My household is WINDOWS-FREE!

Five years ago, every machine in my household was running Windows, today, none of them are. When I was in HS, I installed Linux and have been using it since. Then my mom discovered an ipad and she stopped using PCs altogether. My brothers and sisters use either Linux or Macs. My father was the last holdout and he kept on using his Dell Latitude and wouldn't get rid of it. After that WannaCry bullshit and the second wave of ransomware shit, he decided to ditch Windows too. He told me that today he got a new laptop.

Oh, it feels so damn great now because I won't have to do any Winshit tech support anymore when I'm back from university!

What about your household Sup Forums? Have you ditched Windows yet? What are you doing to move your family away from that cancerous OS?


user. Make a blog. Update it with every tech support issue you've had in your home. It'd both be a good resource and some anecdotal evidence for others to do the same.

It'll probably be empty. So it's not much work either.

That's even worse. Kill yourself for being a failure of a son.

Hey newfag,
Linux is a kernel
Mac is a device

The words you're searching are GNU/Linux and macOS.

t. wintards


ps: GNU is less than 6% of any Linux distro. Go back to sucking on Stallman's dick.

>my household is botnet free
>i converted to a free as in freedom OS
>my family converted into double botnet!

What in the fuck are you doing retard?

I'm proud of you, OP! Don't let these faggots bring you down.

How so?
I'm just saying completely positive things about your success.



LOL at these bullshit images. Microsoft and Google literally make money off collecting user info. Apple doesn't. Stay poor, stay mad.


Sugoi blog

>t. mactoddler


ps: Linux is less than 6% of any GNU distro. Go back to sucking on Linus's dick.

>I won't have to do any Winshit tech support anymore
My mom is completely tech illiterate and I haven't had a single tech support situation, nor virus shit.

Maybe your family is genuinely retarded or you're retarded enough to leave them with an administrative account and autoupdating turned off.

>set up Pihole
>set up firewall on all computers in the house
>not even updated windows 7
>never had to do any sort of tech support since
You and your family are just dumb, user.


I live alone so there is no question that mine is M$ free

Recently I installed Xubuntu in my ancient PC that my dad uses. And he's okay with it. He even got used to the CLI and says it's more straight forward.

Microsoft successfully brainwashed Sup Forums, haven't they?