hey faggots how wuold you switch the value of 2 variables with only one operation?
i have the answer, just curious of how you reflect on problems
Hey faggots how wuold you switch the value of 2 variables with only one operation?
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Do your own homework, fag.
what a poorfag, ok i hope after this you will stop being butthole and starts talk serious.
when you have to swith to variables you have to declare a dummy variable right? wrong.
i tested this and it works and the program gains performances:
your move now...
>swith to variables
switch the value of two variables
>y == x
>x == 0
Fucking idiot.
lol what are you talkin about you learned yesterday to code
Doesn't mean shit bcuz the uC will still use 2 instructions to change its registers values
can you please try it before judging... it works.... i wanted only to spread knowledge
a = 42
b = 69
a = a^b
b = a^b
a = a^b
$ cat test.c
int main()
int x = 1, y = 2;
printf("%d %d\n", x, y);
x = -x + (y = x);
printf("%d %d\n", x, y);
$ gcc test.c
$ ./a.out
1 2
0 1
it was x=y of course at the beginnig
the most arrogant are always the most ignorant.
that kind of code is incorrect because it can over/underflow.
your code is also identical to a naive version that use temporary storage and three instructions.
you also probably have never heard of the XCHG instruction.
most languages will also first evaluate y=x and return x as the result, so that you get x = -x + x, which means that x = 0 no matter what value x and y have.
>i tested this
haha no you have not
that doesn't require additional storage but is still three instructions.
still three instructions.
x=c + (y=x)
where c is c(x,y) or c is a constant, it doesn't really matter
Unless the ISA your using has an instruction for it, you can't.
oh fuck I thought he wanted with no extra variables, welp.
i misstyped it was x=y-x(y=x)
That's undefined behaviour.
You have multiple uses of the same value (with side effects) that are sequenced relative to each other.
y=x returns 1 as the result in the only good programming language, gtfo pajeet
swap(&a, &b);
again, that is incorrect you dumb friend. What happens if y is the maximum positive integer and x is the minimum negative integer?
unsequenced, I mean.
It's the same shit as i = ++i;
at the end of the equation x as the y value and y has the x value
The program is undefined behaviour, therefore invalid.
Any and all output is meaningless.
Either some C nested assignment magic, or many languages have memswap operation.
xchg rax, rbx
i feel like you said things looking into a mirror.
pic related ahaha