What does Sup Forums think of JetBrains software?
What does Sup Forums think of JetBrains software?
So good it's the only paid-for software I've ever actually purchased.
Can't go without it after switching
The Gogland early build is pretty good. I'll probably purchase it once it's fully released.
I want some of that jetbrains stuff
Is CLion any good?
Very good but still feels worse than Visual Studio.
AFAIK clion isn't amazing but its right up there since code blocks is a buggy pos
Only flaw is that is made in Java and you need a fucking workstation tier computer for it run decently without being a resource hog, specially if we are talking about laptops.
Other than that it is god-tier software.
I disagree. VS requires so much effort before you can actually start writing code and getting on with your work. Also VS is very slow to startup and a huge resource hog even more so that the jetbrains java stuff..
webstorm is great (js dev btw) but usually crashes when plugging in a monitor (macbook btw)
awesome for the most part.
Doesn't happen on my machine with Linux Mint
Oh that's nice fagman who gives a shit
JetBrains are damn barebones when installed and need more configuring than VS
I do prototyping more so Jupyter Notebook is more valuable to me than PyCharm.
>Jupyter Notebook
The manchild programmer's favorite tool
Why so salty mac faggot, it isn't my fault that your overpriced crap works worse than my cheap Dell with Linux I use for work.
Just pointing out your Mac is at fault and not the software.
>needing an IDE
I bet you compile Linux kernels everyday.
russian botnet
Fuck off Russophobic asshole
It's common knowledge to distrust china, russia and burgerland
Try ReSharper C++
Fucking Ameriniggers last place
Slow bloated pos
kys poo in loo
maybe if your computer is shit
use it for more that a millisecond and you'll realize it.
cis caucasian male here, mah dood.
Fucking white niggers
u jelly dumb monkey
Stop using the J word fucking faggot I'm a proud owner of OP5
You cannot even compare. Actually PyCarm has native support for Jupyter.
This. Only software I've paid for in years. The vim plugin is good enough that I basically use it all the time.
>needing a programming language
>not inputting commands directly in binary code
The font rendering alone on Linux makes it unusable.
Just use it upside down
I like it, except for the reliance on cmake.
I just use it as an editor with a fewextra functionalities instead of an IDE. I just have a regular Makefile + valgrind/gdb for my C/C++ projects. I love Clion as an editor though.
But Sup Forums told me Loonix has good kerning?????
OS X is the only OS that has acceptable font rendering and that's because they pay typographers and don't have to rely on fat balding neckbeards that wear cargo pants to work for free.
I'm masturbating while I type this comment
freetype is pretty good. But there are a lot software that can be properly configured to use it. For example chrome and all java based applications.
Haha nice meme my friend!
Even if I liked your ridiculous Mac fonts I could easily set them up, but no thanks.
Is not even about free software, otherwise I would not be using stuff from JetBrains, it's just that Mac is plain and simply shit.
PyCharm is a dream. I pay for all of the jetbrains programs and use them depending on the project I'm working on
Its just a proprietary Eclipse, its implemented in Java so of course its slow
but it's faster than eclipse and has less bloat...
>VS requires so much effort before you can actually start writing code
>very slow
>huge resource hog
Oh my goodness yes.
However I think it's worth it for the amount of quality and features you get in it.
Eclipse is awful though
VS is only slow if your computer is shit. On a quality computer it's almost instant and runs like a dream.
I know, thats what Im saying
but jetbrains stuff is good
its might be if it wasnt programmed in Java
>tfw all of the cleartype and ttf bytecode patents are now 100% free to use
you're just too stupid to use freetype.
None of the Linux implementations are anywhere near as good as the OS X implementation.
>[citation needed]
See every Linux screenshot / installation known to man.
Badly configured Arch/Gentoo install doesn't represent properly the overall font rendering on Linux, for example Ubuntu's font rendering is miles better than OSX in standard DPI screens, I haven't used hi-DPI screens to see how they compare there but I think Apple lacks in that field too.
> Ubuntu's font rendering is miles better than OSX in standard DPI screens
No. Ubuntu's look better than most Linux distributions but are horribly blurry and are very inaccurate to the font being displayed. This isn't objective and the opinion of NEETs doesn't matter. Typographers unanimously agree.
>Typographers unanimously agree.
I would like a source on that other than your ass.
The most hyped IDE I've used, slow as fuck to start, the options are nothing from another world and it has a very anoying marketing team the creates threads like thus ones, so fuck them.
factually incorrect
most of them were built with limited feature sets due to retarded, and likely invalid, software patents.
freetype has had code for many patented features for some time and the only way to get them was to get some infinality-based build or configure and build it yourself.
and those same people are probably wowed by hidpi and never tried plugging their magical mac to an actual fucking 100DPI screen and seeing how fucking gross and bold the hinting looks at that DPI.
Mac's fucking font raster is shit as fuck and radically inferior to freetype on screen resolutions that aren't 200+
and even shitty ass raster's like M$'s look ok on 200+.
>to get them was to get some infinality-based build or configure and build it yourself
I've built infinality directly from the git repository, tried all the options and built freetype directly from its git repository. Even now that most of the patents have expired, Linux font rendering is still years behind. It's even worse because most Linux user interface libraries can't handle non-integer based scaling.
I'll take the world of every typographer/designer in the world over some NEET.
It's no use user, I asked that mactoddler to provide source on his claim of almost divine font rendering in OSX, so far he hasn't delivered, as far as I can tell he is just rationalizing the fact than his overpriced toy can't handle Jetbrain software properly
And here he goes again, I asked about a source on that claim, so far nothing to prove your claim.
>Its just a proprietary Eclipse
no it's not you ignorant nasty cunt
This. If you don't run the 64 bit executable, and manually edit the configs to use like 4gb of ram, it runs like shit. However, that piece of software makes me 200k/yr, so I'm happy as a clam to pay whatever I have to to use it.
>slow as fuck to start
only because your PC is dog shit
The fonts in Intellij IDEA look great on OS X. Linux is the only operating system where Jetbrains needs to patch the fonts. Even with the patched fonts the Linux forums are still overflowing with complaints about poor font rendering.
Let them be jelly.
t.OP5 owner who doesn't even about ricey crap like smooth scrolling
I thought it was a proprietary IntelliJ IDEA?
I want to find the person who made up that low-contrast design meme and do the Zetas cartel treatment on them.
I asked about your claim about typographers, not about Jetbrain's patches, then again their software runs and looks great on Ubuntu and other distros with good font rendering OOTB.
Seems like you are trying to change the goalpost after finding no source on your previous claim. is that correct?
I'm not about to go find a source for a claim that is generally considered common knowledge. This comes up every single time you freetards ask typographers and designers why they don't use Linux and you ignore them.
Feel free to use Google or ask any typographer. There are zero respected typographers or designers using Linux. That should be a good hint.
very good, but very expensive
>common knowledge
>burden of proof is on others
What a nice bunch of non-arguments and conjectures you've got there.
If you fail to provide a good argument and sources that validate your claim don't blame it on others.
Pathetic really.
Does it's job well and works with a bunch of languages. Git integration is done well and I enjoy the ability to have a commit and push button.
It's not that expensive. One time fee of $99 and you get updates for a year and can use it forever.
After reading this thread I decided to get it even though I don't do programming. I'm a student right now so
b-but if you are a student you can't use if for commercial purposes. It's not like they watermark anything if you are on a student license but you are a good guy, right?
I didn't know that. Commercial purposes are what exactly?
I barely know anything (doing mechanical engineering desu) just learning Android for now and Python later so just got it and will try it out later
I use it on my Macbook with a M-5Y31 CPU.... it runs just fine.
Used to run IDEA on a dual core Pentium M with 512MB RAM for three years. Literally no idea what you're talking about.
Any desktop app written in Java is dog shit performance wise. The features are great otherwise.
The fact that most android apps are made in Java makes it more obvious
ITT: JetBrains shills
Would be pretty good if it wasn't slow as fuck.
we use webstorm
productivity +50% over some subline or VSCode editors
Webstorms the best
>I make up facts as I go
I deposited 2 shekels to your wallet, Javed
It's perfect, i can't even imagine using visual studio without resharper.
It's so good i even wen't through that incredibly tedious process of cracking that new resharper version which requires you turn run your own cracked licensing server
Sergey pls go
btw these are the people you are paying with your money
pic related
more edgy pictures
It depends, if you use IntelliJ with loads of shit then yes it hogs like crazy. I usually use PHPStorm and PyCharm though, and those two only hog a bit during startup, which is mostly HDD activity anyway.
The only thing I hate is PHPStorm not having a free community version like PyCharm has. It makes no sense.
>I have never seen openSUSE - the post
They get compiled to native machine code on the device these days.
>can't find System→Appearance→Fonts→Rendering→Details and turn on full hinting and subpixel smoothing with the correct subpixel order
they look like friendly ruskies desu. I think I would enjoy working with them
both bitwig and intellij run fine on my 2011 potato laptop
hah, I went to school with that guy
he's a pretty chill dude
Good, but expensive.