>starting EE degree in September
>uni teaches C
>an unsafe, out of date language from the 70s
Why don't they teach something more modern like JavaScript or Rust?
>starting EE degree in September
>uni teaches C
>an unsafe, out of date language from the 70s
Why don't they teach something more modern like JavaScript or Rust?
Wow this is a real thread.
A thread died for this.
>"Computer, shoot me in the face."
>it does
No this is bait. Ignore.
>Why don't they teach something more modern like JavaScript or Rust?
>for an EE, programming microcontrollers and PLCs
See a frogger, pull the trigger.
A thread still died for this.
Probably because C is the go-to language for embedded programming, and they want to teach you what the industry is using.
@61249873 (You)
Wow, you chose the wrong major fucktard,
Vetter switch to webmastering for retards XOXO
>> EE / CE major here.
> C is not outdated. Everything runs atop it including python.
> If you're serious about CE, you're centered on C/Assembly and bit level manipulation
> EE CE is filled by embedded systems
That's all C my friend w/ sprinkles of C++
The real shit runs on C for obvious reasons. All other bozo languages run atop it. It's quite frankly never going away.
Safety = you knowing wtf you're doing
They will teach you Scheme (which is pretty neat)
Oh, sweetie. You'll find that the machines you're programming as an EE barely have room for malloc, let alone a full operating system.
>going into EE
>has absolutely no knowledge of real-world programming and refused to learn
You'll fit in there well, my friend. I'm in 4th year ECE and I only know about 6 people in my class of 200 who seem like they're competent programmers.
That is disgusting. HOW
Everybody is a winner mentality
You paid to be a winner, natch.
>The real shit runs on C for obvious reasons
It's the most portable assembler around.
becoming a competent programmer takes years of work, but you can just hand in spaghetti for every assignment and still pass. If they try to force us not to hand in spaghetti, it'll probably result in people writing even worse code.
there are a lot of things you do in EE that do not require programming faggot
that's why they studied engineering not how to be a code monkey
^this. Nor a scheduler.
> mfw : Where's the kernel?
You have to write it. Guess what language?
Class size for EE/CE starts out like other engineering majors freshman year. Reduces by half each semester up to junior year.
> mfw when junior year and you know everyone in EE/CE in your class on a first name basis and possible the year above you who are your TAs.
> mfw when you graduate and realize there's a difference between web languages and the C code that actually makes them possible
>mfw my country doesn't have a CE program
>Class size for EE/CE starts out like other engineering majors freshman year. Reduces by half each semester up to junior year.
That doesn't happen in my program. I think it was around 150 when we started and is only down to 100ish in 4th year.
The reason is C is what makes things go round, the other shit you nammed is just dressing.
Nice bait, but the world will always need C, because without systems programming there is nothing to run your programs on