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mentally ill tranny throws a fit

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. GitHub should have ignored the SJWs from day one.

OP's thread on Sup Forums.
My 5 minutes of being BTFO.

This isn't new. It's literally nothing.

that dude is seriously mentally ill.

>not using

wasn't he the mastermind behind the "code of conduct" empidemy ?

Why do these mentally ill rejects always come from the Ruby community? Is it just because the Ruby community has absolutely no standards so everyone can contribute? Ruby is like the participation trophy of programming languages.


>it's not me who's a sociopath it's everyone else

>mentally unstable
>abuses drugs
>performs poorly at their job
>gets fired
God damned patriarchy.

>less transwomen then super nintendo gender snowflakes
Remember that a lot of passing transwomen will not out themselves even on surveys.

*puts stick into spokes of bike and crashes*
Not my president

>merit is sexism
I don't even have a reaction image for this.

I don't put Lolicon-Autist as my gender so why do the trannyfaggots get to use their transgender mental illness as one without so much of a howdy doo?

>I am increasingly of the opinion that in hiring me and other prominent activists, they were attempting to use our names and reputations to convince the world that they took diversity, inclusivity, and social justice issues seriously. And I feel naive for having fallen for it.

He thought they hired him for his ruby skills

I'll never understand how meritocracy is somehow unfair. It just doesn't make any sense.

i've literally never heard anyone but women (with or without penis) argue against merit/metrics/accountability

They are mentally deranged pay them no mind.
In a nuttshell it's the obvious consequence of allowing a generation to grow up on a narcisistic internet unsupervised with no role models.


>article text jumps up from the bottom of the screen
Fucking webshits

who the fuck cares about these meme companies, diversity quotas, and women

i'll have you know i spend my days programming bluetooth enabled pacemakers from a basement, and my only debug tool is an oscillator. the only person who works with me is a man on his forties that has completely lost his hope of losing his virginity and the last time he talked to a woman was 15 years ago. i can only fall asleep watching season 4 of friends, and my diet consists of subway and diet coke. we don't have to fill any quotas because literally nobody else wants to do this job

thanks to people like me, a bunch of people with heart disease will live another day on this shit world. people who work in places like github will die with the sure knowledge that the only thing that they have achieved is the implementation of a couple of endpoints and a bad case of kidney stones

>passing transwomen

I know enough that do. Some are post-op and so good their boyfriends still haven't figured it out.


wow americans sure are weak, China will conquer you soon they hav no problems with empathy

>They had just created a team called Community & Safety, charged with making GitHub more safe for marginalized people

In what way can a website be considered unsafe?

>fake vagina
this is gross

Wait a minute, I've read this before, why does it have a publish date of today?

I agree

all vaginas are gross

Underrated post. Godspeed pacemaker man, may you keep many more bound to this mortal coil to share our pain.

>i can only fall asleep watching season 4 of friends, and my diet consists of subway and diet coke.
kek, lost hard

only if you are a degenerate faggot

I quite love the example of getting flunked on a weekly improvement review for not following the SJW script of affirming someone with thanks just for doing their fucking job.

Literally hoisted by their own petard. God I love that shit. Fuck you and your ilk for politicizing an industry so heavily that you're even thought-policing your own kind into getting fired.

I'm glad she made that "first time contributor" thing because it makes it easier to identify sjw trannies who complain about "muh sojiny" and "muh transphobia" on the issue page, but haven't actually contributed before.

Remember guys, as fun as it is to troll these type. Don't give them attention. Just silently lock their issues and ban them. Attention is what they crave.

>inherent unfairness

>meritocracy isn't fair!
What the fuck

i couldn't reply properly until i found my sides again

>My manager accused me of shutting down the conversation by making it personal.
How sweet it tastes.

>For my first few pull requests, I was getting feedback from literally dozens of engineers (all of whom were male) on other teams, nitpicking the code I had written. One PR actually had over 200 comments from 24 different individuals.
Maybe because you can't code for shit.

True meritocracies are nonexistent because the concept of merit only exists for objectivity. "Who is the best coder" is not objective. "Who scored the highest on this exam" is. A mixture of direct democracy and meritocracy is best; if enough people think that you're the best at whatever subjective-ish thing, then it's okay.

>bluetooth enabled pacemakers
>bluetooth enabled anything mission critical

>Just silently lock their issues and ban them. Attention is what they crave.
This. Even people with retarded politics you can work with if they can code, the people who have to bring their politics up on fucking GitHub of all places you know you'll never ever have a useful discussion with.

How to make yourself unemployable in only 5000 simple words.


those things are pretty reliable, they can last through a two phase 260J+ shot of energy.


I can't even, that's just too fucking rich.

It's as coherent as can be with their ideology. These people believe that we're all born with original sin and that evaluating people based on the shit they do without taking that sin into account is unfair.

Fortunately it's the self destructing kind of ideological poison. As we can plainly see here.

Yep. It's a repeating cycle of:

>find project you have never contributed to
>bitch and moan about some trivial socjus issue ("""brogrammer""" jokes, gendered language in docs, """ableist""" slurs etc)
>threaten the developers
>install a coc and destroy pretty much any interest they originally had
>promptly fuck off and never touch the project ever again (or stick around purely to do the above steps repeatedly)

Every. Single. Time.

What the fuck??
She is fucking mentally sick.

He's a fucking shitstirrer who believes in shutting anyone down who exhibits wrongthink.

it's a trannyfaggot

Kami sama?

>xe posted it again an hour ago


>I have bipolar depression and was already in a bad place mentally, so I found myself feeling crushed and hopeless.
Surprise surprise.

>mfw they where probably all virgins before the tranny devil got them,

>tranny entitled faggot throws a fit because the company rewarded the best developers
>can't handle negative feedback
>blames everyone for his problems
>proudest achievements were email invites and a badge
>ruby code artisan
The stereotype is too fitting

The 'involuntarily committed to a mental hospital' stood out to me too.

As far as I can tell all he's ever written is a slack bot

>ruby code artisan

i like how he tries to describe his work interactions as to make the reader think he didndu nuffin yet gives us insight on how much of a psycho he really is

>couldn't be arsed to write a blogpost for his company without making it about his retarded personnal issues, argued until bossman had to do the job himself
>bitches about no peer programming and having to write code himself
>harassed codecamp retard until made to stop
>tries to impose made up genders to company scientists, gets told to fuck off
>can't express himself politely in writing
>harasses boss with his own personnal issues, blames boss when told to fuck off
>is put on "probably to be fired" list for some reason, takes 1week unanounced vacation because his grandma died

>tfw your flag kills the submit

>getting scared at this
Too weak

Not scared, disgusted.

Stop browsing without a javascript whitelist

>cant even use the right affect/effect
>complaining about merit-based systems
>most people who use it are white and male, oh no it must be sexist and racist!
We need to go back in time and undo this "everybody wins" mentality we instilled into people in elementary school. Fucking christ this is just pathetic.
This should be good
> The Dehumanizing Myth of the Meritocracy
>Is it enough to be measured by the quality of our code alone?

>babby's first critique of utilitarianism
>muh emotional appeal
How come post-modernists always find ways to make me angrier than i already am?

>Should we be judged by how well we do our jobs?
It blows my god damned mind anybody would ever consider responding to that question with "no"

I agree with that gentleman
What's the show senpai

>less trans than actual women
I honestly have a hard time believing this. Everyone knows most women programmers have penis.

Consider if you weren't very good at your job but thought you could prevent being fired or given a raise anyway. It might be a more acceptable position to take.

>turning your cock inside out and stuffing up an open wound so dudes can fuck it
>not just enlarging your cockhole for coc-fucking
Biggest disappoint about trannies

the tranny faggot is mentally ill, but this just shows how bad sjwhub is as well:

>She told me that a few days back during our stand-up I had said "I got what I needed from ___ so I am ready to start working on this PR." She said that this was yet another example of non-empathetic communication: what I should have done was to explicitly thank ___, which I had done the next day in what she described as "an afterthought".

this sounds like one of those places where everyone fake politeness but hates each other's guts

>this sounds like one of those places where everyone fake politeness but hates each other's guts

That's every single woman in existence, and by extension all the feminized men in western society.

If I was bad at my job I wouldn't fucking expect a raise, I'd at most expect to maintain the status quo.
>I'm really bad at this
>But you shouldn't fire me. In fact, I deserve a raise!
Direct retardation.

>I want you to thank me for doing my job!
It sounds like a place run on efficiency and the expectation of you doing your fucking job description, commendations shouldn't be handed out like participation ribbons

Just to play Devil's Advocate, "no" might be a justifiable position to take on the first part of the question. Should we be judged at all? And I don't mean in the sense of putting out work. Damn well my widgets should be judged for quality when they roll off the assembly line. But judgment-based incentives? Subjective things like how well we thanked a coworker for getting us the bearings we needed for our rotary widgets? Meritocracy is bullshit in those contexts because we're being rewarded for differential opportunities and subjective, irrelevant degrees of "merit," respectively.

Don't dangle carrots; if you have carrots to give, just distribute them equally for everyone who is supposedly good enough at their job to be employed there. And if you require elaborate expressions of thanks then make it an official policy or give me a quick reply button. Those are both reasonable resolutions to the idea of inappropriate meritocracy.

So when github inevitably closes up shop, which alternative should I move to?
>something else

What do you guys suggest?

this is a company that went balls deep on fake corporate diversity.

Their corporate culture is probably trash, and has pushed out their top talent over the years. They've been replaced by people who were hired on the merits of "optics" above all else.

To say you got a job at GitHub in 2017 speaks poorly of your skill level.

Selfhosted gitlab

Seriously considered this, but I don't want to babysit a server

I use GitLab, self host if you want, but I'd probably just run my own vanilla git server in self-hosting.

I wouldn't want a diversity hire operating on my heart any more than I'd want a diversity hire maintaining the software that my income relied on.

Gitlab for personal use. But a lot of big shops use bitbucket so I doubt it'll go too far into the SJW bullshit even if they claim they will. As you might expect, large companies are nothing but empty promises.

sounds like he was being a prick and finally ran out of oppression bucks after a year

Not thanking your employees for doing their job every single time you interact with them is "being a prick" now?
Maybe tumblr is a little more your speed?

Fuck off

>Technologically related discussion


yeah totes tech related.

Its use of "effect" is correct, in this case. Effect when used a verb means "cause (something) to happen; bring about." Otherwise, I'm with you.

>he said a meanie word that means it cant be discussed here!

>Apply for bereavement leave
>Gets fired

> more than 2/100 shithub users are trannies

Will Durant describes Yahweh without realising he's describing SJWs 60 years in the future:

>He offers to show mercy to those who love him and keep his commandments, but, like some resolute germ, he will punish children for the sins of their fathers, their grandfathers, even their great-great grandfathers

>Whine about sjws in the title
hi Sup Forums