OpenSUSE --> best KDE implementation

OpenSUSE --> best KDE implementation
Fedora --> best Gnome implementation
Xubuntu --> best Xfce implementation

amirite, guise?

Manjaro's Xfce is pretty good.
Too bad it's Manjaro.

Manjaro's KDE ain't to bad, either,

Manjaro is good with shipping all out of the box des imo

i think that is honestly 90% of the reason people even use it over Arch.

who cares about default, beside the winbabbies i mean.
also remember when you had to change system time to get their ISO from their site?

Look at this classy tech bitch

Yes, they all look great, even the community editions like Manjaro i3 and Manjaro Cinnamon are beautiful and comfy ootb. Too bad Manjaro is always holding back packages, which seems pretty ridiculous. No need for that kind of caution, really. Besides some minor problems (fixed in

>who cares about default, beside the winbabbies i mean.
Loonix fags apparently, judging from this thread.

Love KDE, but just ditched OpenSUSE to go back to Manjaro. OpenSUSE just hits me as way more amateur with KDE than Manjaro, which I had used for months before the experiment with OpenSUSE.


Memes aside, which alternatives are there for Cinnamon if you do not like Mint? Is it good with Arch?


>OpenSUSE just hits me as way more amateur
That is a ridiculous thing to say.
By definition OpenSUSE is a professional distro and Manjaro is not.

Any desktop environment can be installed on any distro and look exactly the same.

if you want good kde, you should try chakra.
It is bit less noob friendly, but I found it to be better than manjaro.
And obviously kde neon

I'm just saying how their implementation of KDE worked for me compared to KDE. Hell, KDE Neon is better than OpenSUSE's, and that is as amateur as it gets.

>Any desktop environment can be installed on any distro and look exactly the same.

Yes, it can, but hell no! It will not look or feel the same. E.g.even if you installed KDE on let's say Ubuntu it will not be as stable or well implemented as in OpenSUSE or Neon. Remember how a few years ago I insralled Gnome on Ubuntu and it caused a big headache. Even Ubuntu Gnome does not compare to a Fedora Gnome experience...

That does not make sense.
All Manjaro does is provide a nice looking theme for KDE.

OpenSUSE does more then that eg. the file picker in Firefox.

But aside from these settings they are functional identically and in a few minutes you can tweak them to be the other.

KDE is not implemented it is software which is used, there can be no functional differences between KDE on Manjaro or OpenSUSE.

Bullshit. Aside from configurations all DEs will be exactly the same on all distros.

>if you installed KDE on let's say Ubuntu it will not be as stable or well implemented as in OpenSUSE or Neon.
Aside from configuration there can be no differences between DEs running in different distributions.

I have used many DEs on a variety of distros and not once has there been a difference in functionality.

>Even Ubuntu Gnome does not compare to a Fedora Gnome experience
I have used both. Tell me even one difference that is NOT the result of configurations or additional software.

winbabbies you mean

>I have used many DEs on a variety of distros and not once has there been a difference in functionality.
Just install , get from package manager and configure it by yourself.
Suddenly you have `s best implementation.

Manjaro i3 community edition is literally the best out of the box i have ever seen. Too bad it died for me last week. I updated.

these people are scared of non-ootb configurations. instead of getting a netinstall and making it their own, they just stay with what is on the image.

I wish netinstalls came with a utility for drivers and stuff. That's the part that always gets me.


> (OP)

Unfortunately, I have no idea, I wish I knew. The Racunari cover girls were goat, and seeing some romanian semon demon drool over Windows 3.1 or the latest 486 laptop makes me insta-jizz...

You're right. Of course, I meant ootb implementation. With the proper amount of time/knowledge/autism you can make any distro into whatever you want it to be.

The magazine in the OP was Yugo, though. T. Slav who can recognize Serbo-Croat.

>best Gnome
It literally crashed 1 second after installation.

Best XFCE implementation is of course ZorinOS

Ah, did not know that. I have always loved its trashy yet somehow artistic covers. Basically Playboy for autists, the dude who took these cover pictures must have loved his job.

>Xubuntu --> best Xfce implementation


Which do you like better?

Nice Yugoslavian magazines.

and crunchbang is best openbox implementation :^)

you forgot
Ubuntu MATE -> best MATE implementation

> (OP)
>and crunchbang is best openbox implementation :^)

Agreed. Bunsenlabs did a great job!

> (OP)
>you forgot
>Ubuntu MATE -> best MATE implementation

It looks awesome. Mint Mate, too.

they still use systemd so who cares