Why is this pointless garbage so popular?
Why is this pointless garbage so popular?
how is it pointless?
Because lots of useless faggots know js.
what are you? some M$ .net shill poo in loo? Even the C++ creator puts JS as one of the main languages to learn.
Because overpaid hipster code artisans who can't code but think they can and believe that reading a blog entry about a meme language constitutes being a professional therein.
Because it's JS, server side.
genuinely the stupidest idea in the history of mankind
>reeeeee i dont like that stuff that wasn't easy 10 years ago is now easy!!!! i don't want to learn anything new!!!! i WANT to waste all my time reinventing inferior wheels because that makes me a GOOD PROGRAMMER
shape up or ship out, losers
If anything, this devalues js
Fuck Stroustrup
Rapid development, comfy language, lightweight, decent performance, huge ecosystem. Perfect for small projects, pocs, and middle tier services.
>fuck the guy who made the most based language in history
wew lad nice b8
Because end-user JavaScript software is now a thing
>Adobe Brackets
JS and CSS DE, when ?
It's the current hipster language. It has no technical merit of its own compared to other languages/frameworks, but it's new and that's what matters. See .
Meme language
Why not?
Would you rather use PHP?
You must be some special kind of retarded
At least is less cancerous than ruby
why are game engines and other high tech systems written in c++ then? you think you can do that shit in c#?
>unity devs detected
Encourages async code.
So do lot of other languages like Python, but futures and async are only recently gaining popularity and a lot of legacy code is synchronous.
At most, legacy code in Node is callback-based, which is trivial to convert to Promises.
Because you already have to code in javashit for the client side.
Because almost any programmer knows some javashit.
Because V8 is pretty fast and lightweight.
Because there are millions of libraries and frameworks to work with.
Because it's easy to scale.
Because it's multi-platform, free and open source.
Because deployment is trivial.
This doesn't matter as much when it can only run one thread anyways.
It's easy to set up and create small server applications with, making it ideal for hobby projects.
I'd hate to ever have to do anything serious with it, though. JavaScript is hell to maintain and isn't even multi-threaded.
Concurrency is not parallelism, retard.
I know js you sperg loser.
I just said so do a lot of useless faggots.
It's shit, but it's not pointless.
Being established in a certain industry doesn't make a language good
Because they don't use templates. If they did, it would be pretty fucking hor /usr/include/c++/3.3/bits/stream_iterator.h: In member function `
std::ostream_iterator& std::ostream_iterator::operator=(const _Tp&) [with _Tp = std::pair,
_CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits]':
test02.cc:22: instantiated from here
/usr/include/c++/3.3/bits/stream_iterator.h:141: error: no match for 'operator
>made the most based language
Based on what? C?
>It's easy to set up and create small server applications
Ruby and Python are equally easy, just to name two of them.
And a lot slower too
Maybe it isn't pointless garbage?
Because not everybody judges a language based on its ability to create fizbuzz and anime gf simulators
VB Script is much easer to learn and read.
>the wild cs undergrad stands his autistic ground
it's not a language
this is a special kind of horror
>anime gf simulators
which language is responsible for this?
Because JS is hard due to numerous traps, and so the webdevs who learned JS as their first language assume that every language is at least as hard as JS and refuse to learn literally anything else.
But they're not shit languages. Unlike js which was made in a week to allow shitty dynamic HTML manipulation in Netscape, there's has been actual though and design behind these two.
python kek
ITT: unemployed "hardcore C hackers" buttpained about agile JS scrum devs who earn $100k starting
While this is true, the language has had a lot of work done on it and now it's not so bad. That was a long time ago.
>Isomorphic js for front-end and backend
>Lightweight, amazingly fast interpreter
>Great at handling asyncronous realtime requests
>Great package manager with tons of community modules
Gee I wonder why, Pajeet
Concurrency interlaces instructions from multiple processes but they still are executed in serial, therefore it's not parallelism.
They can be executed in parallel if the language, OS and CPU support it though
Well so does PHP and it's one of the most popular backend languages, mainly because like a third of the internet runs on Wordpress.
js != node.
>js which was made in a week
That version of js which was made in a week is long since dead. It's like the difference between a stone-age rock blade and a modern-day laser.
>I don't understand what it is, so it must be useless
kys OP
Node is a JS-based API for backends with a runtime.
It's the same version, with new features shoehorned into a shit language.
exactly, so js != node.
I'm glad you agree, and I glad you also agree that learning js doesn't mean using node.
Not rly, lots of things have been deprecated since then, lots of new features have been introduced in the core language. Implementations have changed hugely since then (they're much more optimised and faster).
I wasn't the user you replied to earlier on. Node is an API, of course it's not a language. It does use typical js syntax, tho.
I wrote Node 4.x code for work and hated it at first. But it grew on me due to the tooling available and the widespread support/libraries, and now that Node 8.x supports real async/await, I would voluntarily use it for new projects.
Also, being able to share code between front and backend code is quite rare, but when it does happen it's very convenient. All our form validation is shared meaning that the frontend can apply all the checks the backend can, in realtime.
most banking and healthcare systems use cobol, pascal, and mumps. doesn't make them good.