Is anyone else considering/has sold their relatively new gpu to minefags and then going to buy a much better one when the price crashes?
Is anyone else considering/has sold their relatively new gpu to minefags and then going to buy a much better one when...
It's going to the moon, baby.
i need my GPU
tough call as my card doubled in price. I actually have a stockpile of old shitty computers that might have some GPUs that cryptofags want
ETH is gonna crash eventually retard
>tfw 1080 and miners don't want it
Stay salty nocoiner
If I sell mine them im gonna use the igpu on my desktop and play my shitty steam games on my laptop in the meantime.
You should get out before its too late
>ordered 1070 for £311 a few days ago
>just saw that i could sell the 1060 i bought a year ago for ~£285 when i paid £240 in the first place
I'm torn whether to sell now because the 1070 stock doesn't come in until at least the 22nd. I'd have to use either the HD _3000_ or a possibly faulty 570 in the meantime.
the price should still be inflated because of gamers that want a 1070 will demand 1080s
I sold a 8gb 480 for $275 then bought a "bricked 4gb" for $75. I'm using that one now.
>bought a bunch of 480s to build a mining rig a few months ago
>tax rebate was slow so I couldn't buy other parts yet
>pissed off at missing out on mining time with aging cards
>end up reselling the 480s for more than triple what I paid to another miner
Well I sold my RX 480 and got a 1080 new for $400 30 minutes later.
To the moon alright! Just look at this graph!
how did this shit get so big yet other crap like litecoin or doge never made it?
how much would a miner pay for a R9 Nano??
bitcoin didn't
I blame the hebrews
not sure but looking at sold listings on ebay they were selling for about £220 and now are selling at £320 ish I think due to gamer demand rather than miner demand. Its a Fury card though so it should work even though i couldn't get it to mine eth.
Also some reddit retards buy older cards thinking they are getting into mining and then realise the card is incompatible.
I had two 480s and sold them both for $475 each then bought a 1080 Ti.
Damn, a whole week and a bit without being able to play your childrens' games at MEGA SUPER EXTREME settings? That'd be torture, user.
>tfw minetards are getting clever in my city and ask for rx4xx/gtx9xx or newer because of power consumption.
I could have sold my in warranty 290x 8gb for 350$ or more but noooooo , all 290xs are going for 240 or even less now.
bitcoin is not mined with gpu's
Still a lot more than they were going for before or will be after the mining craze. I sold my 290X for $255 to some Mexican girl and was happy enough, considering they were going for half that a few months ago.
I seem to remember high demand for AMD only gpus back in the day due to bitcoin. But they were rendered obsolete after asic con artists and chinks stepped in.
yeah but the thing is i am eastern europoor. before the craze normal 290s were going for about 200. now they go for 230-240 depending on the card and rx480s go for 350 (used in warranty) when they cost 360-400 new.
It used to be before ASIC miners came out. The same cycle that's happening now happened with bitcoin. Its only getting confusing as people are mining ETH but getting paid out (trading it) to BTC.
I have a 290x 8gb in warranty for another year and a half. bought it last December and it was among the last 290xs sold in my country.
What gpu do you thing I'll get if I fry it and ask for a replacement currently with all the gpu shortage shit going on?
>people are mining ETH but getting paid out (trading it) to BTC.
so people are actually scared of an eventual ETH crash (even though in public they deny it) and would rather wait and try luck with BTC instead of cashing out completely?