AMD Radeon Vega clock to clock with R9 Fury X: no IPC

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>it's another GPU shitposting thread
Fucking stop already. It's not even funny anymore.

Cool, I've been editing 4K video on my Fury today and it's comfy. Getting that kind of performance for a fraction of the heat and noise with an undervolted Vega sounds great. I'm sure Apple thought exactly the same thing.

>No "IPC" improvements
>on games on unfinished drivers

meanwhile on anything else there's a big "IPC" improvement


get told faggots. now thats it proven to be a stinker the amd shills don't want to talk about it

No everywhere, but yes, SPEC shows really buff "IPC" gains in most workloads.
I wish RTG hired some nVidia driver wizards.

You're that
>GPUs are growing far faster than CPUs, CPUs are a dying market
Stop shitposting.

they basically gave higher priority to the professional drivers, seeing that they're selling vega based stuff to datacenters too

Pascal is no faster than Maxwell clock for clock. Why does it matter? Why would anybody ever underclock their cards by hundreds of megahurrz and intentionally cripple its performance? The entire point of the new process and architecture is that it clocks a lot higher. I don't get what this is supposed to prove.

These are not even professional drivers, they lack software certification and profiles.
It's simply Vega drivers.
Right now Vega works like overclocked Fiji.
Pascal was about moar ALUs. Vega is about better perf/watt just like Maxwell was.

no im the

Repeat after me:

1070 level performance


yes, but the certified drivers are not that different from these ones, they're just better refined and well, certified

the workloads they're being used on are still compute ones

Well, yes. It would be nice to see WX Vega versus P6000 battle.
Oh well i though you're the other retard that unironically thinks GPUs are anything but toys and niche number crunchers.

They're pro drivers, Vega has 10bit output support, that's not a generic or gaming driver feature.
As if the tremendously different SPEC scores at the same clocks weren't indicative enough, these are through and through Pro drivers, just not certified, that certification would affect a number of applications, but the performance would largely stay the same outside of those

Wait, Bega FE has 10bit output in $1k card with all that compute?
That's beyond neat.

It's on the official FE page listed under specs IIRC

Sorry i'm dumb and never check official specs since they are marketing memes 99% of the time.

I'm not buying a GPU anytime soon but AMD really needs a 1080-tier GPU, something over $400, but a $700 one 1% of the market has.

That's Vega11 and we don't know when and if Vega11 really is some ~350-400mm^2 die.

The RX Vega should hit close to that.
I'll be getting RX Vega no matter what, because I want a great Linux supported GPU.

>no IPC
Way to be a faggot, OP.

>Another interesting story was published by GamersNexus. They tested both Frontier and Fury X clock to clock (1050 MHz) to compare the actual IPC gain on two parts. Surprisingly Vega is showing zero performance gain when games are considered. However, Vega actually does perform better in SPECviewperf - a benchmark tool Vega Frontier was actually designed for. This means that there are some architectural upgrades, but they are unlikely to be reflected in games. Frontier is only doing better in games, because of the higher clock speed.

tl;dr wait for actual gaming drivers/RX Vega you dumb cucks.

All you did is shit up the board, all you do is continue to shit up the board, and everything you say is based on lies, misinformation and incomplete data. Kill yourself, you useless sack of shit.

>beats Titan XP in some pro apps.

nVidia BTFO

Good luck with the TDP


The "not for gaming" thing is pure damage control, it's honestly boring at . Titans are great at gaming. Even Quadros, which are workstation cards literally not meant for gaming at all, can game. The FE game benchmarks are valid, just as Titan benchmarks are. There's no magical fucking difference between a gaming card and a "pro" card, they're the same silicon. Workstation cards just have much high QC, enhanced features and better software support and certified drivers. (Fe doesn't even have certified drivers) The Radeon Pro Duo is a double Fury X. Vega FE is RX Vega. The "but it's not a gaming card" is easily the dumbest excuse I've ever seen on this board.

It's not for gaming as in
>we failed to deliver proper drivers in time enjoy your glorified compute board

>The "not for gaming" thing is pure damage control

Indeed it is. The reason why the work cards are not recomended for gaming is not that they have shit gaming performance, but because they cost a lot, that's all there is to it. It's still the same fucking GPU.

You just can't deal with the fact that Vega is the Bulldozer or GPU's. Sup Forums has been telling people to wait for Vega for two fucking years, and now people are already changing the narrative to "wait for Navi." The AMD shilling is out of control on this board. How does it feel to have waited so long for 1070 performance you disgusting shill. How does it fucking feel?

You've got to be brain damaged if you think AMD released Vega FE to market with any intention other than: "Fuck, the second quarter is going to end and this is all we'll have ready. Quick, brand the early silicon as workstation prosumer cards to excuse the horrible gaming performance it will have in order to buy us some time for the drivers."

It's shit and AMD knows it's shit. If this was the end result they never would have released it. I'll eat my words if RX Vega comes out and performs exactly the same but until then the only thing that makes sense, and the only reason the entire fucking Vega project wasn't scrapped before tape out last year, is that software optimizations will salvage performance. This GPU never would have taped out if it was FuryX +/- 15% performance.

At least it works as MI25 demo.

You can really tell how AMD's marketing team is telling everyone to stay low and focus all their shitposting efforts on Skylake-X.

>marketing team
I wish they had one.

You're just shitting up the board as usual. Kill yourself.


This confirms that, as of right now, there is zero difference between "Pro" and "Gaming" modes of Vega FE.

This is good news for those holding out hope that a driver will boost Vega's performance.

AMD can't buy proper ads which is why they have to hire pajeets earning a few cents per post. This board is the biggest conglomerate of AMD shills I have ever seen.

What? Fuck even leddit is smart enough to figure out that TBR and primitive shaders are necessary for Vega to perform any decently in gayms.
Too bad it's H1Btel that hires fuckton of pajeets/bajeets/rasheeds/whatever.

Like not even discard accelerator is working right now in Vega and it's Polaris tech.

Let's be real, lads. If Vega was any good they wouldn't have been sitting on it for over a year.

You do know that R&D cycle takes time and writing drives takes even more time (for new uarch at very list).

>even leddit is smart enough to figure out
I'm just posting a link faggot. There are still people out there bashing Vega FE's performance and pretending like that this is it.

>Too bad it's H1Btel that hires fuckton of pajeets/bajeets/rasheeds/whatever.

Uh huh, sure, that's why the board is filled with amd propaganda and people treating this company as if they were some kind of holy angels that need to be protected and cherished, while placing the blame of ALL its shortcomings on other companies, right?

So much time that they miss our on almost 2 release cycles?

>amd propaganda
Wew lad.
There's nothing to hope, we can only wait up until little smelly pajeets in RTG deliver working condition drivers.
Oh you fucking bet. Vega has fuckton of changes.

AMD did the exact same thing with Bulldozer, remember? They sat on it for 6 months while doing jack shit in order to build up hype before release.

Like what?

>muh bulldozer
Let's not resort to
>muh 5 series
>muh thermi
>muh shitburst
>muh larrabee will kill all the GPUs
etc etc
>Like what?
Are you retarded?


Nah, show me the fuckton of changes that justifies not having a flagship gpu since fury

Google them, dear Sup Forumsedditor.

>t-theyre gonna release something big
>just google for the proof
Just lol

You need to go back.

So this is the power of pajeet shilling...

Yeah it takes time but it's time before you launch so you're not throwing your product off a cliff with no fucking parachute at least.

They don't shill anything. The only thing they've been wrong about is the "Ryzen 7: An i5 in Gaming" video and that was distinctly bullshit and they will end up retracting that opinion eventually.

>you're not throwing your product off a cliff with no fucking parachute at least.
That was the only way for them to meet "Q2 2017" promise.
user this is the most effortless shitposting i've seen this week.

I was simply pointing out how sketchy the Vega launch is, it reminds me of the shit AMD pulled to advertise Bulldozer. Why do people pretend AMD is some perfect angel company? They just released a $1000 defective product. That's worthy of criticism regardless of what Nvidia or Intel have done.

I thought it was on par with you back to Sup Forums argument desu

My argument is perfectly valid. You want to shitpost - you go to Sup Forums.

He's sort of right. It's not performing up to its capabilities.

It's performing perfectly fine in compute. No one advertised it as a gaymen card.

Asking for proof of your claim isn't shitposting. If you want to claim that amd has done magical things with their soon to come flagship,you better post some proof.

Vega FE rivals Kaby Lake X and Skylake X as worst launch of the year.
>muh q2 promise
No one fucking cares. It's a shit product with no drivers. You're nothing but an AMD shill.

>No one fucking cares.
Shareholders do. Angry sharegolders > angry (man)children.
Google it.

>fell for "you're not funny" meme

Titans arent advertised for gaming and they do just fine. Stop defending AMD releasing a card with no software support.

Titans are no longer prosumer cards my friend. They are toys now. Overpriced toys.

I'm just gonna assume that there's no proof and you poo in the street then

So is Vega FE. No certified drivers and perdormance in professional applications is all over the place. It was causing system hangs running fucking Blender.

Again, Vega FE is one of the worst products of the year.

The only reason it wasn't advertised as a gaming card is because the software side isn't ready. The GPU is the fucking same thing.

Titans haven't been scientific/workstation cards for what, like 3 years? Gaming is all they're good for.

3/10 you tried.

>Vega FE rivals Kaby Lake X and Skylake X as worst launch of the year.


>It was causing system hangs running fucking Blender.
Because Steve the cuck used 2.78 with OpenCL which was bugged.
Steve stop shitposting.


Post some proof, pajeet.

>No certified drivers
It's being marketed towards game developers and other non-system-critical workstation tasks.
>perFormance in professional applications is all over the place
Looked pretty consistent to me.
>It was causing system hangs running fucking Blender.
That was a bug in Blender that was fixed.

>Ryzen 7: An i5 in Gaming

He's not wrong though.

A Ryzen 7 is literally just an i5 in gaming save for AMD sponsored games. Even then an actual i5 and i7 shits on it hard.

1/10, you're not even trying anymore.
Brian it's time to unJUST your fabs.


Come on, pajeet. You gotta back up your claims

10bit color support and fucking 2:1 FP16 are not typical gaymen features. I'd say it's "prosumer" positioning is justified.

user that's not how you shitpost. Calling someone pajeet is lame.

no, how would i get my info then ?
people always argue ,post different source ,discuss leaks
it's very practical

Why is AMD allowed to let their customers beta test their products? They did the same thing with Ryzen.

How's rasheed?

This is the fate of all i5's in games. Their low core/thread count will lead to 100% CPU usage and massive framedrops.

Maybe Ramesh?

Another one. The 1% just gets fucking rekt by the corelet threadlet i5.

I thought we settled on Rajeet?

>300-375 watt vega card
>blower fan
>less heat and noise


Ok but first you must proof of your claims

I think Bajeet is better.
I can't read: the post?
t. retard

t. Wild claims, No Proofs dood

t. retard

>W-Where are the proofs?
Shut the fuck up already, you should listen to yourself. Not even the guy you've been faggily responding to but if you haven't been paying attention to anything for the past 3 years you don't deserve having every fucking piece of GPU info spoonfed to you. Where the fuck do you think you are?

t. No proof

did they fixed the problem with HBM2 memory clock ?

>ddr4 2400mhz on ryzen

Why live