Which Smartphone to get?

I'm on T-Mobile in USA.

My 6P powers itself off constantly. HuaShit refuses to RMA it, I bought this trash about 5 months ago on jewddit.

No clue what to get. HTC 10 is $300ish used, LG G6 is $400ish used, S8 is around $550 used.

Not sure which to get that will last at least a year.

Thanks Sup Forumsays for the help.

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Try iPhone? Are you too poor?

>buy a used lemon off reddit
>get burned
>wish to spend five hundred and fifty fucking dollars on another used phone when you can get a new one for less than that

I Have the HTC 10 and I love it best phone I've ever owned by far. my brother has the S8 and really it isn't worth the extra money

May go with that then.

LG V20 is pretty neat though with it's removable battery.

I have a really old one plus one that I'm looking to replace with a new galaxy s7. Does anyone have rom suggestions?

I recently bought the G6. It isn't the best flagship on the market but it was the best in my budget and is really solid (I wanted something that would last me more than 3 years)
I spent like 2 weeks deciding because I couldn't afford to fuck up, almost fell for the OnePlus marketing

Team no phone! After a month you won't even regret it. Saves you $50.00 per month minimum.

Totally irrelevant to the thread

HTC 10 if you can get it for that price. It's also very easy to root and the bootloader is already unlocked.

As for 2017

Sony XZP and U11 are the only worth buying.

Shitsung lags
OP5 was a huge disappointment
G6 use last years SoC and might bootloop

Anyone saying different is just a contrarian retard
Can't believe people still buy LG

But I pay $0 for service already

XZP is $799 and no T-Mobile Band 12 or VoLTE.

It does have Band 12 though

A brand new Moto G5 Plus costs half of that and it has every feature that matters, plus a functioning LineageOS port.

Is CyanoganMod/LineageOS still 'nightly" (buggy)?

If I wanted buggy I could keep my 6P with it powering itself off like a nuisance.

LMAO Qualcomm MSM8953 Snapdragon 625
Givin' OP badadvice kevin?

Just buy a redmi note 3 for $130, flash a freedom rom then be happy for 20 years.

Where does it say that? Googlefu shows nope, only band 4. Spectrumgateway shows no sony for band 12.


I'm waiting for IFA to see if Sony's next compact is any good.

Go away poorfag

gsmarena says the premium has band 4 and they haven't lied to me yet

>buying cheap solid stuff makes you a poorfag
lemme guess too, you're an entitled mommy's man princes

There is work on b4 and then there is "work" with wifi calling VoLTE, and b12. So your answer is no unless you want more than 25% of their network features.

This is the big fallacy in the industry. Just because a phone has LTE band support, does NOT mean it has baseband firmware that can take advantage of the carriers features. If you use TMO, you really want a phone that supports TMO baseband profile. W/ TMO no b12 if no VoLTE cert because of stupid 911.

You can see the lot of Sony phones as being non-compliant meaning move on."

It's called having a job and saving money for unexpected expenses such as a mobile device?

more like your mum having a job. I guess being smart is foreign to you

If I'm stupid then you're retarded. Just take a second to check your grammar poorfag.


I had a nexus 5 back in the day, I've had a Zenfone 2 rooted and custom rom, moto x, moto Sup Forums, LG g 3, and now a galaxy s8
S8 is by far the best out of all of those, and compared to other newer phones it's the nicest I've seen. Go for it, especially for around 500, you won't regret it

Recent Xperias should support band 12. When I had tmobile I was able to connect to it on my Z5 (used LTE Discovery to check). But yeah no wifi calling or voLTE. Speeds were good though.

LOS trunk builds are literally less buggy than stock Samsung firmware.

>waah it doesn't have muh 40 gigglehurrz housefire meme soc