Fuck am I doing wrong?

fuck am I doing wrong?
I is r3tard3d?

Other urls found in this thread:


your retarded for using codecademy

underage b&

brian = "Hello life!"


Yes Brian, you are retarded.

ahhh, thank you sir. I thought I had to first indicate the name as a variable as in "name" but I can use the name straight away, I see. Thanks

I'm BRAND new to coding, but I love it. It's very fun

I'm 26, but you gotta start somewhere. I'm a graphic designer but now I want to code.

brian = 'Hello life!'

Thanks OP for boosting my confidence
But seriously get tested you IQ is dangerously low


>redditspacer is retarded
Who'd have thought?

please kindly do the needful


>I'm BRAND new to coding
Then drop codecademy immediately. Go read "Python The Hard Way" or better yet just start reading K&R 2nd Ed, it's pretty intuitive.

What do you recommend for Java or cpp?

Try assigning "brian" instead of "Brian"

>"Python The Hard Way"
That's shit and literally just print statements.
Read automatetheboringstuff.com instead.
An Indian

>Python The Hard Way
>le zed shaw

lol no

Monty Python teaches Python was a missed opportunity.

>Coding academy
just get a good programming book and install a compiler.
For fuck fake don't call it coding.

brian = "Hello life!"

brian is your variable

Brian is a faggot

>using a compiled language to learn programming


it's a bait thread you dumb fucks

Agreed, automate the boring stuff is great.

I love old lectures like this.

Have a look: youtube.com/watch?v=hE7l6Adoiiw
This guy is pretty bloody good.

Is that koding with Klossy? I love Klossy ;D!

Are you retard?

Pajeet detected.

C is a great way to start

top fucking kek spotted the future C++ progrommer
give up, you are not going to make it

no it isn't.

C is a good way to confound computer science with hardware design

Well whatever, I don't use Python, I just know codecademy is even worse.

Java to get the hang of basics, then C++. C++ has too much feature-creep and unusual combinations of design practices to be a good starter language.

So what language would you recommend to freshmeat?

You cannot go wrong with Python. Ignore idiots who say otherwise.

Python The Hard Way is absolute garbage, and Zed Shaw has on multiple occasions demonstrated that he's an idiot. CodeAcademy is kind of shit too I suppose.
Read Think Python if you want a book on Python.


>Well whatever, I don't use Python,

Then why were you presumptuous enough to recommend learning material for it?

>So what language would you recommend to freshmeat?

freshmeat first step = SICP

then you can start on this list


Give 1 good reason why this is bad

>Well whatever, I don't use Python, I just know codecademy is even worse.
Worse than Zed "Python 3 is not Turing Complete" Shaw?

>do something
>see what it does


>do something
>see what it does

you tell me

So, because you need to wait 0.00004 seconds before you can run your first programs it's not worth it?

Fuck the future when you going to make some more complex programs and bug catching becomes easy, because lol that 0.0004 seconds for that hello world really turned you off.

Yes that's a pretty good first step.


>So, because you need to wait 0.00004 seconds before you can run your first programs it's not worth it?

come up with a realistic number then we can talk

>Fuck the future
>hurr if i use tool x now i must use it forever

fuck off brainlet

>I'm a graphic designer but now I want to code.

Here is the great irony of the whole reddit-spacing thing. It's actually Sup Forums spacing. It predates reddit and was used on Sup Forums first. You guys are literally too young to actually know this and the userbase has grown quite rapidly during your time, enough to drown out old memes. Your generation is not actually conscious. You are entirely unaware of the real history because you were not there for it, so you look to Reddit, which actually inherited it from Sup Forums, and you confuse where it came from with where you are seeing it now.

It would be like going to America, eating spaghetti, going to Italy, eating spaghetti, and then saying "lul American cuisine". You are all confused children and just do not really know what you are talking about or even understand where things come from.

But the spacing itself was born from Sup Forums, largely because of how poorly walls of text display and because it was easier to read that way. If you doubt this, just take a look at the Stanford Sup Forums archives from 2008. purl.stanford.edu/tf565pz4260

While yes, Reddit existed in 2006, but no one from that time period would have used it. Meanwhile, Sup Forums had existed for several years at that point and the spacing convention had already been adopted. You guys were just not there, I was. I can prove this if I go through that archive, find my old tripcode, and show that spacing convention in use even then.
