What is the best browser, file manager, image viewer etc. that looks good on i3?
>inb4 1476 packages, what a bloat!!
I have several DE installed, will make a fresh install with i3 only soon.
Other urls found in this thread:
Window managers don't influence the looks of programs. It's the GUI toolkits that do.
Of course you don't know that, because you're a meme parroting and absorbing idiot.
i know that, i just want some minimalistic looking programs that will blend in nicely to wm without borders
asking Sup Forums was a mistake
>best browser
that's up to you
>file manager
ranger and thunar
>image viewer
>wm without borders
you can turn them off in the config
browser = thunar, rarely use it
manager = ranger, zsh
image viewer = eog
>file manager
>image viewer
> browser
dwb or luakit are nuce fits for i3. I still use firefox because muh plugins
> file manager
ranger. If you're too much of a newfag for terminal file managers, try pcmanfm
> image viewer
> etc
You should install a text editor as well. Vim is objectively the best. But if you want a GUI, go with gedit.
You should also check out some miscellaneous things like lxappearance (for changing gtk themes), and blurlock/slock/i3lock (for securing your computer when you're away)
i have borders disabled ac you can see
What about neovim? How is it different?
qutebrowser looks like it belongs the best
>best browser
firefox since you're going for looks
>file manager
I like Thunar, it's minimal and looks good
>image viewer
feh, has a lot of customization so you can make it fit whatever you please
Neovim is a more modern Vim with sane defaults and stuff. It's not different fundamentally from Vim in any way, really.
I see you enjoy falling for memes, so I'd say qutebrowser, ranger and feh.
Is there a point to an i3 gaps/tiling type desktop environment when you use multiple monitors?
For example during my leisure time on the computer I have my browser maximized on my primary screen(sometimes it might be replaced with a game or video, whatever) and then my media player, instant messenger, and system monitor on my secondary display.
Honestly i3 gaps is gorgeous, it's very nice to look at, but I'm having trouble seeing it being practical. Perhaps it's best suited to use on a laptop?
I use it with a multi monitor setup, it's quite nice, and I'm way more productive than with a floating WM.
firefox with custom skin can look nice
otherwise maybe links
>file manager
>image viewer
feh and w3m for preview in ranger
browser: Firefox with a skin
file manager: Nautilus, never go full meme ranger can suck my balls
it has 9 extra dependencies out of which two are gnome botnets whereas ranger only requires python
I don't really see how nautilus and ranger are comparable.
i dont see how they arent
ranger uses vim like keybinds to do the same operations as you would with nautilus
have 2 DEs (LXDE and Openbox) aswell as i3, and everything I use just werks
I'd suggest you find what's causing all the bloat
I use ranger, vim,regular firefox, cmus, mpv, htop and feh for image viewing.I also use thunderbird but considering changing to mutt.
Laptop is 2005's, so it really can't run very many things without getting my CPU to die.
I really like my setup regardless
shit tier wallpaper senpai
Nemo is better than thunar
personal reasons, here, have my backup
you should change your i3bar though, it looks bad
polybar is a good replacement
probably, was looking into solarized but something keeps crashing, and since this was a fresh install I had more important stuff to set up first, after all the status still just worked, but I had no wifi till earlier today
i actually like the wallpaper
pls teach me how to rice desktop
if OP, what haven't you set up yet?
there are literally at least 2 rice threads a day for that though
OP here, any reccomendations for terminal-based music player? or should i just stick with gui?
i am not op
and no i dont see any rice threads
just noticed OP was a tripfag, there's at least one, aswell as /sqt/
kill yourself
Can I rice Fedora as much as you can with Arch like ITT?
I'm getting sick of gnome, but I don't want to install Arch.
Yes I'm a flaming linux newfag, I'll spare you the finger muscle exercise.
there's a reason Sup Forums's wiki exists
kill yourself
Questions about i3
1).Is it lightweight?
2).Can I run it with xfce4
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes