I want to touch Yagami-san's feminine parts.
I want to touch Yagami-san's feminine parts
Other urls found in this thread:
anime website
Not going to disagree, but Yagami-san's feminine parts are unfortunately not technology.
Or are they?
>anime website visited mainly by ameritards
my ass
fuck off, scum
Girls are disgusting tobehonest
I wonder how her eggs smell like haha
anime website
I'd develop my games inside her, if you know what I mean.
You're a lost cause
I don't disagree but threads like these don't really belong to Sup Forums if you ask me
anime website
>this thread shouldn't be here
>instead of ignoring it and letting it die or reporting it for being off topic despite it probably just being an accidental post on the wrong board, I should argue about it instead, forcing more discussion and replies which keeps this thread that shouldn't be here last even longer
middle zez
>what is sage
Lets assume your reply here used sage, mine does not. My reply would not exist without your post, the sage is negated by me and offers yet another leaf for people to branch off of and commit the same problem. This usually isn't even done out of spite, it's just how it goes. Invisible sage was a mistake but the real problem was with posters to begin with.
it isn't a 0 bump, it's a -1 bump, summer friend
girls are icky you fucking faggot
Kek. That Sup Forums butthurt
Just because that one virgin waifu virtual reality thread
That's wrong but it's irrelevant either way. Sage simply does not bump, a normal post is +1, it bumps the thread to the top of the stack, sage does not move a thread.
See: Sup Forums.org/faq#sage
Despite it not bumping the thread it still counts towards the bump limit, that may be where you got confused.
The whole point though is that more replies = more life, regardless of sage or not. Again notice how my(this) reply wouldn't exist without your post, I'm not using sage here which bumps the thread back up to the top, allowing more people to see it, and more posts give more opportunity for even more posts to stem from.
Posting in threads is what keeps them alive, regardless of the post options used. The best thing to do to kill a thread is to ignore it, if it breaks the rules, report it first.
anime website
We can make it technology.
Someone use this image and others to start machine learning in anime girls's legs.
nice thred
You can discuss anime on Sup Forums if you like anime but you don't want to associate with those shitlords from Sup Forums.
I'd like to do that as well but stop reposting everything from Sup Forums onto Sup Forums you fucking autist.
I want to impregnate Hajime and install gentoo on her computer
>nobody is posting Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums right now
>why don't you do it?
Look I'm busy, okay?
Meanwhile Sup Forums is mocking Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums
They got deleted, Sup Forums was getting rekt.
Yagami is I am gay backwards
It's actually I'm a gay