780Ti fried itself and I don't wanna wait until August for the 580 to be back in stock
Did I just jew myself? I really wanted to go AMD+FreeSync, but holy shit man the miners just bought every single Polaris gpu in existence
780Ti fried itself and I don't wanna wait until August for the 580 to be back in stock
Did I just jew myself? I really wanted to go AMD+FreeSync, but holy shit man the miners just bought every single Polaris gpu in existence
>780 Ti owner buying Nvidia again
>not learning lessons
Freesync depends mostly on your monitor and too often it's way too specific to work (works only between 70 and 100Hz etc). As for 1060 it's a good card but it's probably gonna be badly beaten by AMD alternatives in the future when dx12/vulkan becomes the norm. Don't be a waitfag though, people who were complaining about $50 above MSRP prices of Pascal got cucked badly with the return of mining craze. Waitfags never learn.
>he bought amd
Yeah but I couldn't exactly buy any AMD cards, and I don't want to use my iGPU for a month (and even if they get 580s back in stock the miners have probably already preordered everything).
I'm aware of Kepler beaten by lower-tier Maxwell and Pascal cards, but there's a chance that this is simply due to new graphics tech not meshing well with the old architecture.
The original plan was for my 780Ti to survive until Vega launched, but it looks like Vega will be absolute trash judging by the FE performance.
It's not ideal but I hope the Pascal architecture will last a bit longer than Kepler, because I guess I just don't have any choice atm.
Yeah I was comfortable with being a waitfag when I still had a functioning 780Ti, but fuck waiting for Vega for months without any GPU when it might turn out to be shit.
>tfw wanted to wait for vega but price cut 1080 was too tempting to pass up
no ragrets
i fucking hate my 1060 but if you have next to no choice then whatever.
It'll fry. Like every nvidia card ever.
>tfw rx480 pre mining boom and 144hz 1ms freesync monitor
>tfw its as smooth as butter, looks gorgeous and you're now better at every game you've played because of lack of input lag/higher refresh rate.
>tfw you've spent $450 on the combo while your average Nvidiafag spends that on a GPU alone
>tfw nvidiafags have to spend almost $700-800 for the same equivalent experience you're getting
It feels good to not have pants on head retarded brand loyalty like Nvidia shills.
>pot calling the kettle black
I don't think you want to get into a cherrypicking war based on that article, honey. It has far more ammunition for me than for you. there's a chance that this is simply due to new graphics tech not meshing well with the old architecture
What "new graphics tech" is that, sweetie? The shiny new D3D11 API that predates Kepler by several years?
Why do you hate it?
>being loyal to any brand
Tbh a $450 Nvidia GPU would absolutely destroy your RX 480. Also playing your normie LoL and CSGO doesn't count. Literally any fucking 144hz monitor without freesync or gsync and a $150 gpu can do it.
>The 780 Ti at 1080/Ultra is performing just about on-par with the R9 380X, barely above the 1050 Ti, and reasonably below the RX 470.
Imagine falling for this a second time. OwO
Ok ty I'll just #waitforvega then should be here any minute now
>Hardware solutions
fast-sync exists and it literally provides the same thing freesync/gsync does.
>Implying I play cs:go and LoL
>Implying high refresh rate is the most important part and it's not the freesync that reduces screen tearing by a shit ton
>Implying paying $450 for a gpu is smart when Nvidia has assfucked every 780ti buyer
>Implying what I did is not only cheaper but better
Lol youre fucking dumb as rocks.
My last card was a gtx 670. Never fucking again.
>Fast sync
>Not causing input lag
no thanks.
>Implying your garbage card can run anything else
>Implying it isn't and retards who praise gsync/freesync previously simply had 60Hz monitors so they don't understand the real difference comes from 144hz monitor itself
>implying you have any arguments when you meme about a single card disregarding the fact the whole architecture changed and every Kepler GPU is just bad.
>Implying you did.
>Implying I can't Max out doom, prey, and every other AAA title at 80+fps
>Implying I didn't get screen tearing from a high refresh rate monitor without freesync monitors before
>implying Kepler wasn't dropped like a hot rock with driver support and that Nvidia cards don't age like milk in general
>Implying you're not a retarded Nvidia shill
why would I wait for Vega when the rx480/580 already shit on Nvidia offerings in the price range and won't age like milk?
My 1060 was great except for the cooler. With a superior cooler it ran very cool pegged at 2149mhz. Im glad I bought the nzxt GPU aio bracket because ill be able to use it on all future cards.
So if it has shit cooling yeah you fucked up but you could just go after market. The 580 os the better card and will stay relevant for longer. My 1060 was replaced with a hybrid 980ti I got for 330 usd.
You need a miracle to get one.
ok lemme just quickly order myself one of those rx580s for $200 no problem not like the miners have bought up the entire supply and used cards are pushed to 2x the original price
I was under the impression that the 1060 was so low power that a single fan would be enough to keep it from throttling.
I bought the MSI single fan 1060 as it was the only one in stock, and I guess I'm a bit nervous now, but I do live in a cold part of the world so it probably won't be a huge issue.
i love metro 2033