/pcbg/ PC Building General

If you want help:
>Assemble your parts list
>State the budget for your build (and country if not the USA).
>List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate.
>Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs?
How to assemble a PC, select components & more (kind of outdated)

>G4560 - Budget builds (R5 1500x - Good but up to 1600 if you can
>R5 1600 - Best value for higher fps gaming / mixed usage; 1600x if you want higher stock clocks
>i7 7700k - only for your wifes son
>R7/Xeon/Threadripper - Compute/Multitask/mixed use; Not required for just gaming

Coin miners have driven price up and stock down, waiting to buy a GPU might be wiser
>Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games
>GTX 1050(Ti) - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games, RX560 beaten by both
>RX570 - 1080p@60~hz maxed, running most maxed older games at 100~Hz
>RX580 and GTX1060 6GB - 1080p@80hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; RX580 better in newer games
>GTX 1070 - 1080p@130hz /1440p@60hz at high
>GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p
>GTX 1080Ti - 1440p@144hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games

>Check your Mobo QVL before buying any RAM
>Ryzen CPUs benefits from high speed RAM

Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later
NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor.
The Ryzen lineup comes with exceptionally good stock coolers. (with the exception of the 1600X) consider using them over any sub 35USD cooler.

Other urls found in this thread:


Red pill me on buying from microcenter, is it better than buying online?

yes if you have one near buy

Someone in the last thread was talking about sales tax, if something is marked as 710 USD will it actually cost that ?

Looking to get another hard drive. I have two 1tb wd blues and they're both almost full. I don't want to drop $100-120 on a 2tb wd black if I can help it. all fanboy shitposting aside, how do seagate and toshiba really compare to wd as far as failure rates go?

>mfw imagining losing 2tb of shit

Reasonably speaking, how long would I have to wait for prices to drop again from this coin mining shit?

go on ebay and get 2tb refurb hgst server drives. had 6+ for over a year, no problems. only $40

Lemme get my crystal ball.

Curious about this too. Been out of the hardware scene for a while, how long have prices been inflated like this?

There was a list posted earlier and none of the brands were especially shit. Seagate is considered crap but the others are fine.

2-3 months i suppose. I honestly lost all my trust for the free-market and it's principles

sounds kinda sketchy. what's the difference between server hard drives and regular hard drives? would I notice a significant performance difference?

Is buying a founder's edition really that bad ?

for the full price ? Yes since the aftermarket solutions offer better performance while being almost costing you the same

Right now aftermarket cards are 50 to 100 dollars more expensive.

Bought a am4 bracket and it shipped same day

Get a Toshiba P300 2TB and you're good.

>buying refurb HDD
>only $40
>can get a new one for $5 more
This is just stupid.

Yes. FE is an overpriced, underperforming, overheating pile of trash. Get a custom card.

depends on the card as well, if it's a $100 cheaper 1070 then i'd consider it.

I'm looking to buy a 1080ti

Is it possible to get a good 1060 for a reasonable price in the UK right now or should I just wait? Amazon is looking pretty sold out

>>i7 7700k - only for your wifes son
Kek, you're still there even after being btfo'd this hard? Nice at least that you stopped sperging out by removing it.

if you're willing to spend that much money on a card might as well get a proper one. Don't buy FE 1080ti

No one reads the OP anyway

Should I just get the 1060 and wait for the 4k meme to take off and upgrade then?

Do i have to upgrade to windows 10 to use ryzen cpus?

No, but you'll need workarounds on W7 to get updates & mouse drivers working, for both kaby-lake and ryzen

WTF? Buy a Mac, or are you all retarded pajeet poorfags?

>anno domini 2017
>not using that space for better heat dissipation

DVI has a big advantage in that it does not tell OS that it has disconnected if you turn off the monitor. On Windows anyway if you turn off a monitor on HDMI or DP it will disconnect it from the desktop composer and rearrange your windows which is fucking annoying as hell.

>not gaming in 1440@144Hz


I wouldn't use a barracuda drive


>buying a 7700k housefire lake CPU

I've used many barracudas before, I've had WDs go out and come in already dead but never had anything wrong with my barracudas. Only ever had 1 make slightly more noises than normal, but its in my PS3.



alright buddy, havent delidded it yet.

yes everything is included with tax and shipping fees, the gpu was like $805 but i stuck all the shipping onto it because newegg doesnt show which is being charged shipping

Parts List


Budget: 1000$+
Overwatch/Gta5/VR? Resolution 1080p+

I want to have my build be as beastly as possible when gaming in the 1500$+ budget range. I want to be smart with what I am building for my budget. This means having the build as quiet as possible, low temps while running as efficiently I can get it.

Concerns: Powersupply wattage? What is the safest bet? I am aiming for 80+bronze 750W but idk if that is overkill.

Take a look, feedback highly appreciated as I am a first time builder.

Fuck so I have to update my os before i try to get a ryzen then? Why does it fuck with mouse drivers? I thought and was supposed to be the goku of cpu or some shit.

the regular corsair ram is black and yellow. so no. the led white version was $5 more and I turn off the leds.

based. thanks man, ill just go there just to be sent back here.

>tfw we still don't have glass case hdds with RGB leds embedded in the plates for maximum disco build

Nice waste of cash there, pal. Just delid this already.

sure, let me delid the thing before my return point is up. thats smart.

really? what the fuck were they thinking?

It's not a horrible idea but you can't bypass it which is the annoying thing.

750w should be way more than enough for what you have there.

Why would they send you back? It's the place where you belong.

you clearly haven't been here long. welcome to Sup Forums.

Is that a good thing? Are there any drawbacks to having such a high psu wattage?

With new GPU prices being shocking, what would be the best GPU upgrade to a 6870, a GTX 770 perhaps?

Lower fan noise and having headroom isn't a bad idea but 650W should be enough for you.

>t. 13 year old corsair fanboy pro gamer

at least windows remembers the icon locations properly now, so that's less of an issue than before

>using t.

man how long are you jews going to be here? sorry next time i'll stick with your razer gaming green power and your steelseries, reddragon kiddo gear.

>having everything subtle is not good enough for me I need more

you fags are annoying

Why does OP recommend 1600x when many users and websites have reported OC'ing their 1600 to 1600x levels on the stock Spire cooler?

No problem. Your Corsair VOID 7.1 pro gaming headset will do, it's just as retarded.
>everything corsair or anus because muh gaymen
>not choosing components according to quality and value
Legitimately the mindset of a 13 year old.

PCPartPicker part list: pcpartpicker.com/list/MzXgf8
Price breakdown by merchant: pcpartpicker.com/list/MzXgf8/by_merchant/

>CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600X 3.6GHz 6-Core Processor ($227.99 @ SuperBiiz)
>CPU Cooler: Cooler Master - Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($20.99 @ Newegg)
>Motherboard: Gigabyte - GA-AB350-GAMING 3 ATX AM4 Motherboard ($81.98 @ Newegg)
>Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($136.88 @ OutletPC)
>Storage: Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($104.33 @ OutletPC)
>Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($48.44 @ OutletPC)
>Video Card: Asus - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB STRIX GAMING Video Card
>Case: NZXT - S340 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($69.99 @ B&H)
>Power Supply: EVGA - SuperNOVA NEX 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($74.88 @ OutletPC)
>Operating System: Microsoft - Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($92.99 @ Amazon)
>Monitor: Asus - PG279Q ROG Swift 27.0" 2560x1440 165Hz Monitor ($749.99 @ Amazon)
>Keyboard: Razer - BlackWidow Chroma V2 Wired Gaming Keyboard ($139.99 @ Amazon)
>Mouse: Razer - DeathAdder Chroma Wired Optical Mouse ($56.89 @ B&H)
>Total: $1805.34
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

How'd i do pa?

get the 1600 and use the stock cooler it comes with. Save $50 and you can still OC it to 1600x levels.

>im here to bash people on their buys because i don't know my warranties and reviews very well

Alright buddy, you stick with your 20 different types of products each requiring different software to control them. I'll stick with my one. But please, lets see your setup, we are all curious. :)

>1600x if you want higher stock clocks
So in case you are too lazy to OC but still want higher clocks

what if i planning to oc the 1600x? would i get more performance

OCing is a gamble and never guaranteed... you could just as easily get a low quality 1600X as a higher quality 1600 when it comes to OC potential.

>everything requires different software
>muh gaymen RGB software
I suggest you buy a Corsair RGB dildo next.
> lets see your setup

How much RAM is needed for gaming these days? 8gb fine?

>reeeee his product has RGB in its name HE MUST LOVE RAINBOWS
alright buddy, you do know RGB isn't permanently on correct? it turns off! can you believe it? maybe you need more headsets though. Try throwing couple more hundred on headsets and a screen maybe you'll start to learn.

>i talk shit about corsair and asus but i use asus myself

why hasn't clockboy verified windows?

solder that ribbon

16gb is ideal though 8gb works for most games.

I have an old Thermaltake TR-2 500W.
Do you guys think it can hold its own with the following rig?
8gb RAM 2133
gtx 750ti
1tb hdd

He's too busy building his own CPUs and soldering them

Yes it will be fine

>verifying a huwhite operating system

So Ryzen 5 1600 stock cooler is really good then?

is it worth spending $250 more on the 1080ti instead of buying a 1080?
both are asus strix

It's sufficient for most people

>not being able to properly reply
Get your chromosome count checked.
>Try throwing couple more hundred on headsets and a screen maybe you'll start to learn.
Nice autism, retard. People who work and don't simply take daddy's credit card use more than one monitor.
Enjoy your veiled 7.1 niggerbass gaming headset while i enjoy my excellent headphones with an actual mic that doesn't suck.
>using one product of brand x is the same as having a PC themed with brand x
Double digit IQ reasoning.

Thanks senpai.

If you're at 1440 then yes definitely, at 1080p... it really depends on the games you play and if you have a 60hz+ monitor.

As far as price:performance goes, probably best on the market especially if you OC.

>resorted to iq insults because i've been caught being a hypocrite
alright buddy, what is this, 2010? stick with your >t. its still edgy.

> People who work and don't simply take daddy's credit card
lol shitting yourself at a desk all day is not work. Please try and compare your job to mine. I want to see what you do more than CRS7.

>With new GPU prices being shocking, what would be the best GPU upgrade to a 6870, a GTX 770 perhaps?

No. You need a video card with more than 2 or even 4 GB of memory. Realistically you need 8GB to have something that will be decent for a while. A RX480 or RX580 would be a much better choice than a GTX 770, unfortunately they are out of stock because of buttminers.

>That build
Ah I recognize it. You are the faggot that needs backlit keyboard to type in the dark.

Vega soon boys. Announcement on the 30th. If Raja fucks this up, we will gut him.

Pure autism. Maybe you should look up the definition of hypocrisy. Go on, get your Corsair(R) sponsored gayming """rig""", i prefer chosing products based on quality and value which you are evidently not capable of.
>Please try and compare your job to mine.
Eating crayons and jacking off to Corsair commercials isn't a job.

>i call asus, anus because i should be the only person to use them and i get angry with others use their products
uhhh yah hypocrite.

>Eating crayons
jokes from an autistic kid. please tell me more about jacking off since thats all you can come up with.

How does he pull it off? Are Muslim inventors just that gifted?

>Vega soon
buttminers are going to snatch these up worse than 480 and 580s

Why do you keep posting your shit build and then get defensive when people do indeed shit on you? Really? What is the end game here? Just put your shitty RGB LED build together and go post in a battlestation thread.

Maybe not. FE only gives a 10% increase on hash rates over 580. Turns out HBM is really bad for mining. RX will be weaker (computation wise) to the FE so it might be more expensive (1070 price) but weaker than 580.

its ok sweetie

>i7 7700k - only for your wifes son
most accurate op yet

its hilarious how salty you guys get. specially the other guy who can't see his screens or hear correctly so he needs more and more.

>people aren't like me reeeee i'm so mad i need everyone to be like me
alright lemon grab

Salty about what? Really? You post your shit build every other thread and then cry when people tell you it is shit. This isn't the first time people have told you to fuck off. Yet you keep coming back like a dog. And this isn't even "I am merely pretending" troll. You genuinely get salty when people tell you that it is a shit build and to go kill yourself.

How is this card? Midterm?

Radeon RX 560


Link related?

>no u
This is the best answer your double digit IQ brain could come up with. Go get your chromosomes checked and fuck off back to .

>he doesn't understand the value of more monitors
>he doesn't understand the joy of having multiple headphones
This is why nobody takes you 13 year old retard seriously. Get your ears checked if you think this 7.1 gaming headset doesn't sound like trash. Chink IEM probably sound far better.

The guy you are replying to needs backlit keyboards to type. Of course he is a moron.

I Used a generic PSU for 1 year with an i5-2310 8gb ram, never had any problem. It is a card i hold close to my heart :)

What are the current king performance/value Ssd
