Sup Forums survey

Do you have a facebook account?
Do you actually use it?
Does it bother you that your life is made public on the internet?

All my normie friends forgot how to fucking text
Only for messenger
I don't post anything on it so no

I used to a few years ago, but only got it because it seemed like the cool thing to do at the time and really never liked it.
See above
No, I only posted occasional memes and posted in groups that interested me. Absolutely nothing political.

No. Because I get suicidal seeing normies having satisfying and fulfilling life.

>Do you have a facebook account?
It's literally the only way I can contact some family members
>Do you actually use it?
Beyond occasionally sending a message to specific family members and friends, no
>Does it bother you that your life is made public on the internet?
yes and no. Kinda complicated for me to explain.

I use VKontakte (:


Made it in middle school

Not really, just to shitpost on my close friends

not much shit on it

Gimme you're vk pls

only way to talk to some normie friends i got.
not really-just the messenger.
all the info i have up on it is fake.

I have two, both of them used to have like 100 friends and 20 close ones. Now both is friendless and the original reason i started two accounts was mafiawars and idle worship, was pretty famous for paintballing among my "friends" but i never accepted them as friends irl. Humanity is overrated anyway.

muh privacy

will i ever see the day normalfags who call others "normies" have a bunch of friends, a facebook account and probably even a gf come to realize their hypocrisy

To keep in touch with relatives, real life friends, and IRC friends. Mostly IRC friends.
Sort of. I don't post a lot of content myself, mostly just use it to see what my friends are up to.
I have most things set to friends-only so I'm not sure how public they are. I don't post things which are risque or controversial though.

Is there a way to see just how much information is actually public? Yes, information is sold behind closed doors etc, but I'm curious to see just how much someone could pull out of my account despite the security settings. I also have a spare, I think semi-public account in case I ever need to give up my Facebook account details to anyone.

Necessary for university life
Just for events and to keep in touch with people
I don't really share anything private

I have two, the first was one I've had since whenever and has embarrassing posts from my youth as well as people who want to contact me but I'm too anxious to open up and see what they've wrote. I don't know how to delete it without logging in, will muster the courage in around 3 years.

The other is for professional use, I work with VFX studios which have a "social department" (/bored secretaries) so I can't really get around it. Naturally, it gets personal because of personal messaging so I hate it but am stuck with it.

best way to talk to my uni mates
not really only messenger
i spoof everything when im on it so im good

it's the only way for me to know what's going on with my family
only for messaging family
it's not because I don't post anything

>Do you have a facebook account?
Not anymore.
I don't like social media.
>Do you actually use it?
I've had a dormant account for years. Never posted anything.
>Does it bother you that your life is made public on the internet?
It bothers me that so many people bandwagon to share and spend a vast majority of their time on memebook.

>Do you have a facebook account?
Keep in contact with friends and work related Facebook groups
>Do you actually use it?
Yes, don't post much myself, but the groups are useful and I use the event feature a lot. Works really well actually.
>Does it bother you that your life is made public on the internet?
Not at all. The only information that's public is stuff that I don't mind people knowing, like the city I live in and my work experience.

Because... I don't really know why
Yes, I use it sometimes, now days I use it a lot.
Of course, I actually switched my privacy to friends only but I know it isn't enough, privacy is almost making me want to delete the account.

>Do you have a facebook account?
Messenger with normies
>Do you actually use it?
>Does it bother you that your life is made public on the internet

That psychology experiment they were doing two years ago.
Yes, and worse, that it is privatized by Facebook themselves. Real peer-to-peer internet when guise?


long story, creepy roommate made it for me as a gift complete with all my personal data

once or twice a year just to maintain it

a little, I am a fairly open person but have seen so many people take things out of context that static platforms like face-book are just trouble waiting to happen. I'll say something politically charged, but few stop to listen to the complex details that follow. Those that do listen often change their view to mine or respectfully disagree on some parts of my stance and we become friends.
That is partly why I use Sup Forums, but given how little meaningful conversations I have here I should really just stop posting all together.

They don't really live the lives they portray online, you know? Everything you see on Facebook is created to project an image. It's an aspirational marketing platform.
The very concept of Facebook was originally linked very closely to defining oneself through 'likes'. So the media you consume, the subcultures you're engaged with, come to define who you are. Have you noticed this in people? It's very sad.

>being a normie
I don't really see the link

to swipe right on tinder
only to reactivate tinder when it shits the bed
does it bother you that i matched with your sister and your mom?

I was forced to make one in uni
I don't even know what's on it now. I joined a uni group called freshers fun. That was like 5 years ago. I don't even know what the point was.

Instagram and Whatsapp do me just fine but kek, those are FB too so I dunno. You can't escape these fuckers.

>Do you have a facebook account?
Technically, yes.
I can't delete it.
>Do you actually use it?
No, it's de-activated or whatever it's called.
>Does it bother you that your life is made public on the internet?
It isn't.

Chat with normie friends
Excluding the messenger, no
Stop posting your shit on FB you dumb fuck

Because it's a good way to keep in contact with old acquaintances and relatives, join groups of interest, buy and sell used stuff, look at jailbait pics
Not a lot, mostly I just look around it when I'm bored at work or when I'm looking for something/someone specific
Not really since the only info of mine that's in it are my first and last name, and where I studied.

no, I only use whatsapp

>Do you have a facebook account?
I don't know
>Do you actually use it
Only to look at how people that were "Chads" and "Stacies" that I knew turned out to be failures like once every 6 months
>Does it bother you that your life is made public on the internet
I don't have any pictures or anything like that on it. My name isn't even my actual name, since many people had trouble with it when I was younger. I was also very skeptical of using my real name for anything online, which I guess is good since I don't pop up on a google search.

I can't remember how exactly you delete it, but you can do it. All I remember is that it it key that you do not interact with any of their emails, and that you do not try to log back in, since that only deactivates it.

>Do you have a facebook account?
Because it's the only way I can get in contact with my friends and family, because no one wants to use stuff like Telegram, Tox, or even SMS and Email.
>Do you actually use it?
Rarely. Usually just to talk to friends and family, which is mostly through Messenger. Sometimes I do scroll around because I joined some groups relevant to my interests so sometimes I can find relatively good stuff there.
>Does it bother you that your life is made public on the internet?
Of course, but I try to keep its influence as minimal as possible. I don't post selfies and tag myself on locations every day. The only things I post on my wall are songs, and that is like once a month or so.

Yes, i only use it to receive event invites, I never post anything.

>Do you have a facebook account?
Platoon leader uses a closed group to send us shit like monthly shift schedules and other things that aren't classified but everyone needs.
>Do you actually use it?
If downloading said schedules is "using" it, then yes.
>Does it bother you that your life is made public on the internet?
I never entered a single piece of information except a throwaway e-mail and a phone number that I barely use anyway.

>normies having satisfying and fulfilling life

That's not what really goes on in there. It's just a mix of desperate attention whoring by vain idiots (I went for a jog/workout, pls notice!), guys stalking narcissistic sluts past their prime in hopes to get laid (haha you look really beautiful there pls gib number??), low IQ middle aged women posting image macros with "profound" and "spiritual" quotes because it keeps the middle age crisis from driving them suicidal, and all of the above sometimes trying their hand at memes and failing in most spectacular ways.

>Do you have a facebook account?

Mostly for events.

>Do you actually use it?
Occasionally I write something on people's feed on their birthday.

>Does it bother you that your life is made public on the internet?
My life is not represented on Facebook. If an accurate summary of my life was to be made publicly available over the internet it would bother me a great deal though.