>150 wpm on computer
>can't even touch type on phone
150 wpm on computer
Same here. Type around 120 wpm on a standard keyboard, but can't type for shit on any mobile device. I make a shit ton of typos. It's even worse on bigger (5.5 and up) phones too.
>fingers so fat they always hit at least 2 keys
Sometimes I get the same letter wrong 6 times in a row because my thumb keep hitting other keys.
It's a fact: cellphones were made for children, women and thin finger faggots to type.
>tfw peaked at 100-120 WPM when I was 15
>21 now can barely get passed 80
lol fug
Tfw your vocabulary is based mostly on keyboard muscle memory and imagining how a word would be typed so you make mistakes sometimes or forget how words are actually spelled when away from a keyboard
If I type at 100 words per minute with just my index and middle finger, how fast would I be if I learned how to type normally?
holy fuck are you me? Also dreaming of reaching higher wpm, and waking up wanting to write stuff on a keyboard
You don't type at 100wpm with just your index and middle finger
enjoy your arthritis and carpal tunnel
Only if you have poor practice and execution, aka resting your weight on your wrists, using the incorrect fingers for certain keys.
It could have been 80. I haven't taken the test in a while. I'm pretty sure it was high though.
You need to let autocorrect do the work. Unless you use Android, in which case the autocorrect is garbage. At least it was on the last one I used, Samsung Galaxy S2.
I have an iPhone 6s plus and a Galaxy S6 edge plus. Can't type for shit on either, but Android autocorrect REALLY is garbage. It's almost counterproductive.
Wow, I'm surprised it's still not any better. I'm pretty sick of the iPhone and how locked down it is. I want to switch to Android, but it sounds like their user experience is still two steps behind. Shame.
I like Android but it's not as good for daily use as iOS
I think the best setup is iPhone for daily use and an Android to tinker with. That's at least my setup anyways
>being this obese
i have no clue how people type fast on a phone
You could just say you're too retarded to use Android
No one cares Pajeet
you tinker to improve daily use
>Typing quickly
>Accidentally hit the emoji button
>Keyboard locks up for a solid couple of seconds
It just keeps happening.
>not swiping
I'm at 120-125 so I don't really aspire to go that much faster. Though I did want to consistently get 130~ which happened every now and then. I type faster on shitty laptop keyboards and Chiclets than mechanical ones.
this. i haven't touch typed in years
>you can type a message on your phone without looking at the keyboard at all
>can't get past 60wpm on a real keyboard
End my life lads.