Just saying...
Just saying
If buying a computer that is disappointing is the biggest mistake of your life, then you've never had any real problems and likely have no life.
>t. barista socialite who uses a Mac
your waifu is trash user. she needs the nigg dick
You take that back faggot
What else do I buy faggot if I'm not poor and I want something that just works?
I ordered a thinkpad x1 carbon 5th gen on sale and it's still basically the same price as the mbp and it's been 37 days and lenovo still has not shipped the laptop, not to mention you can get a bad one and you have to rma it.
why would you buy it if you knew about the dongles
Go back to Sup Forums with your shit tier anime. Lain chan is the queen of Sup Forums.
>if spending over $2000 for a waste of a machine is the biggest mistake of your life, then you've never had any real problems
I dunno, I think dropping a couple grand on something that you realize is worthless is a pretty big problem
we're fortunate enough to live in a society where we don't have to constantly worry about survival (at least, in developed nations)
it doesn't mean that op doesn't have a life (though, the shit posting on Sup Forums certainly suggests it)
>censor the brands
>sandisk still clearly visible
i thought macfags were good at photoshop
>no display output
into the trash
mac was more disappointing than my son
>having archaic shit
usb-c is the future, man.
why ? it's basically for non tech geeks who just want stuffs that works fast without them having to understand the algorithm of computer.
you're not supposed to buy new thinkpads user. but yeah thinkpad would be a close contender to mac. X1 Carbon is more expensive than MBP though
>needing display output on the go
>not using a full dock at your main workplace
And literally every conference I've been to had a dedicated pc for the projector, there is no need to have video output if you're away from your monitor.
if there only was something like a full-featured dock for apple laptops...
>usb-c is the future, man.
If only we were living in the future.
If only they added more USB-C ports, all with Thunderbolt. Also to include an SD card slot.
>you need a "full-featured" dock for your personal computer to be usable in real life situations
it's not gonna take that long for everything to be usb-c'd
Applel is in the dongle business.
>what is hyperbole
the only thing that draws me back from converting to Apple is the supposedly expensive service/repair costs if it's broken someday. is this true ?
Not a macfag. Not good at photoshop either.
my windows phone already uses usb-c for 2 years now :^)
get with the times, you old farts
Dude I don't have 2000€ but they're supposed to be nothing, a computer like that is something you're supposed to not think about when buying. There are other things that can ruin a life, definitively not a cheap toy.
To me, I can definitively afford to waste 200€ without thinking about it and that's why I have a thinkpad, it works and if it breaks i can see it as disposable. And it doesn't.
>that bitch
I would nope out of that entire fucking city. Fuck that shit.
But it will take a while before everything I own is USB-C.
>look how crazy I can make this setup look with all these wires xD
>calling a cable a 'dongle' on a tech board
>calling an adapter a 'dongle' on a tech board
Are these YouTube thumbnail tier Plebbit jokes still funny? Are you upset that your laptop only comes with static non-futureproof ports? Enjoying that useless VGA on your consumer tier laptop? Four USB-C Thunderbolt ports, turn them into anything you want without gimped bandwidth and power delivery like shitty USB-A adapters. Have 4 10Gb Ethernet connections if you wish, in a single machine and you'l still have plenty of bandwidth left over for even more shit to plug in.
Pic related is one of the many things you can do.
>2 USB-C Thuderbolt ports (40 Gb/s) able to connect to USB-C monitor WITH power delivery
>2 HDMI ports
>4 USB 3.0 ports
>2 SD and Micro SD card slots
If you find a fault in this, you're a tech illiterate and a jealous poorfag. Real professionals need the machine to be able to do anything. You can't fit out all the ports everyone will want, its impossible. There's always tiny deal-breakers for many pros. USB-C with Thunderbolt is the only way to make everyone happy. Besides, in the near future everything will be USB-C anyway.
That looks likes shit, what the fuck?
>yfw when my laptop comes with thunderbolt
>has a better OS
>has a better processor
>has a better ssd
>has a better ram
>has a better keyboard
>has a better display
>has higher resolution
>has audio jack
>has sd card slot
>has usb-a port
>still cost less than comperable fagbook
>phone is face down because it if was face up it wouldnt sit level which would trigger the autism
Seriously all this thread is a bulshit.
OP just hates mac and wants to prove he needs more ports than any laptop has. Literally 7 usb-c to usb-a cables on OP's pictures. Who the hell wants a laptops with 7 usb-a ports.
Op is even so retarded that rest of the cables is lightning to usb'a cable(5 cables) yeah because you need to connec 5 fucking iphones at the same time sure... And 3 usb'a to microusb.
You probably took all your white usb'a cables in the house and threw them on the table to make a picture because you are an attention whore.
>>has audio jack
With integrated dac+nichion capacitors.
It's incredibly sad that an audio jack is now a selling point on laptops, but you got my attention. What you got?
What laptop?
if buying a fucking $2500 laptop is the biggest mistake some fag has done he's gotten pretty easy life so far
>t. mactoddler
Poo in the loo Rajinder.
How will mactoddlers ever recover?
you need to pixel the logo, but not the brand as text.
"Will literally justify"
As apposed to figuratively justifying? Why is everyone misusing 'literally' all of a sudden?
>all of a sudden?
It's been going on for so long that the dictionary definition was changed 2 years ago. Get with the times gramps.
>literally the pic of the dude who's uncle who works for apple buys him shit as long as he shills it on the internet.
MacBook pro 2015
>4000 canadian pesos and still throttles slower than a machine 1/4 it's price
literally can't make this shit up
>Just saying...
you're an idiot.