPod Touch 5th Generation 16 GB 2014 Teardown/26806

also forgot to mention, the battery was completely dead

Stopped reading right there.
Normal people don't "drop" things.

>What should i do?
buy an astell and kern

You should leave it to dry, preferably in front of a fan or something else to move the air, for a long while. It really wouldn't hurt to give it a solid week or two. No joke.

Don't worry about the rice. Any device which would be "saved" by rice would have survived after a lengthy air dry too. The point is just to get every last bit of excess water out of there before even thinking of applying electricity.

All you can do from that point is hope.

Return it, Ralph

Microwave, they helped dry out my last cellphone really well.

Microwave, lowest intensity, put the phone on the rim (do NOT put in the center). 30sec should be enough.


recycle it

Would t he rice quicken the process at all?

no, rice does nothing except log the fucking ports with starch, you're always better off putting a fan on it than stuffing it in a container with rice.

this kills the any electronic device.

dry it with towels and leave to air dry.

Turn your oven on its lowest setting.

Stick it in there, while it is preheating.

Leave it in there for 3-5min after its done preheating.

Should be good to go.


go away Pajeet.
ps: poo in the loo

Enjoy the broken toy lmao

poo in the loo

poo in the loo



t. iToddler


I washed my ipod and after 2 weeks it turned on. But i bought a new one

Nice photoshop

pajeet doesnt know how to 'Inspect element'

try again rasheed!

>hacked Sup Forums just to damage control

sir please of stop the hack!

Go and get some rice.
How dense are you?
There is so many stores that sell rice, there must be someone near you.

>in the sink
>completely submerged

Sinks drain by default. You would have explicitly had to stop the drain and fill it up. Why were you holding your iPod above a filled sink?

Or are you embarrassed to tell us you dropped it in the toilet?

>apple PCB
yeah just give up kid, those pieces of trash die from pretty much anything

If possible, take the device apart as much as you can, and let the individual parts dry. Make sure they dry for at least 24 hours before reassembling.

Here's an ifixit guide: ifixit.com/Teardown/iPod Touch 5th Generation 16 GB 2014 Teardown/26806

Good luck.